| TOPIC: Seeds
Preserve the germinating capacity of seed. Humidity and temperature are Factors, as Pocket advice shows. Pollination can be by Self Pollination or
Cross Pollination, and Unwanted Crossing can be prevented by Isolation, Alternate Planting, Caging, or Hand Pollinating the Flowers. Culling, or
Roguing eliminates poor genetics. Seeds often need a Resting period before they will germinate, and some biennial root plants such as the Potatoe
can also be propagated by Cuttings. Harvesting is best done when the seed is Ripe or Dry, and some need more Time on the Vine. Tips on saving
seed, reducing Diseases, and a Starting Mix are available. Hybrid seed is not likely to produce viable seed and is Genetically Altered to prevent
reproduction by Mega Merger companies seeking high profits, a trend temporarily Halted. Seed for sustainable gardens needs to be from the old,
reproducible strains, with the Parent Plant selected from the best. The Arc Institute offers a Survival Seed Package and Geri explains how to Save
Seed, and how the Terminator Gene in hybrid seeds is a threat. Seeds Blum, J.L. Hudson, and Heirloom offer non-hybrid seeds, as do many other
Sources. A Troubled Time TEAM has been formed to grow and pass along non-hybrid seed. For beginners, there is advice on Saving Seed,
Pollinating, Types of Seed, Harvesting Seeds, Storing Seed, Testing Seeds.