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Session Start: Sat Jun 01 16:44:20 2002
(JJ) I agrre we still have no proof
(NancyL) Hi folks, am going to post the early notice of the Agenda.
(Torbj) And you didnt have to reconfigure your kitchen or carwatch??
(Cmel) Torbj: I have no atomic clock ... so I cannot tell the diference
(NancyL) 1. Finally, if you kindly could ask the Zetas about homeopathic remedies and how these potencied (highly thinned) remedies works
(physically, emotionally and mentally) on the organism (there are good results from treatment on humans and animals), that would be great.
(Redeye) Torbj : your point being ?
(NancyL) And the person who requested this provided the following explanation of homeopathy:
(NancyL) The word Homeopathy is put together from the two words "homios" meaning similar, and "pathos" meaning suffering/disease. The main
principle in homeopathy is "Similia similibus currentur" . This means that things that can produce symptoms can also cure them. An example is that
when you are cutting onion in your kitchen, your nose are running, tears are running, and your eyes are smarting. These symptoms are very similar to
the symptoms related to allergy, and we often use red onion as a homeopathic remedy in allergy patients.
(Jenkins3d) Torbj: if anyone is changing the time like the Zetas say they are it would not be noticable on a regular clock
(Torbj) Red...the stupid try to cover up the rotation slowing
(Okidok) Nancy are u a homeopath??
(NancyL) No, to Okidok.
(NancyL) 1. There are reports that solar flares are anonymous to a scale unseen in history.
(Redeye) indeedy...and the rest, everyday occurance with alot of things
(Willshell) Okidok I have neaver heard her claim to be
(NancyL) The following was provided by the person who requested this be on the Agenda:
(NancyL) The following is a quote from an interpretation of NASA data: " This represents the most anomalous period of solar behavior ever
witnessed by modern man, with the previous 11-year solar cycles seemingly gone and the new cycles - if there are ones - being unclear or perhaps
not established as of yet. We can expect an energizing effect on storm systems, enhanced seismic and volcanic potential, enhanced electrical arcing
and malfunction potential, possible satellite and electrical grid malfunctions, and high potential for anomalous animal and human behavior patterns."
(NancyL) 1.If consciousness and what we sense - matter - go together, then is there something which stands in back of both, and to which matter
and consciousness exist as phenomena, a mere function of that which lies behind?
(NancyL) 2. Matter behaves as if it had consciousness, a sense of its surroundings and a desire to escape from or remain in a certain conflux of
circumstances. How much consciousness does matter have, and how materially connected is our consciousness?
(NancyL) That's it.
(HBO) Nancy: if you posted the explanation of homeopathy, it did not come through on my screen
(NancyL) Is Grimbot a person or a bot?
(Willshell) HBO she hasn't
(NancyL) HBO, someone told me large posts get inhibited. I'll try breaking the in two pieces ..
(Willshell) Looks like a person Nancy
(NancyL) Piece 1: The word Homeopathy is put together from the two words "homios" meaning similar, and "pathos" meaning suffering/disease.
The main principle in homeopathy is "Similia similibus currentur" . This means that things that can produce symptoms can also cure them.
(NancyL) Piece 2: An example is that when you are cutting onion in your kitchen, your nose are running, tears are running, and your eyes are
smarting. These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms related to allergy, and we often use red onion as a homeopathic remedy in allergy
(NancyL) HBO, did you get piece 1 and 2?
(HBO) Yes, thx
(AGreenspan) "Scale unseen in history"?..Exactly how long has flares been viewed to post such suggestion?
(NancyL) OK, I'll also repost the NASA quote, then, in pieces.
(NancyL) Piece 1: The following is a quote from an interpretation of NASA data: " This represents the most anomalous period of solar behavior
ever witnessed by modern man, with the previous 11-year solar cycles seemingly gone and the new cycles - if there are ones - being unclear or
perhaps not established as of yet.
(NancyL) Piece 2: We can expect an energizing effect on storm systems, enhanced seismic and volcanic potential, enhanced electrical arcing and
malfunction potential, possible satellite and electrical grid malfunctions, and high potential for anomalous animal and human behavior patterns."
(NancyL) AGreen, yes, this is a distraction/disinfo device. I posted long on sci.astro about this.
(NancyL) Basically, the Sun was SURMISED to have a long/big "cycle" this time around, per NASA and the Navy, so it could be used as an
excuse for PX symptoms here.
(AGreenspan) Good. We're on the same wavelength then.
(HBO) How convenient
(Loitus) What will be the first, most obvious, syptom of PX?
(NancyL) Someone, Charles Cagle, who is considered "odd", posted that if we have a solar reversal affecting Earth or some such 2/3 of humanity
will die :-)
(NancyL) This is to dull the awareness of PX inbound, no looking for it, as it is, you know, the SUN's fault.
(Okidok) They have found a large scale of water on Mars
(Cmel) Looking the wrong way
(Cmel) ;-(
(NancyL) Also, pointing to the Sun for pole shifts (yes, Charles said it would cause a pole shift, but he meant only magnetic) and high dieoff
(unexplained causes) is one disinfo/distraction thing I noted this week.
(Cmel) k
(NancyL) The other was that Omni mag had a feature April/May on Planet X. Is this about PX? NO! It's about SETI a the search throughout the
Universe for intelligent life and lifebearing planets!
(NancyL) So people will hear "pole shift and big die-off" and they will say "oh, the Sun thing, but that went away".
(Torbj) Really...no one in here had to set their watches for a couple of minutes this past weeks?+
(Loitus) Not really
(NancyL) So people will hear "Planet X" and they will say "oh, SETI, yes".
(Cmel) Did you torbj ???
(Torbj) yes!
(Cmel) How much
(Loitus) Maybe your watch is broken?
(Torbj) 3 min this past weeks!
(NancyL) Also, I think 2001 PM9 or some such Near Earth Object passage is being called by Hazelwood or some such "Planet X", as it is
supposed to pass in April/May 2003.
(Cmel) Ok ... that was much
(Zetapal) I thought Omni mag was out of publication.
(NancyL) This is to confuse the little guy, on the street, so they don't take the warning seriously and do NOT understand what the ZetaTalk
message truly IS.
(NancyL) Nice guys out there, no?
(Redeye) Disinfo makes my blood boil
(Cmel) What does your clock say ???
(HBO) No surprise, Nancy
(Zetapal) "tick tick"
(Cmel) Mine says 23:50
(NancyL) Zetapal, I got this from Omni www.
(Cmel) 23:50
(Cmel) 23:51
(Torbj) All my clocks "offline" is all "slowing down"... and my friends also...
(Zetapal) I see
(NancyL) Oh, before we start, I have one more update for the crowd. This is already a link off my web site, in Hazlewood $$ link.
(Loitus) Digital clocks?
(Cmel) Hey Torbj .... I'm your friend
(Jenkins3d) Torbj: Your not making sense, read what zetatalk says and if any of this is actually happning it would only be a second or so.
(NancyL) Hazelwood posted, on his mailing lists or wherever, that a Boston doctor reported Px Confirmed, 100%!! and the like.
(NancyL) This Boston doctor supposedly was invited to an observatory sighting session where "several government officials" were also.
(Cmel) But jenkins is right
(Willshell) Wow
(Torbj) Ok...all my clocks are malfunctioning....
(Okidok) Nancy every conspiracy theories claims that they know, but they are hiding evidence, why are this theory so much house trained
(Cmel) Hehe
(NancyL) They reportedly told this doctor that PX was real, was going to pass in June or July 2003, was going to cause problems by breezing
along asteroids from the asteroid belt onto Earth.
(Willshell) Interesting.
(NancyL) Now, for the govmt to admit that Px exists is NOT HAPPENING, and to name a date is NOT HAPPENING, and besides (here's the
big laugh)
(Redeye) Annoying
(Cmel) Hey Torbj .... I'm your friend ......
(Tizza) Everybody see the article on inteligent life found on Mars?
(NancyL) Px is IN THE SUN, i.e. is not visible at all above the horizon for either the north or south hemisphere until last June for southern hem, and
mid July for northern hem.
(Cmel) Nope
(Loitus) Hmm
(Torbj) I'm yours!!
(Cmel) k
(NancyL) Now, this was brought to the attention of the Hazlewood crowd, his gate-mistress Di who runs his site, and her statement was that the
collective consciousness allows people to see Px (?)
(NancyL) And also, that they used filters. Try to see STARS when you stare at the SUN! Much less Px which is dim and diffuse and NOT a star
and small.
(Cmel) Don't mind that
(NancyL) So, he passes through garbage, or more likely makes it all up, and they are a laughing stock.
(Cmel) First time, Swb?
(SWB) No I have been here lots of times.
(Cmel) k
(NancyL) But Art Bell has found a new "source" for the ZetaTalk material, Dames, the Remote Viewer, who now states that 2003 and Px are real.
(Zetapal) Torbj I've been keeping two digital clocks running without reset since November and one is now 24 min fast , the other is 52 min fast, So
, you see,they are not accurate, and their error far exceeds the interval of earth slowing that zetatalk refers to at this time.
(Redeye) Sigh
(Cmel) Me not
(Kirk) I see, any source but zetatalk
(Willshell) Ya we were just talking about Ed
(NancyL) That's until Dames CIA handlers decide to make this go away. Hazlewood by the way is tryng to make it "go away" by claiming it will
come weeks/months late, or maybe years later than the May 15, 2003 date.
(NancyL) This is to help folks? Someone is pulling his string, trying to keep the little guy off the highways until the elite have gotten away, etc.
(NancyL) Nice guy, once again, Hazlewood.
(Loitus) He's claiming that anyone who says that he says it's coming any other time but May is part of the disinfo crew...
(Cmel) You cannot make an experiment with clocks that are below, standard
(HBO) Looks like they are providing cannon fodder for later
(Tizza) http://www.rense.com/general25/filers53002.htm
(NancyL) Loitus, and since Hazlewood has a prediction trackrecord, we can trust HIM, right? Also,his Boston sightings when Orion is in the Sun
should cause any thinking person to dump Hazlewood.
(Redeye) Food for the sheep who dont open their eyes
(Torbj) Ok pal...but just this last weeks have to pay attention to this phenomena due to the fact that I listnen to the radionews that always come on
the "hour"... this has never happend before... slowing down on ALL my offline clocks...
(Tizza) The first piece of this article I found interesting.....
(Loitus) Nancy: In his last post to his yahoo group, he completely says the opposite of what you erroneously just posted.
(Cmel) k
(Cmel) Torbj you have atomic clocks ?
(NancyL) HBO, yes, that was my thought. They are trying to keep the little guy in the cities, and then will hold guns on them to KEEP them there so
they die off quickly. VERY bad feeling about this latest Hazlewood disinfo. He was setup to be a disinfo source from the start, in any case.
(Torbj) No,cmel...
(Loitus) He says that someone has been posting under his name, that is part of the disinfo crew, and he posted his full beliefs of what is going on,
and that his opinions will never change.. and if anything is posted that says the opposite then it wasn't posted by him.
(Domicile) Did anyone see the Senate is eagerly looking for a safe area in the Midwest.
(NancyL) Loitus :-) But this posting was on HIS mailing list, supported by HIS gatemistress, DI! So I did not erroneously report this, these are HIS
(Zetapal) Torbj - did you say your clocks are getting SLOWER? NO NO if the Earth is slowing, Clocks would appear to be FASTER, say Torbj
you're not too smart are you?
(Petals) Morning all.
(Loitus) So, I do believe Nancy to be out of the loop and you have been fooled by the disinfo crew yourself..
(Cmel) Then why do you think that you know that time is slowing down
(Jenkins3d) Lol..that was mean
(RedD) Hey Petals
(NancyL) Loitus, then DI was also confused, and reports that she also talked to this Boston Doctor.
(Torbj) Maybe not...
(Cmel) I'm your friend .... but I try to find the truth
(NancyL) Domicile, Kokomo Indiana will not take them too? Bush wants to disband any but the Executive (read NWO) arm of the US
(Loitus) Hazlewood, right now, says he's pretty much being completely attacked by the disinfo crew which means anything with him, right now, has
to be taken with a grain of salt.
(Tizza) Nancy: I thought the habitants of PX drained mars of water... now they're claiming they have found vast amounts of water just under the
surface.. or is this just excuse to keep up the funding for Mars missions?
(NancyL) Tizza, it means ZT was right, once again!
(NancyL) Tizza, they won't get there, just hope to, etc.
(NancyL) OK, it's the hour, and I'm starting.
(Loitus) Hmm
(NancyL) 1. Finally, if you kindly could ask the Zetas about homeopathic remedies and how these potencied (highly thinned) remedies works
(physically, emotionally and mentally) on the organism (there are good results from treatment on humans and animals), that would be great.
(Cmel) Ppl shut up
(Jeremy) tizza: The Anunnaki drained their dirty waste water underground, which froze. This latest discovery by the Mars Odyssey craft appears to
confirm ZT
(NancyL) ZT: Homeopathy, the concept that physical reactions to disease AND the cure have some relationship both has and does not have a valid
(NancyL) ZT: It has long been known that cancer is sometimes cured by a high fever, such as ChickenPox infection.
(Loitus) Has it?
(Loitus) News to me
(Cmel) Shut up Loitus
(NancyL) ZT: This is the immune system being spiked, along with a desire on the part of the patient to live, such that the immune system is no longer
suppressed due to depression and a silent desire to end the life.
(Orion) Loitus is this week's trouble maker
(Tizza) Ah yes ok thanks Jeremy
(Loitus) ok, I didn't know I was to be silent sorry...
(Cmel) k
(NancyL) ZT: Here we have cancer causing weakness and fever, due to secondary infections and lack of appetite, and we have the Chicken Pox
causing the same symptoms, thus the homeopathy concept applied.
(NancyL) ZT: Allergy is at times treated by desensitizing the patient, giving them small bits of the allergen until the reaction seems to stop.
(NancyL) Is this curing the allergy or managing it, or taking advantage of a natural reaction?
(NancyL) ZT: In fact, allergy patients will often report that if exposed for long times, years, their allergy reactions reduce.
(Rhinyboy) Hello
(Cmel) Whois /Nancy
(NancyL) ZT: Worse at first, later reducing, as the body sorts out the true onslought to the immune system over time.
(Cmel) Whops
(Cmel) Heh eheh
(NancyL) ZT: So is desensitization, CREATING more of the same symptoms as the disease, a cure, or a manipulation of the body's natural
(NancyL) ZT: Homeopathy, is primarily a HOPE, and like VooDoo and the placebo effect, where the WILL or HOPE effect the cure hoped for, is
not factual in the main.
(NancyL) ZT: Those living in countries where homeopathy is unknown, fare as well or as poorly as those in countries where this is a theory
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
(Loitus) ?
(Rhinyboy) Sup ace
(Cmel) Lets put it in latin ...
(Rhinyboy) Sorry
(Cmel) ?
(NancyL) Q2:
(NancyL) 1. There are reports that solar flares are anonymous to a scale unseen in history.
(NancyL) This was accompanied by a NASA quote, as follows (I'm assuming this is in fact a NASA quote, or a summary of the quote)
(NancyL) The following is a quote from an interpretation of NASA data: " This represents the most anomalous period of solar behavior ever
witnessed by modern man, with the previous 11-year solar cycles seemingly gone and the new cycles - if there are ones - being unclear or perhaps
not established as of yet.
(NancyL) We can expect an energizing effect on storm systems, enhanced seismic and volcanic potential, enhanced electrical arcing and malfunction
potential, possible satellite and electrical grid malfunctions, and high potential for anomalous animal and human behavior patterns."
(Cmel) Bitchin
(NancyL) By the way, for those not present earlier in the chat, I posted long on sci.astro (someone requested I do so) jumping into a discussion on
whether the Sun is causing all manner of problems, etc. But this is new ZT now ...
(AGreenspan) The success rate of modern medicine, is, I suspect, close to placebo.. hence isn't the observation applies to modern medicine as
(NancyL) ZT: Solar Flares, an extended or anomalous solar cycle, has been planned for decades to be used as a distraction and excuse during this
(Loitus) What about surgery, it does help...
(Gerard) Agreeenspan: other topic now ... you are to late with your follow up question
(Gerard) The same for Loitus
(NancyL) ZT: Where the 11 year cycle was to end in 2000, it was reported prior to its end to perhaps be a 14 year cycle, ending in 2003.
(Cmel) "has been planned" ?
(NancyL) ZT: Where did the historical references to base this estimate come from? This is not provided, the conclusions provided, but not the data.
(NancyL) ZT: In fact, there IS no historical reference, as all previous solar cycles recorded or observed by man fall into the 11 year cycle.
(Cmel) Sorry ... Gerard & Nancy
(NancyL) ZT: In order to create an environment where such speculation can be stated as FACT, or taken seriously, there needs to be a climate of
confusion established well ahead of time.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, where the one hand of NASA reported the solar cycle on schedule, and normal, or even rather mundane, the other hand went
a bit whacky in their reporting.
(NancyL) ZT: They muttered it seemed to be coming early, no, now late, no, now concluding, no, now continuing, and thus the public never has a
firm basis for comparison.
(NancyL) ZT: Any reports given that might be challenged are done so in the auspices of NEW satellites or probes, so comparisons can again not be
(Rhinyboy) I have a question bothering me and ace
(Cmel) Thus a firm basis for you "Nancy"
(NancyL) ZT: What does all this mean? It means that ANY reason for the current weather, satellite failure, magnetic diffusion, or heating core along
with volcanic and quake increases, are to be blamed on the Sun.
(Ace) Shut up Rhiny
(SWB) Good by, I will wait for the postings-to much chit-chat. when you little kids shut up and quit interupting, AND JUST LISTEN, I will come
back... By Nancy - thanks for your time.
(NancyL) ZT: or Global Warming, or normal cycles detected in the past, causing Ice Ages or melting poles in history.
(Gerard) Well SWB is right, no chatter during the session else you will be kicked or banned okay ... people want to listen to the answers
(NancyL) ZT: And meanwhile, please just focus on the Israel situation, or perhaps Bin Laden, or perhaps a movie star recently divorced or
(Rhinyboy) Ok I'm sorry it will never happen again right Ace?
(NancyL) ZT: Anything but the issues the common man should be made aware of.
(Nomis) When we will see a big SolarExplosion?
(NancyL) ZT: Why do the elite strive to confuse so, when the truth will eventually be found out?
(NancyL) ZT: 1. they hope the economic structure, which keeps THEM on top, will continue as long as possible.
(Cmel) Yes why?
(NancyL) ZT: 2. they hope the little man will continue in his jobs, in his home, until they have LONG left for their safe enclaves, thus preventing
detection or preventing their escape when the time comes.
(Zetapal) Why what dinglefritz shut the f up Cmel
(NancyL) ZT: 3. they hope to trap the common man, in masses in cities and along the coasts, in death during the shift, so as to reduce the need to
poison them with chemtrails, proving difficult to manage and implement.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, you are told recently by Hazlewood, a disinfo arm setup to twist the message of ZetaTalk at this time, that the date will be
LATER than anticipated.
(Cmel) k
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, you have Planet X in the news, under every subject BUT the inbound planet that will pass on May 15, 2003 or shortly
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, you have confusion about the role of the Sun lately, such that it is surmised to be about to cause a pole shift, magnetic in nature,
that will cause most of humanity to die off.
(Rhinyboy) Woa
(NancyL) ZT: The common man, exhuasted after a long day earning a living, and not educated enough to challenge some of the sources of news, is
(JJ) I've decided to be a STO warrior, time to kick ass.... may the force be with me
(Nibiru) ?
(NancyL) ZT: Will this continue up until the shift? Yes, and get worse, until the barage of disinformation is overwhelming.
(Zetapal) Blow well young skywalker
(NancyL) ZT: Where will this end? It can possible end in members of the media being disgusted, leaks from the government, and the TRUTH being
told increasingly.
(Nibiru) Shh.. I'm trying to read dang it
(NancyL) ZT: It can possibly result in some countries, perhaps France or Russia, presenting the truth to their people and the truth crossing borders.
(NancyL) ZT: As with Enron facing the Bush Administration, pretending the information does not matter only goes so far.
(NancyL) ZT: The truth has a ring to it, such that it is recognized, and passed on with great seriousness.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, this issue of disinformation is in play, and in the hands of man, and might jump any number of directions over the next very
interesting year.
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
(Hugo) Nancy: Is a solar flare likely to be something, such as a bluish lightning flash that one can see even on a clear night?
(Wage) NancyL: is the economic collapse comming soon? Sighting the dollar losing 7% against the yet/euro, and the rising price of gold, as well as
more disclosures of corporate fraud in accounting, etc?
(Nibiru) Yes
(Freedom) Nancy... NASA has mapped the sky using "2Mass", according to their web site... will PX be erased from it?
(Okidok) Nancy the truth you are claiming is yet a theory, it is a fact when it`s occur, but in the meantime is a theory, and it look like a petit
conspiracy. The problems with conspiracies is you can;t come up with real proof, its based only on believe it or not
(JennaJ) What happened to Jurian?
(Jeremy) Nancy, won't ZT followers help to spread the truth about PX once the disinfo becomes manifestly obvious?
(Linus) You couldn't see a solar flare at night Hugo... the sun is down!
(Nibiru) In a year, she'll be proven to be a fraud, or a prophet, it's that simple.
(NancyL) ZT to Hugo: The solar flares are NOT anything man on the face of earth can recognize, thus can be made up freely as disinfo. Trust
NASA, as they have the Hubble and probes and satellites, and will TELL you what has occurred. Of couse, they lie.
(NancyL) End ZT to Hugo.
(Gerard) JennaJ: asking about Jurian has nothing to do with this ... nothing to do with this session .. so why ask ?
(Cmel) Nancy you claim alot, but when does it happpen?
(Gerard) Cmel: it's ZetaTalk not NancyTalk .... An the Zetas as you know said May 2003
(Zugzwang) False profit more like it!
(NancyL) ZT to Wage: We are frequently asked to pin point the moment of collapse, which of course will NOT be a moment but a series of
moments, when this or that leg under the table breaks, and finally a corner drops, slipping the table top contents onto the floor, and finally the table
itself drops.
(Nibiru) Heh
(Cmel) There is no profit !!!
(NancyL) ZT: Beyond that this will be a series of steps, and is in the hands of man, due to the general rule that we are not to interfere with mankinds
free will.
(Wage) What are the steps?
(NancyL) ZT: VERY SELDOM can we interfere, and then within strict bounds. For instance, we can discribe in general terms that it WILL
collapse, not when.
(NancyL) ZT: For instance, we can describe the quakes and volcanic eruptions that will occur leading up to the shift, not WHEN for an AREA.
(NancyL) ZT: Do we warn you today, about a volcanic eruption, a tornado, a broken rail line, or a stock inflated beyond real worth?
(Gerard) Are there other social signs, changes in society to look for before the pole shift will occur besides the ecomic crash?
(AGreenspan) You will get strong confirmation, when strange object is visible to amature astronomers, in a few months
(NancyL) ZT: NO!, nor do we cure your cancer, rescue you from floods, or feed you when you are starving.
(Nibiru) What will be the first, most unmquestionable proof, of the existence of Planet X, and that it will cause great harm to earth?
(Nomis) But at that time we have no unnormal volcanic action
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, expect NO MORE going into the shift than you get now, from aliens, or good spirits, or angels or whatever you call them.
(NancyL) End ZT to Wage.
(Cmel) ZT : if there is a contactee, then that contactee must be a soul =) sparked, according to what I have read. Is that correct?
(NancyL) ZT to Freedom: 2MASS will NOT map the part of the sky we are pointing to, until the point where PX is not there, or before PX has
arrived, and the like.
(NancyL) ZT: If you read their schedule, they claim all imaging has been done, but needs time to be catalogued and made available.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, images claimed to be taken in 2001 may be taken recently, to avoid the embarrassing PX spot in accordance with our
(NancyL) End ZT to Freedom.
(Freedom) Thanks
(Mmt) The principle of carmic neutrality seems to be common to all ET., but are there controversies among them?
(Gerard) Don't ask follow up questions that are not related ... to the answer
(NancyL) Okidok, yes, listening to ZT is not always "here's the proof" but we have a LOT more of that in the track record of predictions gone as
(Cmel) k
(STO Warrior) The art of disinfo,came from the aliens originally
(MadMax) NASA is saying the sunspot cycle peaked in late 2000 http://science.nasa.gov/ssl/pad/solar/images/ssn_predict_l.gif
(NancyL) Ergo, more believable than Joe or Jane or whomever who spouts and has NO track record to show they know anything at all!
(Cmel) Yep
(NancyL) OK, I tried to go back and pick up the followup, sorry if I missed anyone, will get the last Q3
(NancyL) 1.If consciousness and what we sense - matter - go together, then is there something which stands in back of both, and to which matter
and consciousness exist as phenomena, a mere function of that which lies behind?
(NancyL) 2. Matter behaves as if it had consciousness, a sense of its surroundings and a desire to escape from or remain in a certain conflux of
circumstances. How much consciousness does matter have, and how materially connected is our consciousness?
(Okidok) Thanks Nancy
(Linus) Now its a few months til PX is visible... 6 months ago you said it would be visible in July
(NancyL) ZT: A difficult concept for many humans is the concept of consciousness.
(Cmel) Explain pls
(NancyL) ZT: They see the babe in the crib, aware seemingly only of its stomach and need for milk, and compare it to the dog at their feet, seemly
aware and alert.
(Matt) ?
(NancyL) ZT: Is the babe conscious, and the dog not? The point at which consciousness is present is not CRISP or CLEAR.
(NancyL) ZT: Is the human conscious because they have a certain IQ? Yet it is reported that retarded humans can have incarnating souls.
(NancyL) ZT: Is the human conscious because they discern themselves as separate from other humans?
(NancyL) ZT: Yet so many humans are so fuzzy about their identity that they join any group for a sense of belonging, and confuse their actions with
the leaders.
(NancyL) ZT: Is the human conscious because they have a memory, can compute, can put A and B together and come up with C?
(Cmel) Why did you boot me ... ??? I did nothing
(Rhinyboy) HEY ACE
(Rhinyboy) LETS ROLL
(NancyL) ZT: Yet the Chimp uses tools, and a wolf pack can figure where the prey may be running to next, and many animals have long memories
and are crafty.
(NancyL) ZT: At what point does consciousness click in, or click out, if it does, and is it thus possible for a dog to have a soul and a human not?
(Cmel) Bitch ==)
(Nibiru) Hmm
(NancyL) ZT: We have stated that an existing soul may CHOSE to incarnate in an animal that does not have the potential of sparking a soul, for
education reasons.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, the dog or snake or dolphin does not SPARK a soul, but can be incarnated on occasion.
(Arekay-tC-) WTF is this place? :o
(NancyL) ZT: To spark, the biological entity must have the capacity to envision itself as separate, and where many animals SEEM to have this trait,
they do not.
(Zugzwang) It's a soapbox for a cult leader
(Arekay-tC-) This.... place...
(Arekay-tC-) Eew.
(NancyL) ZT: A dog will understand that it is being yelled at, or snarled at by the leader of the pack, and by groveling and crawling away is
indicating they understand ANOTHER has interacted with THEM, as a separate being.
(Rhinyboy) LETS GO ACE NOW!
(Nibiru) Huh?
(Rhinyboy) Sorry
(Rhinyboy) It was my bro
(Rhinyboy) Go on
(Paz) What is this
(NancyL) ZT: But this is instinctive activity, This is NOT a discernment of separate biological entities.
(NancyL) ZT: The dog has evolved to react in such a manner, to challenge until certain signs are present, then to submit.
(NancyL) ZT: Instinct is not consciousness, biologically programmed reactions are not consciousness.
(NancyL) ZT: Even as the babe is lying in its crib, alsleep or crying for milk, seemingly unaware of its surroundings, it is AWARE.
(NancyL) ZT: It understands that when it smiles at mother, and mother picks it up, that is has engaged in an interaction with ANOTHER.
(NancyL) ZT: This is not the same as a birdling in a nest, putting its beak up for food when the mother bird alights.
(NancyL) ZT: This is instinct.
(NancyL) ZT: On evolving worlds that do not have genetic engineering, the species that eventualy emerges to have consciousness, and thus sparking
souls, gets there slowly.
(NancyL) ZT: At first, there is instinct. Then there is increasing intelligence until the concept of separateness begins to be a factor.
(Cmel) Thus I have a question : in order to be an incanarte being, does that mean that one has to be an old soul?
(NancyL) ZT: Increased intelligence tends to be selected for survival, as the intelligent species can better their odds.
(Rhinyboy) May I ask a question?
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, the MORE intelligent in the group breed to increase intelligence, and the trend hastens yet more.
(Nibiru) No, no talk-only listen ;)
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, where not VISIBLE in man, his consciousness, awareness of himself as separate, a factor absolutely necessary for sparking of
souls, is there.
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
(STO Warrior) Isn't the soul's sole purpose to capture some of the experience in the matter, energy, space, time, universe for the collective.... IE:
(Mmt) Will computers get the feeling of being separate?
(Nibiru) Yes
(Nibiru) What will be the first OBVIOUS sign of Planet X here on Earth, a sign NO ONE can question?
(mackerel) What about those who say man is galactic and came here from elsewhere?
(NancyL) STO Warrior, this is YOUR statement, not ZetaTalk, and I find this not valid myself.
(Okidok) I think many is bound to this issue because they have a need to fly away or to escape from the daily boring routines, the real life is
becoming to stressed, somebody find a profound link to religions groups
(Hugo) All consciousness is ONE
(NancyL) MMT, ZetaTalk has stated (Robots writeup in Rules section) that computers and robots are NOT conscious, not truly, as they are
programmed and cannot CHOSE, truly, and thus are not interesting to the stuff of souls, which do not linger there nor spark.
(Nibiru) NancyL: What will be the first OBVIOUS sign of Planet X here on Earth, a sign NO ONE can question?
(Cmel) NancyL Please read my questions
(NancyL) Nibiru, being imaged in infrared by Haute-Provence, which provided the original CCD from the camera, and seeing it NOT at the Jan 5th
location on the 19th, and vice versa, did not do it for you?
(AGreenspan) In the meantime however, I suggest chatters check the book "Alien Agenda" by Marrs.. look in the chapter that deals with
government and remote viewers. Surprise for you there. I promise.
(Wage) sci-astro guys weren't satisfied with those images
(Nibiru) It proved something moved, but not what..
(NancyL) What I'm saying here, is that if you want to deny, you can be in your home while rotation has stopped, accepting the excuse that the
clocks are just fast or wrong.
(NancyL) You can listen to the moaning earth and accept that it is just some road work being done, reverberations.
(Nibiru) I want to believe, but I find it hard to, until there is SUBSTATIAL undeniable proof, but that has yet to come, I hope it does..
(HenryK) I've read somewhere that animals, insects etc. have group souls.
(NancyL) You can see the reddish object in the sky, growing larger every day, and accept that this is whatever NASA wants to call it, a passing
comet with odd emissions or whatever.
(Gerard) Okay folks, don't pester Nancy with questions that are not related to this session please .. for those who have read the page with info
about the IRC session one can read that questions can be send it ...
(NancyL) In short, there is NO point where someone wanting to have their hand held will be convinced!
(Nibiru) Until.. it arrives..
(Nibiru) So, we know in May 2003 no earlier..
(Tizza) Science can never prove anything 100% can only disprove
(NancyL) Wage, the ones that are satisfied don't dare post, they get endless mail and threats and their employers gets contacted.
(STO Warrior) isn't a sparked soul just a soul that has successfully imprinted a personality on it?...in a sense personalized it?
(Orion) Will California go under before the pole shift?
(Okidok) Seven week before Nibiru
(AGreenspan) There is circumstantial evidence, N. if you're willing to put in the effort.
(Nibiru) It sucks that the next Star Wars movie,. will never get made... dammit
(NancyL) HenryK, reading somewhere? Does the somewhere have a track record of prediction success as ZT does? Anyone can bull shit.
(Nibiru) Maybe it'll miss LucasFilm's ranch ;)
(NancyL) Nibiru, a week before rotation stops. You should know THEN for sure.
(PottM) It's not hard to bull shit at all.
(Gerard) You know I am not sure when it was written maybe in 1998, was written in a book from John E. Mack where a contactee was said that
her hybrid child will come down to earth in 5 years ... book is from 1999
(Redeye) Are animals such as pets incarnated with souls to be of use to people or their predicaments?
(Orion) Will California go under before the pole shift?
(NancyL) 7 weeks before it is visible in the sky for anyone to see, no scope needed. You SHOULD know then, unless scared to admit to yourself.
(Okidok) Nibiru this whole session is by this time just a theory
(NancyL) For the discerning, there is proof aplenty now.
(AGreenspan) Indeed
(Nibiru) I honestly believe, but my instinct forces me to ask for definate proof, but I must conced that until it happens there can be no undeniable
proof, due to the disinfo crew.
(NancyL) Orion, Cal will have quakes, but will NOT go "under" but "over" as shortening Pacific will raise it.
(Orion) Thanks
(ChiefSimi) What can a soul learn in a dog?
(Freedom) Check the USGS site for earthquakes... hundreds in the past month of 3.0 and greater
(NancyL) Cal will be flooded, by tidal waves during the shift, water trapped behind the coastal mountains, inland, slowly draining.
(Hugo) When you look at an animal you see a former phase of your OWN consciousness
(Nibiru) It suck to be living in NJ... time to move to higher ground...
(STO Warrior) Souls are the observers of the experience, nothing more nothing less
(NancyL) Redeye, I had a dog once I swore had a soul, as it was around after he died for awhile, but this is seldom the case, my understanding.
(Redeye) Nancy : I see, thanks
(Nibiru) Animals I believe have a less developed soul.. almost a simpler soul..
(Torbj) As incarnated in an animal you can for one thing, learn to "read" pattern´s
(NancyL) OK folks, the hour is past. If I've missed any valid followup Q's I appologize.
(Orion) I love you Nancy!
(Nibiru) See ya in May!
(NancyL) Thanks again for attending and inspiring great ZT, and thanks to Gerard and his crew for being such a good cop :-)
(Cmel) NancyL : if you are a contactee are you a soul then?
(Nibiru) OR NOT...
(Nibiru) ;)
(Okidok) Dogs are often barking into a empty room, maybe they are seeing somthing we dont see.
(NancyL) Every week its an interesting week, past, and I expect the week ahead to be full of surprises too!
(Jan) As always, thank you Nancy & the Zetas
(NancyL) Hang tight!
(NancyL) Bye bye!
(Domicile) Thanks Nancy and Zeta's
(Tizza) Thanks nancy and Z'S
(NancyL) Yes, dogs SEE aliens, as they don't have a subconscious/conscious split!
(STO Warrior) Ahhhhhhh the force in some is weak
(Nibiru) It'll suck if in May nothing happens.. I hope they don't try to explain it.. We'll see though
(Gerard) Bye Nancy, and thank you and the zetas
Session Close: Sat Jun 01 18:11:25 2002