| TOPIC: Alternatives?
Practical off-the-shelf products for Alternative Energy, Independent Power, or Home Power such as hydroelectric or wind generated electricity and storage
batteries are available. There are a few simple Basics and Components to keep in mind. Thermo-Electric power generation is affordable, and Nuclear Plants
available. A method of generating electricity from the Earth's Motion has been patented, and a Flywheel may work. Heat from Waste Water can power
appliances, and from Geothermal can distill water. The jury is still out on Fuel Cells, and Portable Generators are under development. Fuel from Algae Hydrogen
production is possible, though Hydrogen is dangerous. Robots can run on meat and even Electric Eels and Photosynthesis have potential, as do ElectroMagnetic
generation and Magnets. Energy that is Sustainable is the key. The DOE has multiple tips and links, as do Jade Mountain, Home Power, and the Alt Energy
Store. Mr. Solar's advice on simple energy solutions such as the Pelton Wheel are documented among his articles on Hydroelectric Generation. Check his online
Catalog of solutions.