| TOPIC: Colloidal Silver
Per reports by Dr. Dellyn Hansen and Steve LaFontaine, colloidal silver is non-toxic to humans but prevents single cell
organisms such as those causing Gangrene from growing. Laboratory Results show it has Antiseptic qualities when
applied externally or taken internally. Friendly Flora may be temporarily affected. Colloidal silver is making a Comeback
as a self-help medicine and method for Purifying Water available to the common man, but don't mix with Chlorine.
Warnings about Turning Blue are appropriate for additives but do not apply to pure colloidal silver. The Herx Effect is
normal. A dedicated Troubled Times member explains the Theory behind making colloidal silver and the Brownian
Movement and how to make using Ionized Water, Merlin's Magic, a Generator, and Parts & Supplies to create a Box
Construction. Then Production, monitoring Quality Control, adjusting Density, concerns over proper Storage, and
comparison to Commercial colloidal silver, and Usage can begin! Another reports that a generator can be made from
Spare Parts. Particle size can affect Color and Effectiveness.