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Session Start: Sat Mar 01 14:07:09 2003
(PxMay2003) http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/south/03/01/pakistan.arrests/index.html ARRESTED
(Lightspee) My AMD is cool :)
(NancyL) Hi Gerard, I did the status line command as you requested.
(Nightbrd) Hi Nancy.. great show last night
(Mixmeiste) Make sure that's the real Nancy first
(Mixmeiste) not someone impersonating
(NancyL) Thanks! I thought it went well too.
(Mixmeiste) k it is
(NancyL) Does anyone have a streaming audio ready NOW? I was told it would take a couple days for the Lou Gentile show to get this up... and was anxious to listen to it.
(Mixmeiste) I'm glad to see you here this early
(Wage) http://www.darkinsight.com/audio/
(Wage) in MP3 format
(NancyL) Mix, its me, the real Nancy.
(WestCoast) Yes, a good session
(Zetapal) yeah Nancy go to the darkinsight sight - it has ALL of your interviews :)
(Mixmeiste) yes
(NancyL) Thanks Wage :-)
(Wage) np
(Zetapal) thanks to al of us
(Mixmeiste) yup =) I checked the server
(Mixmeiste) Queen Vee needs to relax on banning people
(Mixmeiste) she bans debunkers and believers
(Wage) yes
(Wage) way outta hand
(NancyL) I take it that switching to Undernet.ORG as we did did not confuse many :-). There's a mob here already.
(Terminal^) :)
(Nightbrd) Mix, I think she has let up a bit
(Wage) wrong NnightBird
(Brentnev) Morning All - Nancy/Obany, are we registered?
(Zetapal) Wage - the great thing about that board is that i get all of those features for $134
(RegWa) Nancy, I thought you did a great Job, your interview was played live on paltalk too
(Wage) yah, depends on your application Zetapal, what do you use it for
(NancyL) I warned Queen when she wanted to start the heavily moderated chat that chaos would come with ME, Nancy, and that proved very true.
(Mixmeiste) yup
(Wage) MancyL: maybe people hacked QueenVee b/c she is pissing people off, doesn't ALWAYS have to be a conspiracy
(Nightbrd) people have had their names taken though
(NancyL) Hey Brent, did you do that status window command? I think this is in process, Obany very busy and too busy to talk!
(Mixmeiste) Saddam is supposed to destroy those missles today, isn't he ?
(Zetapal) Wage - well i haven't built it yet - but it will be a multimedia machine more than anything else - that and multitasking
(Zetapal) not heavy into the 3d games
(PxMay2003) Top al Qaeda operative caught in Pakistan
(Nightbrd) if you say so, Wage.. last weekend she let a guy talk for a long time who says that PX has changed its orbit
(PxMay2003) http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/south/03/01/pakistan.arrests/index.html
(Mixmeiste) yea
(NancyL) Mix, destruction of Iraq missiles and molds in process, good pace.
(RegWa) is Bailey
(Mixmeiste) Maybe,
(NancyL) Also, Turkey Parliament did NOT approve of bases there, but at first it was announced on CNN (and presumably by the Turkey government) that it had passed.
(Mixmeiste) And it could be another debunker stategy
(NancyL) Then anti-war demonstrations in Ankara, and the anti-war in Parliament challenged the count, and they did NOT have the majority required!
(Brentnev) Nancy: yes, I signed in already...should be enough, I think.
(NancyL) More Bush bribed folks caught in a lie, etc. going against democracy and what the people want.
(TCcards) The Zetas have already stated that all nuclear facilities and their possibly being shutdown in time is completely in the hands of man
(TCcards) and the rule of non interference applies. They go on to state though that any contamination due to the reactor itself being exposed
(TCcards) should only be a local problem and to have a geiger counter on hand to be sure. I would like to ask them about the problem of nuclear
(TCcards) waste which is stored at alot of these sites, quite often in it`s most dangerous, raw state, in particular in Europe.
(Mixmeiste) Excellent
(NancyL) The Arab League met, and strongly denounced war, encouraged Iraq to comply utters with Blix, etc. and were interviewed on TV by CNN today too.
(Mixmeiste) oh
(Mixmeiste) I highly doubt the war will happen now=)
(TCcards) sorry lost formatting on the first bit
(NancyL) Some "human shields" in Iraq, movies stars and spots stars or whatever, have called the Bush plan
(Mixmeiste) i have since December, at times where everyonet hough the war is just a day away, i said it wont happen
(NancyL) "premeditated murder" of the Iraq people who are sure to be killed.
(Mixmeiste) and eventold people if it does i'l kill myself to show how convinced i am
(Masisoar) NancyL, does the NEAT comet pose ANY type of threat to us?
(dwander) it passed, but with less than half the votes (due to abstensions) so was nullified
(Mixmeiste) www.toostupidtobepresident.com is a great site everyone
(Mixmeiste) good laugh
(Mixmeiste) =)
(NancyL) TCards, avoid those places!
(Mixmeiste) peace is super
(Mixmeiste) ;/
(NancyL) Masisoar, this was answered last week, a complete fraud by NASA as a test to see how people will react. No threat, as said last week.
(WestCoast) Nancy: do you think there is ANY connection between the rush to occupy Iraq by US and Pole Shift?
(NancyL) Check page NEAT V1 http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p176.htm
(floating) why QueenVee doesn't follow #zetatalk sessions ?
(Mixmeiste) Ofcourse there is
(Mixmeiste) NancyL , i was amazed by what THE CALL can do
(PxMay2003) Nancy they are talking about you and comet Neat in this article
(PxMay2003) http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/comet_conspiracy_030228.html
(NancyL) WestCoast, absolute connection. Z's have said that Bush plan is to become world KING, during the chaos of the pole shift, yes.
(TCcards) Nancy: what sort of distance will it spread then?
(Nightbrd) Floating, I think she feels her presence here would encourage more attacks
(NancyL) Iraq oil fields first, then the Saudi's, then squeeze Europe and make them beg.
(Mixmeiste) me and my survival team mates were conncered with lack of money to buy equipment, and my friend gave the call , Then a week later someone contacted him and said he'l buy his AIM screename for 50,000
(Mixmeiste) it's like a gift
(Mixmeiste) at the right time
(Mixmeiste) the call owns
(Masisoar) Thanks Nancy, appreciate it :-)
(NancyL) Floating, she came on board in Nov to offer a different forum for the Q&A, as the debunkers had turned #zetatalk into a series of debunking URL's posted, insults, silly comments, etc.
(Mixmeiste) About that V1 , itwas said to be biggest and brightest comet and it was not even on TV!!!!!!
(NancyL) Gerard, Ralf is asking a Q.
(Mixmeiste) Then on CNN.com i see this strange article , really pointless, about how the authorities would not tell public if there was asteroid collision in future
(3j) Mixmeiste, it wasnt big and bright afterall, thats why it wasnt on tv
(Mixmeiste) and THE CORE is coming out this month
(Masisoar) LOL ;) too high on hopes..Bush is
(Okidok) the NEAT comet was on the Norwegian television
(NancyL) Ralf, I suspect that we have Brent, NancyL, Jeremey, Obany, N18, MikeO, and not sure about the others but I see many here that were possiblites, HBO, etc.
(3j) and Mixmeiste, as for how the 'gov wouldnt tell about ateroids' that was a misinterpretation by the media, that was a suggestion from some grad student
(WestCoast) Nancy: thanks
(ZodAfk) Nancy, are the ZT still planning oin stopiping Bush (Iraq)
(Mixmeiste) Nancy what is the relation between V1 and Planet X ?
(Lightspee) The key in this war: Europe needs the oil from Iraq...
(NancyL) Would any others that registered please announce themselves?
(NancyL) HBO2, you did, right?
(Samsara20) I'm registered...
(NancyL) ChiefSimi also, I'm sure, he was there last evening.
(Mixmeiste) Nancy, are any of these people debunkers: [3j] , 0dd, Himitsu , IQX , AgentY
(NancyL) JWilliam is another.
(Mixmeiste) i highly suspect them of.
(NancyL) Mix, I think so, Himitsu and AgentY and not sure about IQX
(3j) Mixmeiste = Adam/Vamp/NancyL imposer
(NancyL) I think they all may be, yes.
(Wage) if this is open agenda, here's a question: what is up w/ the new/proposed TSA regulations on RED/YELLOW/GREEN tagging of all airline passengers
(Ralf) thanks
(HBO2) NancyL, yes, have registered
(Mixmeiste) Im not imposer,
(Mixmeiste) 3j on ignore =)
(HBO2) yes
(JWilliam) registered
(TCcards) registered with what?
(Mixmeiste) nickserv
(Ralf) no
(Nightbrd) I didn't register, but am usually known as "NightBird" in the fun net sessions
(Ralf) x
(Ralf) :-p
(KindredS) something else has been spotted coming into our solar system, they are calling it Enigma, Nancy are you aware of this ? and can the zetas comment on it ?
(Mixmeiste) When will the session start ?
(WestCoast) I registered but forgot password
(Nightbrd) Someone had my name and had to change the spelling
(Ralf) IQX
(Ralf) if he shows up
(Howmo) Kindred: You looking for alternate objects?
(Ralf) is on permban
(Ralf) for personal reasons
(Mixmeiste) Yea , i dected it right away,
(Ralf) i hate that f%(*@er
(Mixmeiste) me too
(Mixmeiste) i hate 3j too.
(Nightbrd) wasn't time to register.. will do so before next week (e-mail said 48 hours)
(KindredS) im just curious is all
(Ralf) and if i see him in a dark alley i'm going to beat his lilly ass
(Ralf) for dosing my server
(NancyL) Ralf, we have 10 then: Samsara, HBO2, Chief, Brent, NancyL, Jeremy, Mike-O, N18, JWilliam (I think he registered) = 9
(Ralf) and costing me about $3000 in customer orders
(3j) Mixmeiste, why dont you tell Ralf how you wanted to packet his server the other day
(Mixmeiste) Nancy, and this guy BC, he runs like generated text sent into the channel sometimes.
(Mixmeiste) like a bot, disinforming you randomly
(3j) Mixmeiste, and then how you got glined because of your threats?
(NancyL) Ralf, can you message Nightbrd and Wage and ZetaPal and step them thru the process if you need more?
(Ralf) /rant
(Howmo) Kindred: I see that many are looking for something else than Nancy's object now.
(Wage) huh?
(NancyL) Thanks Ralf, I'm going to post SIGNS of the TIMES at the time for Queen's normal chat is upon us. Got a bunch ...
(Zod2) plus me
(Ralf) need people online right now
(TCcards) do we have to register to attend the chats?
(NancyL) Zod2.
(Ralf) and logged inot x
(Ralf) s/inot/into
(Ralf) TCards, no
(TCcards) ok
(Ralf) but it helps us to maintain the channel.
(Mixmeiste) Nancy, would you want participate in another channel weekly, strictly about prepration and survival
(NancyL) Gerard, I see you now, do we have the 10? Please let Ralf know.
(3j) nickserv No such nick
(Nightbrd) I will register.. but didn't have time when I go home
(Ralf) yeah
(Mixmeiste) Me , my friends and other people are concerned.
(Cmel) I tried to register
(Ralf) or i'll just get some of my friends to fill the empty spots
(Zetapal) TCard -no - register is for Op status
(Ralf) it doesn't matter
(Ralf) :-)
(Nightbrd) Please... Thank you Nancy
(Wage) NancyL: if this is open agenda, here's a question: what is up w/ the new/proposed TSA regulations on RED/YELLOW/GREEN tagging of all airline passengers, is this there any connection between this and FEMA red and blue lists? What critera will they use to make the color assessments, criminal records, dissident groups, medical history, financial?
(Mixmeiste) RALF, do you own any portion of this network ?
(NancyL) Obany, please check with all the 9 I mentioned above, or others you recognize, and ensure they have done their steps.
(Ralf) Mixmeiste: nope.
(Mixmeiste) oh
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #1: The Core Movie
(NancyL) "Just went to the local theater, they have fake news stands with (free) fake full size news papers called 'THE EARTH TIMES' promoting the movie 'THE CORE.' The fake news papers (3 editions) have bold headlines such as; 'EARTHS CORE STALLS' 'FREAK SUPERSTORMS' 'THE ANSWER IS IN THE CORE' "
(NancyL) "plus news article statements 'The reason for the core stalling is believed to be most likely another pole shift...' and 'The Earth will survive, but we wont' and '...we have four months left until our inevitable exinction.' The pictures show the Colosseum exploding, the Golden Gate Bridge collapsing into the bay, and London experiencing an earthquake."
(NancyL) "The fake papers also reference PROJECT DESTINY which is very close to the alleged NSA alien contact project called PROJECT PRESERVE DESTINY disclosed by former intuitive communicator USAF Sergeant Dan Sherman in his 2001 book 'ABOVE BLACK, PROJECT PRESERVE DESTINY' where he alleges that the project was partially preparing for a future electromagnetic and earthchange event that will effect the whole world, though he said he does not have the details."
(Ralf) Mixmeiste: but i've been here for about 8 years, and i know most of the admins/operators pretty well, have met many of them in person.
(NancyL) Note: the original release date was February or earlier, now March. 4 months from March is NOT in May, thus the public is being persuaded that they have time! Stay in your homes, folks, while the Bush crowd makes a clean getaway to their bunkers!
(Mixmeiste) oh
(Zod2) yes
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #2: Space Daily on Deep Impact Conference
(NancyL) "The Human Dimesions Of A Near-Earth Object Impact http://www.spacedaily.com/news/deepimpact-03e.html"
(Ralf) brb
(NancyL) "American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Denver. The session, 'The Asteroid/Comet Impact Hazard: A Decade of Growing Awareness,' took place Thursday morning (Feb14) at the Colorado Convention Center. Clarke is an internationally known expert in disasters and in organizational and technological failures. He has written about panic, civil defense, evacuation and community response to disaster ..."
(Mixmeiste) Why are we even discussing the Planet X , we should be discussing preparation and survival =/
(Mixmeiste) it's more important
(NancyL) "Despite the mass panic depicted in the movies and on television, Clarke said this is not what happens in real disasters. 'We have five decades of research on all kinds of disasters - earthquakes, tornadoes, airplane crashes, etc.-- and people rarely lose control,' he said. 'Policy-makers have yet to accept this. People are quite capable of following plans, even in the face of extreme calamities, but such plans must be there.'
(Obany) NancyL i already told him
(NancyL) "He pointed out that officials may lose the public's trust and doom the plan to failure if information is withheld based on the false assumption that people will become hysterical. Clarke issued the caveat that for plans to be effective, a nation must have a sufficiently developed infrastructure for carrying out a civil defense program during a major disaster. Clarke noted that no one has actually planned for the massive disaster that could accompany collision with a near-earth object (NEO)"
(NancyL) "Though science policy advisers from the 30 member nations of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development are considering NEO contingency proposals, Third World countries are not represented. ... Clarke posed the example of an NEO striking the ocean, a likely scenario since 70 percent of the earth's surface is ocean. 'An asteroid hitting the water could create an immense wave hitting the coasts,' "
(TCcards) ZetaPal: thnx
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #3: CNN on Deep Impact Conference
(NancyL) If End is Near, do you Want to Know? http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/02/28/asteriod.alert/index.html
(Mixmeiste) YEA , every 700,000 years, earths magnetic core
(NancyL) "If scientists detect a killer asteroid shortly before it slams into Earth, should the public be informed? One researcher, Geoffrey Sommer of the Rand Corp., a Santa Monica, California-based think tank, believes the best answer in some cases is no. Should an alert come too late to make a difference in the outcome of a global catastrophe, Sommer suggests governments should remain silent." ...
(NancyL) "Other space researchers were highly critical of Sommer's views. ... Peiser said, any attempt to keep a killer asteroid quiet would be futile. 'Professional and amateur astronomers from around the world can easily access and confirm observational data and calculations of any discovered NEOs [Near Earth Objects]," he said. ' ... "If an extinction-type impact is inevitable, then ignorance for the populace is bliss. " says Geoffrey Sommer of the Rand Institute "
(NancyL) Nancy Note: HE knows, however, and HE is making his arrangements for safety, just failling to inform you so you can be blissful and not mess up his escape routes and supply stocking efforts with your messy panic.
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #4: C2002/V1 Disinfo Source Mitch Battros!
(NancyL) "Something's Up With Comet C/2002 V1 02/23/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV) http://www.earthchangestv.com This means the CME is directly Earth bound. If this is correct, watch for sudden windstorms to occur. ... Now, lets consider the size of this comet. I had to take a double look when I located the diameter of comet C/2002 V1. It is approximately 176,000 miles across. This is twice the size of Jupiter. Twenty two times the size of Earth."
(NancyL) "Sometimes We Have To Eat A Little Crow; Comet C/2002V1 Facts 02/28/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
(NancyL) I have just completed my interview on our ECTV Live Radio Hour with Dr. Tom Van Flandern. ... I realized I had been duped. ... This is what we think happened... it is extremely possible a grad-student or apprentice inside Nasa were practicing their new found imaging skills ... super-impose the imaging to highlight the comet and its path. ... so it would be larger and easily noticed."
(NancyL) Nancy Note: Mitch makes the statement that HE has calculated the size of come 2002/V1 to be twice the size of Jupiter. Then blaming NASA for a doctored image on its web site! Mitch bases his information on NASA, and now it is discredited? We certainly know that Mitch is discredited, as a dirty snowball twice the size of Jupiter arriving in the vicinity of the Sun and unnoticed is hardly likely.
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #5: But Everyone BUT Mitch is Blamed!!
(NancyL) Alleged NASA Cover-up of Menacing 'NEAT' Comet Threat is Pure Bunk, Experts Say, http://www.space.com
(NancyL) "Internet accounts of a comet, supposedly bigger than Jupiter and possibly bearing down on Earth, have concerned citizens e-mailing astronomers and journalists worldwide asking if the end is finally nigh. True to form, the rumors also include allegations of a cover-up by NASA. The inaccurate portrayals on various Internet sites range from suggestions that the comet's electromagnetic field will drastically alter Earth's weather in coming days to even wilder notions that it is not a comet but"
(NancyL) "instead the long-missing and hypothetical Planet X."
(NancyL) "SOHO took dramatic photos of the comet as it rounded the Sun. The spacecraft has imaged more than 500 similar so-called sungrazing comets in the past. NEAT was the brightest comet ever photographed by the observatory, but it is not remarkable, size-wise, compared with comets in general. ... In fact NEAT turned out to be slightly disappointing, after some astronomers had speculated it might become bright enough to astound nighttime skywatchers and possibly even be visible during the day."
(NancyL) "GuluFuture.com, misidentifies NEAT as a planet, .. Rense.com, fuels fright ... other sites such as Rumor Mill News... [note no mention of Mitch Battros who started the rumors] ... Plait, author of Bad Astronomy ... told SPACE.com ... the idea that NEAT is as big as a planet is just plain wrong ... SOHO images have given fringe thinkers ... UFOs, giant planets, the eye of God, and probably even Bigfoot ... SOHO engineers have detailed these shortcoming of digital imaging."
(NancyL) Nancy's Note: the fact that Mitch, a NASA lacky, did NOT get mentioned in this article, when he in fact started the rumors, shows that he is indeed a NASA lacky!
(Mixmeiste) NANCY, Is there posibility of surviving the shift being on surface with open sky, not in bunker or anything like that ??
(NancyL) I have on the Agenda only a Q about Pioneer 10 death, which I will do NOW. I will be taking Q's as we go along, and noted yours Wage.
(NancyL) 1. This Norwegian newspaper tells us that Pioneer 10 has gone quiet all of a sudden. After 31 years, the signal has disappeared. Zetas right again! (No English version, I'm afraid.)
(NancyL) ZT: The public, those aware of the Planet X coverup, is aware that Pioneer 10 and 11 were sent in the direction of the inbound Planet X.
(NancyL) ZT: That Pioneer 10 was announced to have suddently gone silent means one of two possibilities.
(NancyL) ZT: 1. that NASA no longer wants to share the information, and 2. that the probe was silenced like the Mar's probes.
(NancyL) ZT: Along with the Columbia shuttle, which was as we stated the day after its demise torn apart in the skies on orders from the Council of Worlds, to send a CLEAR message to the Bush Administration and their cohorts that nuking Planet X would not be allowed, and attempts should be stopped, this probe's death is an exclamation point at the end of that statement. In other words, Columbia was not the first, and will not be the last.
(NancyL) ZT: This has, if anything, intensified the determination to rule the Earth, among this crowd, so the war upon the Iraq people has intensified in spite of all opposition.
(NancyL) ZT: They have been warned to back away from creating chaos here too, but expect they will not listen until disaster strikes again.
(NancyL) ZT: This is a crowd that assumes that ANY life or equipment or cost for their ends is justified, as long as it is not THEIR life or comfort.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, they persist. But as we stated a couple weeks ago, entertainment time has begun! Stay tuned!
(NancyL) End ZT on Pioneer 10 death, followup?
(Wage) what kind of message will be sent if the Iraq war is started
(NancyL) Wage, of course this is meant to be a surprise, and any clue takes this element of surprise away, so no comment.
(NancyL) The Zetas have also stated that in these matters, allowing the STS humans to assume success and THEN hitting them when they are practically cheering brings the most devastation to them, so I'm not sure about the timing.
(NancyL) I have a hunch about a few options, but I'm not in the loop, I'm sure.
(NancyL) Going to take Wage Q on tagging next.
(Wage) :)
(Spanky) did they put the plaques/info on those probes so they could make contact with the hominoids their?
(NancyL) 1. what is up w/ the new/proposed TSA regulations on RED/YELLOW/GREEN tagging of all airline passengers, is this there any connection between this and FEMA red and blue lists? What critera will they use to make the color assessments, criminal records, dissident groups, medical history, financial?
(NancyL) ZT: The US touts itself as being the strongest and best example of democracy in the world.
(NancyL) ZT: This used to be the case, up until several decades ago when its strength was deemed a prize by those humans strongly in the STS orientation, and takeovers began
(NancyL) ZT: One can trace this demise of democracy in the US back to post Hitler era, when the CIA was formed of fomer SS agents.
(NancyL) ZT: Kissinger befriends Argentina during its purging of protesting citizens, and the CIA is hand in hand with corporate greed around the world.
(NancyL) ZT: Toppling elected democracies around the world, instating their chronies as bosses in these countries, and all the while mouthing democratic ideals.
(NancyL) ZT: Of course, the situation NOW is patently clear to all, with the takeover of the White House NOT by vote but by slight of hand in orders from the Rebpulican courts to stop the counting.
(NancyL) ZT: Now, bribery and coercion and the rule of the strong is in play, for the whole world to witness.
(NancyL) ZT: In many countries, repression of citizens, with class divisions, registration so no escape from one's lot, is the norm.
(NancyL) ZT: India has so many classes they lose count, all rigid.
(NancyL) ZT: In countries where class is determined by color, or race, there is no need to be carrying a card, as the color of one's skin sufficies.
(NancyL) ZT: But in the US, among the elite who now think of themselves as world rulers, KINGs in the Aftertime by virtue of the captured military might of the US comandeered by the Bush crowd, such distinctions among WHITE people is not easy.
(NancyL) ZT: Early attempts to tag all citizens with inserts, after 911, failed to capture the public's interest, with only a few pets and children so tagged.
(NancyL) ZT: Even getting immunized has the public leary, with MOST not eager for innoculations so this means of poisoning the population seems remote.
(NancyL) ZT: Martial Law is extreme, likely to bring about rebellion as the complaints about prisoners held on off-shore bases and tortured and erosion of civil liberties has demonstrated.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, the elite in the US have brain-stormed as to a solution to sorting out the WHITE population into desireables and undesireables, and have come up with a color coded system.
(NancyL) ZT: It is simply not explained, to travelers, what the criteria IS.
(NancyL) ZT: They are supposed to assume this is akin to profiling by dress or race or body language done in the past, as to whom to search more thoroughly, or not.
(NancyL) ZT: With the erosion of civil rights in the name of Patriotism, all electronic records, and they are more than the average citizen presumes exists, are to be pooled into the hands of the Homeland Security, where they will be used NOT to protect against terrorism but to prevent escape from doomed cities, to prevent migration of the undesireable, and to sort out the best workers for the elite to rule over in the Aftertime, or so they presume.
(NancyL) ZT: As with all such attempts by highly STS humans during this Transformation period, their plans do NOT work out as planned.
(NancyL) ZT: In all countries, by whatever means, these methods will NOT succeed but will be turned upon themselves.
(NancyL) ZT: We do not detail the many methods whereby they are foiled, as to do so would play into their hands!
(NancyL) ZT: Suffice it to say, it is NOT just that the STS will be hindered in finding STO survival groups, it is also that their plans will not succeed.
(NancyL) End ZT on this, followup?
(Wage) can the zetas give a percentage of the people in this room who are currently under government surveilance?
(NancyL) Obany, how is Ralf doing? Do we need more? We have a crowd here, and should be doing this NOW, etc, right?
(NancyL) Wage, I think it is safe to say that anyone here is known to be someone interested, not necessarily a fan, but interested.
(MikeO) There was a story on CNN today that some clocks in Venezuela are losing 2-1/2 minutes per day. The story blames power shortages. What's going on here, and why Venezuela? http://www.msnbc.com/news/878368.asp?0dm=C229T
(Wage) concern is about being placed on a dissident list, etc, and being rounded up prior to shift
(NancyL) I remember a movie I saw once, can't recall the name, but the plot was a foreign village, and the CIA, FBI, Military agents, etc etc were all after each OTHER, not knowing each others identities.
(NancyL) Very funny, as there was NO one in the village who was not an agent of some sort, it seemed.
(Lightspee) USA is a much more worse dictatorship than Stalin's USSR in the color of the democracy... And becoming more worse and worse. I think, one day the AntiChrist will have an easy work there...
(Zombryo) Q: When a starchildren die, what will happen with his/her soul?
(Wage) The Prisoner, the TV show, I think
(Locomotio) What is the basis for the Aztlan movement to 'reunite' the SW USA with Mexico. Does this indicate a schism at high US govt levels?
(NancyL) MikeO, recent posting (check What New of TT http://www.zetatalk.com/thub08.htm) clocks are losing 1sec/day, not minutes YET.
(Earth420) Could the Zs maybe comment on the feds cracking down on marijana users, and to go so far to arrest people who are selling clean, not used water pipes, etc.
(Obany) NancyL: well i hope he will manage it... just need 2 more or so so he said
(NancyL) Perhaps this is a desensitization article, like NEAT V1 to desensitize REAL info on Planet X from being taken seriously.
(NancyL) LightSpeed, the AnticChrist, or the closest person I can think of to this in influence, is Bush Sr. He's here already.
(JWilliam) Wage; from the sounds of it. ALL in the US of A are under surveillance ;o)
(Wage) some of us more so i think
(Obany) I think this is different in Europe
(Earth420) Could the Zs comment on the increase of police patrols in neighborhoods, and maybe the criteria for what to heighten police in. My street was roadblocked by 2 cop cars today...
(Wage) people who think vs the TV casualties
(NancyL) Locomotio, not heard of this movement, is it high level in the US? I think not, as border security with Mexico has been an issue.
(NancyL) Earth420, maybe they want those names in the databanks that the Homeland Security Dept is developing.
(Wage) would be nice if Zetas could help us w/ that info so we know whether to take steps prior to the shift to ensure we don't get picked up (those of us in danger in the room now)
(NancyL) Obany, I listed about 9 at least, that say they have registered and signed in! Are they all being utilized?
(NancyL) I said we have 10 then: Samsara, HBO2, Chief, Brent, NancyL, Jeremy, Mike-O, N18, JWilliam (I think he registered) = 9
(Earth420) Could the Zs comment on the heightened activity of the sun?
(NancyL) Earth, this will only increase, and is already in place around DC area.
(Jeremy32) Nancy: Was the fatal Taiwan train derailment on a bridge due to shifting land (as the Zetas suggested will be common in the future), or just down to human error/faulty engineering?
(TCcards) Nancy, is it possible to ask the Zetas my question from earlier? What distance will the radioactive waste`s effects spread in Europe? Will all coastlines and sea life be affected in the aftertime?
(ZetaCurio) they said bad braking
(NancyL) Wage, you are almost better off being a known entity as then they feel they have CONTROL of you, known patterns, etc.
(RegWa) Obany, will you give MK this Geneva link please
(Earth420) In NJ a four story building was down to the ground... could the Zs comment? Was it really an out of control car?
(NancyL) Jeremey, I'm getting a quick answer on Taiwan that this is NOT a stretch area, so human error.
(Wage) yah, I know you don't like to answer personal questions, but would be a help to those of use whov'e been coming here for over a year
(Wage) us even
(Sanjuro) what plans do the establishment have for the day/week PX first becomes visible to the naked eye?
(NancyL) TCards, this was addressed, nuke pollution, last night. Dissipation during hurricane winds, intense rain, etc. and many site deactivated.
(Obany) i hope that Ralf will be able to manage it, seems he is away now
(NancyL) Beyond that, stay AWAY from those areas, move away.
(Earth420) Sometimes I freak and think I ll get arrested, sometimes
(Wage) well i'm in DC now, can't get away yet, so it's scary here belive me
(Zombryo) Q: When a starchildren die, what will happen with his/her soul?
(NancyL) Earth, if a car crashed into it, mostly likely.
(Nightbrd) Zom, I would think the same as our people.. we are brothers/sisters
(MikeO) Channel registration is not meant as a means to start a new channel. It is meant for previously established channels to have an opportunity to have some stability. If you are first starting a new channel, then just start using your channel and give it time to see if a reasonable userbase develops to justify registration. Your channel must be open and active for a reasonable amount of time BEFORE you apply.
(NancyL) Obany, if you have not checked with all those people, and the others I mentioned that could be asked, can YOU check with them and find out if 1. they registered, 2. they did the status line thing, 3. what their ID is, etc?
(NancyL) We should be aggressive there, now.
(MikeO) I took that from the Undernet site.
(RegWa) Queen, will you send me Bailey a private message so I can get the link to this site from you for others
(NancyL) OK, there was an earlier Q on hour of the Shift which I will take now ...
(Crassman) The cries of distress by our contactee-volunteers are no more than the complaints made after vaccination by your military volunteers
(NancyL) 1. Is there posibility of surviving the shift being on surface with open sky, not in bunker or anything like that?
(NancyL) ZT: We have stressed that during the hour of the shift, humans who wish to survive ensure:
(NancyL) ZT: 1. they are not along the coastline or near large bodies of water or in a ravine likely to become a wash or alongside a river likely to flood its banks.
(NancyL) ZT: 2. they are not in a building that will crush them, and this includes almost ALL buildings as Richter 9 is not experienced normally and NO buildings can be assumed to be immune from horizontal and vertical thrusts of this strengh.
(Obany) did you register?
(NancyL) ZT: 3. they are out of the hurrican force winds, which will be equivalent to what the Earth experiences NOW in hurricane force winds, so that they are not knocked about by flying objects.
(NancyL) ZT: 4. they are not out in the open as firestorms, however remote a possibility and rare, would not fall upon them and burn them, should they occur.
(NancyL) ZT: So where does that leave the human, if he cannot hide in his basement, crouch in a ravine near him?
(NancyL) Folks I would like those present, who were asked, who registered, how entered the x@channel message in the status line, to announce themselves NOW, please.
(Jeremy32) I did..
(NancyL) I did, I know Jeremey did, Brent, HBO2, Chief, please I will continue with ZT when this is completed UNDO the +m thingie so folks can talk!
(Wage) I've no clue how to register
(Nightbrd) I just registered
(Samsara20) registered
(ZetaWolF) just got here how do i register didnt think undernet had nickserv
(ZetaCurio) same here, how do we register
(N18) I did. UserID: N18
(NancyL) NancyL, Jeremey, Mike-O, Brent, Chief, Jwilliam?, N18, Samsara, Obany, that's 9
(N18) Opps
(MikeO) I'm not registered at the moment, to my knowledge, and the Undernet site says it's not necessary until the group is up and running for a while: http://cservice.undernet.org/
(Nightbrd) http://cservice.undernet.org/live/ go here Wage and click on "register"
(Nightbrd) I just registered, but haven't yet recieved my e-mail password
(NancyL) Ralkf, please also message the following folks, with instructions: ZetaPal, Wage, Nightbrd,
(NancyL) I'm sure there are many more we could request to do this ...
(Nightbrd) nancy, I don't know how to be an Op
(NancyL) Nightbrd, no need to Op, just follow what Ralf is going to tell you to do.
(Nightbrd) Ok.. happy to help
(Sanjuro) not sure what i should've done???
(Locomotio) I don't understand?
(NancyL) HBO, please check in with Ralf in a message if you are not in his count, as this is a simple process.
(Sanjuro) Sanjuro is Redeye
(JWilliam) Am registered
(Cmel) I was asked, and tried numerous times to no avail :(
(NancyL) Going to continue ZT now, but we could leave the channel not +m so the registration can continue.
(Nightbrd) just got my e-mail from them
(Gus12340) Idint asked
(Longint) Nancy, Chief has part, and I did not succed to register, the page always complaining as I try, etc..
(NancyL) ZT: We are asking humans to NOT use their existing structures, NOT come out of the wind into ravines, yet protect themselves from wind and firestorms.
(Tied2) join #help
(Locomotio) I thought IRC regis. came over with me.
(Motai) its necessarry for everyone in here to do this?
(JFull) could not find a plase to regester
(NancyL) ZT: The best solution was one given to our Emissary, Nancy, years ago, which she detailed as a trench solution.
(Obany) it seems we have 10 now
(Earl) i don't know how to register... i barely made it here!
(NancyL) ZT: NOT underground, burried, but only a shallow trench.
(Longint) At step 6 it says invalid CRC
(Zombryo) Chief was going to sleep. I know him. He is my friend. He is registered, but he is away...
(ZetaWolF) awaiting email
(N18) Motai: No
(Shaddysli) I had a hard time connecting to undernet (connection refused) finaaly found one that accepted me
(NancyL) ZT: Cover this by a metal sheet, well anchored, or board covered by sod so they will not burn.
(Okidok) I was already registered, they told
(Motai) everyone has to register?
(NancyL) ZT: This provides cover from the wind, from firestorms, and a long trench of this nature will NOThave all the oxygen sucked out in case of even a firestorm overhead.
(Masisoar) Need to know how to register first
(N18) Motai: No
(Nightbrd) http://cservice.undernet.org/live/
(NancyL) ZT: How does this protect against quake damage? One cannot be dashed, as the most one laying in a shallow trench can be thrown is a few inches to the side.
(Tied2) what is the command to login?
(Nightbrd) Mas go there and click on "register" on the left side of the page.. http://cservice.undernet.org/live/
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, except for what may fall UPON this covered trench, no worry.
(Cmel) I get this message every time I try (even when I try with several emailadr.) "invalid email"
(Nightbrd) sorry, Cmel.. I don't know what to tell you... I had no problems
(NancyL) ZT: If such as trench is NOT in a heavily wooded area, where many trees might land upon it and prevent escape afterwards, this should be the very BEST method of surviving the shift itself.
(Wage) mmm, why'd they just email me my password change in plain text (unsecure) that's wacked (undernet)
(Longint) What is trench?
(Nightbrd) a ditch.. Long
(NancyL) ZT: Of course, this trench should NOT be in an area where water will wash, else those seeking shelter there will be either drown or washed out
(NancyL) ZT: Chose a hilltop, a flat or slightly slopping area, brushy so the soil will not wash away, but not heavily forested so that a tangle of woods will prevent emerging from the trench later.
(NancyL) ZT: The trench need not be LONG, is best not more than 25 feet, so that those using it can crawl out either end and anyone fainting or dying of a heart attack will not prevent the others from emerging.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, with a few days warning, and a shovel and a bit of nervous energy, even the poorest among the Earth's population can survive, and better than the rich!
(NancyL) ZT: Do you imagine that the rich would lie in such a trench? They will be in their houses, in protected underground structures, and be trapped or crushed there.
(NancyL) ZT: They will be, if above ground, behind shielded windows they assume safe, and be blow about, tossed like leaves along the ground.
(NancyL) ZT: They will NOT heed our advise, as they listen only to themselves and their crowd, who have been led astray by the STS they gave the Call to, and are allowing themselves to an agony of death and entrapment as this is how the STS harvest souls.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, our advice will not be heeded by them, but will benefit those of good heart, whom we prefer to be speaking to in any case.
(NancyL) End of ZT on this issue, followup?
(Jeremy32) Nancy: Can the Zetas say how shallow (deep) the survival trench should be, without it being prone to cave in during the earthquakes?
(NancyL) CMEL, anyone using hotmail or freemail etc cannot qualify, sorry. Undernet will not allow you to be a registered advocate.
(NancyL) Long, couple feet deep, a couple feet wide, and long, this is a trench dug into the ground.
(NancyL) Jeremey, a trench only a couple feet wide and couple feet deep will NOT cave in, etc. has sloping sides for one thing.
(NancyL) No pressure of earth to move at all. Trenches 8-10 feet deep, so one can stand in them, is NOT what the Zetas are recommenting.
(Cmel) should supplies be in the same trench, or another place ?
(Jeremy32) Nancy: A couple of feet deep doesn't give much room for a large person to crouch under with a metal roof over their heads
(NancyL) JFull, I am asking Gerard to Message you so you can do this, simple instructions. (= OBANY
(Obany) could those who have registered mention their user id to ralf and also be sure to use the /msg [email protected] login userid pass command
(Wage) Ralf, i just registered
Session Close: Sat Mar 01 15:33:45 2003
Session Start: Sat Mar 01 15:35:15 2003
(NancyL) Sorry, answered a Message myself and boopered.
(NancyL) I am looking for more Q's, open Agenda today.
(BrentMaui) Obany: Ralf says mine went through
(Ralf) yes
(Ralf) all of your ID's went through
(Lazarus10) NancyL: Jack here as Lazarus10, registered.
(Ralf) but the channel regproc application seems f&*$d
(BrentMaui) How many more do we need?
(Obany) Ralf sigh
(Ralf) so i'm talking to someone about it right now
(NancyL) Brent good, but I'm looking for him to say 10 went through, then I will celebrate!
(Obany) okay Ralf
(Ralf) ok
(Ralf) please
(Wage) well I registerd, but no clue about this xchannel thing
(NancyL) OK, looking for Q's now ...
(TakeMeH) I'm registered
(Ralf) do not msg me with any more of your userids right now
(Ralf) the last thing i need is like 18 people in my msg window while i'm trying to sort out the cservice problem
(Jeremy32) Nancy: I still don't understand how people can shelter under a two foot deep trench. I assume they have to lay FLAT in the trench?
(Obany) mmmm Nancy just left
(Obany) sigh
(NancyL) Obany, could you message Wage about the xchannel thing, as it does not hurt to have MORE.
(Wage) the full command and where to type it.. plz
(NancyL) Ralf is having too much of a good thing right now :-)
(Nightbrd) Ralf.. how do you know if it went through?
(MikeO) ABC News today talks about a 'mysterious' new cloud in the upper atmosphere, not seen since the days of the Krakatoa eruption. Is this cloud the result of volcanic eruptions right now? http://makeashorterlink.com/?G4E2215A3
(NancyL) Jeremey, yes lay FLAT. Don't stand, get dirty to live, not standing and broken.
(ZetaWolF) and a piece of metal over top right
(Obany) could you login again please Nancy onto X ?
(Jeremy32) Nancy: Thanks
(Obany) no need to leave the channel just log in ?
(NancyL) I will take MikeO's Q about atmosphere.
(Obany) Logint: just by telepathy no brainwave amplifiers
(NancyL) Obany, I did that when I came in, but will do it again.
(NancyL) I mean, I did that when I rejoined just now ...
(Obany) /msg [email protected] login userid pass command
(NancyL) Obany, seems to have taken!
(Obany) zombryo: i would suppose so yes
Session Close: Sat Mar 01 15:41:29 2003
Session Start: Sat Mar 01 15:43:14 2003
(NancyL) Sorry, I responded to a Message and bloopered again, not going to take any more!
(NancyL) ZT: As humans aware of the Earth changes have noted, there are several signs that are unusual.
(NancyL) ZT: One of the first noted was the White Buffalo syndrom, where albino animals, domesticated and wildlife alike, were born albinos or lacking color.
(NancyL) ZT: A second trend noted, which we predicted, was increasing illness, which finally hit the news as whole cruise ships and military bases became ill at once.
(Obany) don't leave
(NancyL) ZT: A third trend was melting poles and glaciers, talked about much in the news a couple years back but since repressed from reporting.
(Obany) please
(Obany) Nancy will return
(NancyL) ZT: A fourth trend was called crazed animal or insects or sea life, where passive animals would attack, such as attacking jack rabits, and spiders spinning acres of webs.
(NancyL) ZT: A fifth trend was the activation of volcanoes, known to be active at some point in the recent past, all activating in some mamner simlutaneously.
(NancyL) ZT: A sixth trend was the erratic weather, with deluges and droughts alternating seemingly without reason.
(NancyL) ZT: A seventh trend is the sociological trend, whereby governments wanting to placate a restless and confused populace do what is called sabre rattling, pointing to a threat of war in another, or threatening war themselves so that their polulation backs up the leadership.
(NancyL) ZT: An eighth trend were the booms and flashes noted shortly after ZetaTalk began, where heaving earth and seas created clapping in the atmosphere and methane gas released flashed momentarily.
(NancyL) ZT: A nineth trend was the increasingly diffusing magnetic field, which causes malfunctioning instruments, crashing plans, and wandering compasses.
(NancyL) ZT: A tenth trend is slowing rotation, now notably about 1sec/day with moon phases starting to lag by a day or so.
(NancyL) ZT: Yet another trend recently emerging is noted in the atmosphere, where imaging from above the Earth reports a sheen, or other abnormalties are noted.
(NancyL) ZT: What is causing this new trend?
(NancyL) ZT: If one reviews the other trends, one sees that MANY particle flows are involved in abnormal patterns, and one can assume that many particle flows NOT known by man are also so involved.
(NancyL) ZT: The White Buffalo is thus, as we explained, because of a core emanation that signals cave creatures to forgo coloration.
(NancyL) ZT: Increasing illness because the immune system is disrupted by particle flows.
(NancyL) ZT: Certainly the warming of the Earth's surface, causing melting poles and glaciers, are because of distrubed heat particle flows.
(NancyL) ZT: The atmosphere, from its blue hue to its swirling motion, is affected by MANY particle flows, as well as the normal composition of air flowing up or down.
(NancyL) ZT: Should an accumulation of this or that chemical result, COLOR and sheen, or the appearance of a cloud, will often result.
(NancyL) ZT: What is a cloud, but water particles suspended, or if a dirty cloud, perhaps dust particles.
(NancyL) ZT: We are telling you to expect that your upper atmosphere, your sky, may change color! May allow greater sunlight through, or create what seems to be a cloudy day suppressing sunlight even though no clouds can be seen!
(NancyL) ZT: Expect the unexpected, during these last months and weeks before the shift.
(NancyL) ZT: This cannot be explained simply as volcanic dust, or airborn water particles, it is MORE than these simple explanations.
(NancyL) ZT: As the variety of reasons for this atmospheric distrubances will be many, we will not list them all, as there will scarsely be time for human scientists to even contemplate them.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, suffice it to say, odd atmospheres, as detailed above, and take this as another sign that the times are upon you!
(NancyL) End ZT on this matter, followup?
(ZetaWolF) Will PX be visible in April up high in the sky during the day, near the ecliptic or just seen at night?
(NancyL) OK, sorry I blooppered and exited mIRC, and I will be so very careful now!
(NancyL) So, that said, how are we doing? Chief is back!
(NancyL) ZetaWolf, I have a SkyMap program that I have been intending to boot up and check out sample locations for April.
(StevenB) Nancy, How do the Zeta's feel our governments should handel the Marduk problem?, full disclosure would probaly cause a panic.
(NancyL) One plugs in the location (South Africa, etc.) time/date (April 5, 7:00 PM) and constellation (Orion) and gets back a dome of the sky that will be seen then.
(NancyL) If the constellation is NOT visible, it says to.
(Earth420) When I saw the video of the left wing, and Earth behind it, she was not as blue and green as the other photos of her I have seen...
(NancyL) If overhead, shows that, or at this or that horizon, etc.
(Earth420) Like she has the flu/sick...
(NancyL) Since during midsummer going into Fall, one must get up EARLY in the day, like pre-dawn, to see Orion, I'm assuming the opposite for Spring.
(Dios) Nancy - Will the sky have a milky appearance or something on dull days with no clouds?
(ZetaWolF) Is PX closer than Pluto now or still out past pluto being by pluto or saturn in april?
(NancyL) I'm assuming that the imaging team is taking images directly overhead middle of the night, moving to very late evening, now.
(NancyL) Right Jwilliam, N18, SteveH?
(Jeremy32) ZetaWolf: Still beyond Pluto, most definitely
(ChiefSimi) yes, im back
(ZetaWolF) So at the point it comes up even with Pluto or Saturn its visible?
(Cmel) :)
(NancyL) I'm assuming that as we move into March and April, that this will draw down toward the afternoon!
(NancyL) Then by May, more toward midday.
(ZetaWolF) Last night on Lou though I believe Nancy stated it would take just 3 months to get from Saturns one side of orbit to the other
(NancyL) I have new data for the Table of Distances, adjusted per the following specs, by a math wiz.
(NancyL) 1. assume an exponential speed increase from 9 Sun-Pluto distances out, up to Saturn's orbit
(N18) NancyL: We can image up to the middle of April, after that, PX will be "in the sun"
(Obany) in what kind of way could this be explained to people if they see those strange skies, i doubt that the meteorlogist could come up with an explanation for this
(NancyL) 2. assume a stead pace from one side of Saturn's orbit to the other, in a 3 month period.
(NancyL) These were the specs that J used to come up with the new Table of Distances http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword03a.htm
(Torbj) �hhh
(Ralf) ok
(Ralf) i need the following people
(Ralf) to /msg x support #zetatalk yes
(Ralf) jeremy32
(ZetaWolF) Would the Zetas like to comment at all on Bush and his latest round of warmongering seems Saddam is outmaneuvering him with going along with destructions
(Ralf) oba7ny1
(Ralf) jakaby
(NancyL) OK, so what N18 is saying, is that in April, for the northern hemisphere, you should seek it in the skies in the evening. Dark.
(Ralf) shavas7
(Ralf) wp25244
(Ralf) n18
(Ralf) brent2003
(Ralf) superzod
(Ralf) lightspee
(Ralf) and hayna
(ZetaWolF) it has also been said that war will happen and all thats left is declaring it so he is moving ahead with it
(NancyL) Good deal, progress!
(Spanky) or we can get our Aussie /SouthAfrican astronomers to view it.
(NancyL) ZetaWolf, it certainly seems that no matter WHAT, Bush will attack, yes.
(Wage) when
(ZetaWolF) This fits nicely with the whole Armegheddon scenario
(Obany) please note the message Ralf give ....
(NancyL) However, I thing there is a lot at play, NOT just the Bush agenda, and as the Zetas said, it is entertainment time!
(JWilliam) Ralf done
(Earth420) Can the Zs comment on how the population will handle seeing it end of March in daylight? Or hands of man?
(ZetaWolF) Has the stock market declining over time now reached a point of a crash, has this been covered up?
(N18) Ralf: done2
(NancyL) Folks, you do that thing that Ralf requested in the status window, not here in #zetatalk.
(Wage) how do you log in first?
(ZetaWolF) i wish ID get an email back its been 20 minutes or so
(Torbj) could the zetas give a hint on what this was on the sun 20030219? http://w1.605.telia.com/~u60512538/sun20030219.mpeg
(Earth420) Turkey did not go with it today...
(NancyL) Earth, did you note that the NEAT V1 was a real 1. test of how mankind will react, 2. attempt to desensitize folks so they thing "oh, just another one".
(Nightbrd) I did, Ralf
(NancyL) I am taking Earth's Q next.
(Earth420) Torbj, is that the black shadow to the left of Sun?
(Nightbrd) status window?
(Torbj) yes!
(N18) Ralf: I got back -X- Done. Set your support for #zetatalk to YES.
(Earth420) Torbj, seen that, very eeery
(NancyL) ZT: When a reddish complex is seen in the sky, during the 7 weeks before passage when this will be visible, mankind will be in the main distracted by so many problems they will hardly notice.
(Earth420) My apologies Nancy.
(Torbj) sought so too...i took the video
(NancyL) ZT: At first, they will assume this to be a comet or something innocent, as it will be small, barely visible due to size.
(NancyL) ZT: As it moves toward being visible in the daytime, when more are awake, or during the evening when many relax in the moments before sleep, gazing at the sky, they will start to wonder.
(NancyL) ZT: At this time, for the unaware, there will have been increasing earthquakes, increasingly erratic weather such that all are wondering whether crops planeted will harvest or starvation will afflict them.
(NancyL) ZT: Stories in the news will be about crashed cities, broken bridges, derailed trains, and flooded rivers washing towns away.
(NancyL) ZT: The economy, now so devasted that all employed workers, even those who assumed their jobs for life, are holding their breath as the choice of their employers is to either declare the company bankrupt or to lay more employeed off.
(NancyL) ZT: These worries are more IMMEDIATE, so until the very weeks before the shift, when the reddish complex is so HUGE that it cannot be missed even if one is not prone to looking at the sky, that any thought will be given to it by the average human struggling with many worries, on Earth.
(NancyL) ZT: It is when the earth stops rotation, a week before the shift, that all this will correlate, and humans not going insane or in hard denial will talk among themselves.
(NancyL) ZT: It is then that prophecy will be relayed, from human to human as many forms of electronic communication will be malfunctioning to worthlessness.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, except for those AWARE of the times, AWARE of the prophecies and the news, with INSIGHT into the lies the media is telling, primarily by NOT reporting the news ...
(NancyL) ZT: the public will be oblivious of the reddish cross in the skies, until the very end!
(NancyL) End ZT on this matter, followup?
(ZetaWolF) If enough of us let people know what its all about though don't you think the word will get out and spread like wildfire?
(NancyL) ZetaWolf, the Internet is a powerful tool here, as the media is controlled, but the Internet is not.
(ZetaWolF) How could people ignore a reddish cross coupled with War with Iraq they will surely know its Armegeddon
(Earth420) So sad...Thank you Nancy/Zs *hug you*
(NancyL) Was everyone here for the SIGNS of the TIMES? There were 5, among them that NASA states that Mitch Battros et al who spread the rumor that NEAT V1 was twice the size of Jupiter were hookum, not true, etc.
(Jeremy32) Nancy: Will you put an image of the reddish cross on the front page of ZetaTalk.com when it appears? I hope to myself on my site..
(NancyL) This was a test, per the Z's last night on Lou Gentile show, to see how the public would react.
(Sanjuro) power to the ppl !
(Earth420) I wish ZetaWolf, goodness knows I have even been emailing my little heart out, spreading the word to people... but. Some may never believe, and deny till the end.
(Locomotio) What kind of hope can we give our young people, toward motivation to survive the shift?
(NancyL) In their response, the Z's said that the duct tape and plastic sheeting Homeland Security thing was likewise a test, and the public not found to be as gulible as hoped.
(Torbj) could the zetas give a hint on what this was on the sun 20030219? http://w1.605.telia.com/~u60512538/sun20030219.mpeg
(NancyL) The public did NOT run screaming in the streets over the Mitch fraud either, but I think that ECTV was highly discredited.
(Earth420) From high orange, then they lowered the color
(NancyL) He now (Mitch) is saying that NASA doctored their images, but at the same time is saying that the SOHO stuff he spouts is real :-).
(Earth420) Test
(NancyL) Right.
(Sanjuro) Loco, that it will be an adventure, exiting new prospects, free from certain shackles
(Torbj) hmmm public couldnt react as it was not on the media
(N18) NancyL: See Torbj question...
(Locomotio) thanks, Sanjuro :)
(NancyL) Obany, could you give me a status? Ralf went for a sandwich, and I know this only takes him a minute.
(Earth420) Torbj, and some may not get it to print... it isnt easy being cheesy! Gotta keep trying though, you know?
(Masisoar) Well Nancy, its not like the NEAT comet was widely broadcasted either
(Earth420) lol
(Sanjuro) np m8
(MikeO) Right now ECTV is running a "buy a year (of subscribing at $35), get one year free. That tells me no one is signing up anymore. Poor little puppet Mitchy.
(NancyL) N19 and Torbj, I note the Q or Torbj, but can you tell me what this site shows?
(Obany) well brent left so i emailed him, hope he will join in again ... Steve seems to be doing some other things but i hope he wil return
(NancyL) Obany, Samsara just left too.
(Torbj) i huge shadow on the sun... moving... i filmed it!... and dont knoe what it is...
(NancyL) What is the MPEG showing? An object ON the sun, or passing it, or?
(NancyL) OK, here
(NancyL) 's a quick ZT
(Earth420) The sun... is so active! Its on the left side...
(Obany) NancyL: not needed it's okay ... i just need some of the others to give the support command etc.
(NancyL) ZT: Mankind is used to thinking of the Sun as a gaseous object, which swirls on the surface as roiling boild to the surface, and leaping flares are these boils explode beyond the surface on occasion.
(NancyL) ZT: The surface changes color during this activity, but as this seems to follow routines, mankind assumes he understand the internal process.
(NancyL) ZT: He does not.
(NancyL) ZT: The Sun has an atmosphere, not visible to man, but nontheless there, and why would it NOT?
(NancyL) ZT: An atmosphere is simply a heavier incidence of particles, atomic complexes, or whatever hanging about!
(NancyL) ZT: The Earth, when seen from space, has an atmosphere that looks similar to man from that he views FROM Earth.
(NancyL) ZT: The Sun's atmosphere is not visible to man, so he assume none exists.
(NancyL) ZT: With increasing ability to image the Sun, increasing number of SOHO images released in support of the disinfo campaign to get the public thinking that the current Earth changes are due to solar activity, incidences of atmospheric disturbances are noted by the public.
(NancyL) ZT: This is not alarming, but normal for the Sun.
(NancyL) End ZT on this matter, followup?
(NancyL) Obany, what others? Can you list again?
(NancyL) Looking for more Q's
(Torbj) ????..yhis is not SOHO... it�s me with an videocamera!!!
(Earth420) So the Sun will have an increase in activity due to Planet X being inbound... or will it remain the same? Just now, we are noticing?
(dBug) hi Nancy, can you answer why amateur astronomers still can�t get PX images ???
(LiquidJe) atmosphere suggest supportive ecosystem of native antities, life on the Sun???
(Torbj) I took the film myself.... from Earth!
(ChiefSimi) i registered, logged in and voted
(MikeO) Ditto for MikeO
(Jeremy32) Nancy: Do the Zetas think the audience here who strongly believe in the pole shift have prepared adequately enough? Do they think we should be doing more?
(Masisoar) Nancy, besides questions, is there anything the Zs might tell us? That they haven't already that might require a question? :)
(NancyL) Torbj, I'm impressed! Does it not burn the camera or some such?
(Earth420) Hmmm. Maybe there is something up with the Sun, we just dont know yet.
(Zombryo) Masisoar: That's a very good question! :-D
(NancyL) Earth, the Z's are saying NO change in the Sun, only that more folks are looking at it and noting things.
(Steve2) Nancy, How often does Bush get updates on PX re its position?
(Torbj) no... not with weldinglass 13 in front of the lens!
(NancyL) dBug, amateurs are getting Px pics since Sep 21st!
(Obany) Masisoar: it doesn't work that way for what i know
(NancyL) A FITS is a photograph, from a camera!
(Masisoar) I see..
(Earth420) Father Sun in all his beauty. Able to see it once and for all. I always thought it was active... but...
(NancyL) A GIF or JPG from a FITS is no different than a digitized photo of you.
(NancyL) http://www.zetatalk.com/teams/tteam342.htm go look at the photos of Px!
(Owego) I think he means someone other than Steve or Naji
(NancyL) Liquid, you're being silly right? No life on the Sun.
(Obany) i am waiting for Steve etc...
(NancyL) Thanks Chief, I'm trying to get a status from Obany and Ralf went for a sandwich.
(Earth420) Torbj... sometimes I wonder when it comes to the Sun, we maybe have to figure it out. Something very special about it. And besides, its our Star. Maybe you were lucky, and maybe we arent supposed to know everything about it. Good job though.
(Spanky) what about plasma based lifeforms
(NancyL) Quck answer to Steve2 on Bush:
(NancyL) ZT: Weekly
(dBug) Nancy, can the Zetas take a close "picture" of PX, or something like that ??
(NancyL) End ZT to Steve2 :-) I presume after the chat or days following.
(Steve2) thanks
(Cmel) lol
(ZetaWolF) Zetas does N.Korea know about PX?
(NancyL) Owego, there are PLENTY of folks doing this, that don't come forward, so your statement is not accurate.
(Earth420) dBug, we dont need a pic at this point, will be here soon enough if that is all you need to believe
(Owego) Sorry, it wasn't my statement. DBug asked, I just clarified
(N18) NancyL: I think Ralf filed the application and waiting for the 10 to support.
(NancyL) dBug, not without eliminating the Element of Doubt, which is a Council of Worlds RULE they must follow, in giving you a pic of Px, etc.
(NancyL) ZetaWolf, quick answer from the Z's re N. Korea, they do NOT know about Px, only know their starvation and desperation.
(Earth420) Can the Zs comment on Britains media becoming so alien involved?
(NancyL) Thanks for the update N18, my impression too.
(NancyL) I want Obany to let me know who has NOT registered their support as yet, etc.
(ZetaWolF) another Question is Earth expected to start rotating again in same direction after the stoppage and if so how does it start back up?
(Sanjuro) Mancy, im waiting
(Wage) NancyL i tried, said that i wasn't allowed
(NancyL) We are approaching the end of the hour here, and want this to be a done deal by then, etc.
(Wage) -X- You don't appear to be listed as a supporter in #zetatalk, please ensure you have spelt the channel name correctly.
(RegWa) Nancy, you must be exhausted, how do you do it
(NancyL) Wage, had you resistered?
(Wage) yes, and i'm logged in
(Zombryo) I get an error message too at cservice.undernet.org/live/
(ZetaWolF) I still have not recieved a return email but I will register as soon as I get one
(MattD30) Nancy: The Z's mentioned before a wishfull thinking mind set that helps people deny the events occuring around them and I was wondering if there is a more concrete way around this. It is difficult to take action when those around you are disbelieving.
(Torbj) so nothing from the zetas what this "black" thing on the sun could be?
(Wage) typed: /msg x support #zetatalk yes
(Locomotio) The Element of Doubt seems to be working to advantage of those in power.
(Obany) it doesn't matter .... Ralf filled in 10 user names at his application and those 10 have to give he support command
(NancyL) ZetaWolf, the Z's answered this a few weeks back, said most LIKLY the same direction (this is normal) but 24 hours etc not exact, etc.
(Earth420) Torbj, lots of activity lately on that side of the sun, right?
(Wage) ok, fine, i won't support then :)
(NancyL) RegWa, after last night and this afternoon, I'm looking for a night off, yes!
(Zod2) Obany, do we have to type our user name as well
(RegWa) you did great last night
(Torbj) activity all the time around....
(ZetaWolF) strange though to imagine that it would start spinning again after stopping possible due to gravity I suppose?
(Chatter26) Get an education, pathetic retards..
(NancyL) Wage, did you registers with Undernet, your userid, etc., and then do the x@channel command thing as Obany instructed, etc?
(Earth420) Yes, but on that side mainly, now if there is an atmosphere, maybe it was a major cooling down or cloud... but the sun has atmosphere
(Wage) yes, Obany said you don't need more support 10 is enough, Ralf would have had to have listed me anyhow
(NancyL) Zombryo, if you have hotmail or freemail it will not let you register, as abuse occurs via these routes.
(ZetaWolF) but it is also said this has happened in teh past 3 days light / dark etc and it spun back up
(Obany) NancyL: only those who where mentioned by Ralf have to do the support command
(NancyL) Matt, I myself am almost completely surrounded by disbelievers, so to speak, and persist.
(NancyL) YOU must be the strong one, and be prepared to help them when the chips are down.
(Masisoar) :)
(Zombryo) I get this error message: Sorry, your IP address already registered a username, you can only register ONE username. But I never registered before...
(NancyL) YOU must be that STO person that they will lean on, etc.
(N18) The 10 that Ralf used: jeremy32, oba7ny1, jakaby, shavas7, wp25244, n18, brent2003, superzod, lightspee, hayna.
(Stoic) yes
(MikeO) Hayna = MikeO, by the way.
(MattD30) ok ,thanks
(NancyL) Zod2, when you have registered, and have your user name and password via email, then you do the x@channel command (I'm not giving the entire command here) and then the x support YES command.
(NancyL) Both those commands are done in the status window.
(MikeO) Next week we go back to the 60-minute format beginning at 22:00 UTC?
(NancyL) Obany, who are we still missing?
(ZetaWolF) now on Undernet?
(Wage) NancyL Ralf would have to amend the user name list for any more of us to provide support
(Jeremy32) Sorry folks that this whole process wasn't announced on a public list earlier
(Wage) right now it's locked in at 10
(NancyL) Oh, thanks for reminding me, Mike!
(Stoic) apology accepted, Jer
(NancyL) YES, next week I'd like to fall back to only a 1 hour chat, the old time where #zetatalk has always functioned!
(FullMoon) What time will this session start next week?
(NancyL) N18, thanks for the update. He could have used me too so he had more than 10 :-)
(NancyL) If any of those folks did NOT do the X support command, please do so now.
(Dim) I'm glad to see that you're still carrying on Nancy.
(NancyL) FullMoon, when the normal #zetatalk sessions started, all along, NOT early as this week.
(Justm) what is the x support command?
(ShadySlim) how does one register with undernet
(Earth420) Than you much Nancy/Zs... Good session. Good bye all! Skate the Hate!
(NancyL) We started early this week so that those who came for QueenV's chat could find us here, be directed here.
(N18) I did use the support command. It's only for the 10 I listed above.
(Wage) ditto
(NancyL) We directed folks to this channel from Queen's channel in Funnet, and from the #zetatalk channel in Funnet.
(Jammer) finally made it
(Stoic) yes, glad to be here finally
(Jammer) hello Nancy
(NancyL) But next week, we will only be gathering here for the #zetatalk hour, as of old, the hour that followed Queen's chat hour, etc.
(Dim) Hey Jammer, glad to see you made it too.
(robj) there was no direction on Funnet, I got direction from someone in the chat
(ShadySlim) will troubled_times also be on undernet now?
(Jammer) thanx Dim
(NancyL) Justim, I don't think you have to give it unless one of the 10, are you one that N18 listed?
(Torbj) nothing on the shadow on the Sun.... would be glad if an answer were given by the zetas!.. Love you Nancy!
(Jammer) trying to get mom logged on now
(Dios) Nancy, I still don't understand you explanation of the whole comet NEAT thing and the NASA pics which looked faked.
(NancyL) Shadyslim, no plans to change #troubled_times, my understanding.
(Justm) i dont think so,i just was wondering if i had to do something special im not used to IRC sorry
(ShadySlim) k
(StevenB) Nancy, Can the Zeta's just wiz on over to Marduk in their ship and see if Marduk's on course
(StevenB) and then report how close it is ?
(NancyL) Dios, there were rumors on the Internet for about a week about NEAT V1 being 2+ times the size of Jupiter, etc.
(Dios) yep
(Nightbird) yayy.. it worked, Obany.. thank you
(NancyL) These rumors started by, per Mitch Battros newletter, HIM, he stated he measured this from a photo on the nASA web site.
(Obany) #troubled_times has changed to bad ... but #troubled_times will be on the Funnet still
(NancyL) Then on 2/28 his newsletter stated that he was informed that NASA had doctored the image, superimposed an enlarged image of the comet over the Sun.
(Dios) Didn't NASA release size data on comet?
(Obany) Nightbird: no do that support command please :)
(Unibonger) Obany: why don't we move #troubled_times over here and NOT tell the debunkers :)
(RegWa) I had server problems with last weeks session, missed the log and fell for garbage to my own disgrae
(Torbj) im curipous about what silenced the Pioner 10!...do the zetas now?
(Sanjuro) lol, Unibonger
(Torbj) ohhh...my spelling.....
(dBug) Nancy, one more question, what will happen in the precise instant that Earth stops. Would we be thrown away from ground?
(NancyL) Then an article on Space.COM blaming Rence and all manner of other people for this, exempting Battros (as he is a NASA lacky one of theirs) saying that NO doctored images had been put up, just folks who don't know who to read digitized images :-)
(NancyL) Dios, what do you not understand?
(MikeO) It sounds like Mitch Battros has experienced a falling out with NASA, his long-time benefactor. When I e-mailed Battros, he was a snotty little bastard.
(N18) Torbj: read the logs. It was answered at the begining of the chat.
(NancyL) Unibonger, I think there is a bot running, perhaps, in the Funnet channel.
(Dios) Well, is there really a comet there and if so, are NASA pasting images onto their pics to show the comet taking a course that inreality it is not taking?
(RegWa) James already did that Mike
(NancyL) Torbj, this was answered earlier, it was zapped like the Columbia.
(Torbj) i was late... thx!
(NancyL) MikeO, very snotty, and this thought crossed my mind too, that he was being setup to be discredited after fronting a falsehood.
(StevenB) Nancy, Why did they zap Columbia after it completed the mission, why not sooner ?
(NancyL) A common CIA tactic, as in Shramek during Hale-Bopp
(NancyL) He stated he had an image of an object following HB, and then got trashed.
(Obany) NancyL: there is a chanserv there, and have to talk about this etc... as i need 10 folks also if the channel will be moved to here ... still thinking about this anyway
(RegWa) someone is playig every end against the middle, I think they call that octopussy
(NancyL) dBug, no, folklore stated that rotation stops, and none of this is reported.
(NancyL) dBug, the Concord goes VERY fast, yet the passengers can get up and go to the washroom, right?
(NancyL) Do they get knocked to their feet?
(dBug) no..
(Dios) Is the idea that there is no comet and NASA are merely pretending there is a huge one there so that when PX comes along, people will just think 'oh, another huge comet...' and not worry?
(NancyL) dBug, it is not stopped in a second, or a minute, but within a day.
(Unibonger) like stopping a train?
(dBug) ok, thanks Nancy.
(NancyL) Dios, there is a real comet, but as the Z's said last Sat, just a normal comet, not big, not spectacular in any way.
(NancyL) The rumors were utterly false, designed to test how YOU would react, what YOU would believe, if YOU would run screaming in the streets, etc.
(N18) StevenB: Read the chat log 1 week after Columbia disaster. They said it returned data with the shuttle instead of sending it to avoid being intercepted.
(Sanjuro) SteveB, to create a better sense of failiure, stronger msg etc. i think
(Justm) will there be a comet around the time of x's arrival?
(NancyL) Obany, would there be a change? The debunkers would still sit in there, waiting for the newcomers to disinfo, right?
(NancyL) So, why switch?
(LiquidJe) its not the comets u should be concerned about but those asteroids that come otta nowhere
(Obany) NancyL as soon as they find it yes ... then they will
(MattD30) StevenB: I think it would be easier for the Council to intervene when we have blackout during re-entry and no way of knowing what really happend (i.e. message to president bush)
(NancyL) Dios, you got it! Yes, desensitization!
(LiquidJe) didnt zetatalk mention these asteroids 2 weeks ago?
(Obany) so a swithc won't matter anyhow
(RegWa) I thought I was prepared to face this event, but when the prospect of NEAT being PX hit me, I realised I am not as brave as I thought
(StevenB) thanks - :(
(Dios) Thanks Nancy, I understand now. They just grossly over-stated the size of the comet to see the publics reaction, to see if people would panic at the thought of a giant comet out there...
(NancyL) They are trying to lump a LOT of Px related events into NEAT V1 and saying "none of this is true" so when folks start hearing Px rumors they discount them.
(Stoic) Are Zetas to talk today, or might there be signs of the times in here?
(NancyL) Here's that SIGN of the TIMES where NASA makes their statements ...
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #5: But Everyone BUT Mitch is Blamed!!
(NancyL) Alleged NASA Cover-up of Menacing 'NEAT' Comet Threat is Pure Bunk, Experts Say, http://www.space.com
(NancyL) "Internet accounts of a comet, supposedly bigger than Jupiter and possibly bearing down on Earth, have concerned citizens e-mailing astronomers and journalists worldwide asking if the end is finally nigh. True to form, the rumors also include allegations of a cover-up by NASA. The inaccurate portrayals on various Internet sites range from suggestions that the comet's electromagnetic field will drastically alter Earth's weather in coming days to even wilder notions that it is not a comet but instead the long-missing and hypothetical Planet X."
(NancyL) "SOHO took dramatic photos of the comet as it rounded the Sun. The spacecraft has imaged more than 500 similar so-called sungrazing comets in the past. NEAT was the brightest comet ever photographed by the observatory, but it is not remarkable, size-wise, compared with comets in general. ... In fact NEAT turned out to be slightly disappointing, after some astronomers had speculated it might become bright enough to astound nighttime skywatchers and possibly even be visible during the day."
(NancyL) "GuluFuture.com, misidentifies NEAT as a planet, .. Rense.com, fuels fright ... other sites such as Rumor Mill News... [note no mention of Mitch Battros who started the rumors] ... Plait, author of Bad Astronomy ... told SPACE.com ... the idea that NEAT is as big as a planet is just plain wrong ... SOHO images have given fringe thinkers ... UFOs, giant planets, the eye of God, and probably even Bigfoot ... SOHO engineers have detailed these shortcoming of digital imaging."
(NancyL) Nancy's Note: the fact that Mitch, a NASA lacky, did NOT get mentioned in this article, when he in fact started the rumors, shows that he is indeed a NASA lacky!
(NancyL) End SIGN, etc.
(RegWa) needless to say we were all set up
(NancyL) Now, what do you all think? They are NOT blaming Mitch ECTV except they are saying those who take the SOHO images, etc.
(Dios) I see. So NASA themselves made no public statement detailing the size of the comet?
(Owego) I was under the impression the rumour started on gulufuture.com
(NancyL) And he does this, but they bash Rense, and Rumor Mill, etc. but not Mitch by name!
(Sanjuro) haha, there has been alot of entertainment !
(Obany) btw i note could those who gave the support command be able to stay a litte longer just to chat and then well use the channel also tommorow or so
(Owego) I think that's how it's spelled
(NancyL) Dios, Mitch claimed an image was on their site for a day or so, then taken away. NASA says it was just delayed posting of images.
(Dios) What about the Nasa images complete with the pasted piece of comet on one - are they real images or has a larger-looking comet pic been used in them?
(NancyL) I note they don't mention ZetaTalk, never do :-).
(Owego) I don't think Battroess was metiooned on Rense or RumorMill, was he?
(NancyL) Too nervous that folks will take the Planet X Sighting link!
(Jammer) :)
(NancyL) It is also remotely possible that they are thinking 1. we can't keep this secret for long, 2. what will we tell folks when they want to know the governments plans, 3. turn them to Nancy and TT etc which have solutions for the little guy.
(StevenB) Nancy, has our STO ratio increased some by now ?
(NancyL) The Z's have always said that toward the end, Bush et al will go into hiding and just point folks to Troubled Times to do HIS job, explain it all to the public, tell them what to do, download the booklet, etc.
(Jammer) i hope so
(Stoic) good question
(Steve2) Nancy is there any way a Hubble image of PX could ever "find its way" into the public arena?
(Lightspee) Yes, Steeveb, good Q
(Obany) mmm just a question .. any problems expected for this channel now here ... and will it serve it's purpose before the pole shift ...?
(NancyL) Obany, can you be more specific? Do you NEED then here, or is this just that Undernet will be looking over useage?
(RegWa) that will be some oportunity for STS
(NancyL) I will come online tomorrow, early in the morning, then, for while.
(Sanjuro) picked up a mag called nexus the other day, had a coupla interesting articles, zetatalk was listed in a list of links
(Torbj) did you look at the mpeg Nancy? http://w1.605.telia.com/~u60512538/sun20030219.mpeg
(Dim) Steve2, I thought that one already had, but that it had been altered?
(LiquidJe) you guys are all prejudice aginst sts, its every indib\vidual right to be who they r
(Obany) NancyL: only the 10 people that ralf mentioned ... for what i read they want to see it are users of the channel during the 3 day procces
(NancyL) Owego, but Battros was the SOURCE, if I am not mistaken, of the 2XJupiter size rumor!
(NancyL) He came out with this on 2/23, I will give you what was provided to me ...
(Ianz) Nancy, any comment on "Enigma", a supposed brown or black dwarf, as described by Jose chung?
(NancyL) SIGNS of the TIMES #4: C2002/V1 Disinfo Source Mitch Battros!
(NancyL) "Something's Up With Comet C/2002 V1 02/23/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV) http://www.earthchangestv.com This means the CME is directly Earth bound. If this is correct, watch for sudden windstorms to occur. ... Now, lets consider the size of this comet. I had to take a double look when I located the diameter of comet C/2002 V1. It is approximately 176,000 miles across. This is twice the size of Jupiter. Twenty two times the size of Earth."
(NancyL) "Sometimes We Have To Eat A Little Crow; Comet C/2002V1 Facts 02/28/03 by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
(NancyL) I have just completed my interview on our ECTV Live Radio Hour with Dr. Tom Van Flandern. ... I realized I had been duped. ... This is what we think happened... it is extremely possible a grad-student or apprentice inside Nasa were practicing their new found imaging skills ... super-impose the imaging to highlight the comet and its path. ... so it would be larger and easily noticed."
(NancyL) Nancy Note: Mitch makes the statement that HE has calculated the size of come 2002/V1 to be twice the size of Jupiter. Then blaming NASA for a doctored image on its web site! Mitch bases his information on NASA, and now it is discredited? We certainly know that Mitch is discredited, as a dirty snowball twice the size of Jupiter arriving in the vicinity of the Sun and unnoticed is hardly likely.
(RegWa) LOL no Liquid, sto love sts too
(Owego) naw, that was NASA, but they were talking about the coma, not the nucleus. Gulufuture took that and ran with it
(JWilliam) Owego: Battros comments on http://www.thehotsheets.com/solarsystem/ and http://www.syzygyjob.net/phenomena/
(NancyL) Now, I don't have dates for Rense posting, or Rumor Mill postings, etc.
(Owego) and claimed the comet (nucleus) was twice the size of Jupiter
(Sanjuro) Ianz, this has been addressed
(LiquidJe) no u guys are scared of being STS
(Sanjuro) already
(Obany) did you saw my question Nancy, what do you think about this... the change of the channel now etc... you think it will serve it's purpose in those last months before the shift?
(NancyL) Maybe more than one NASA lacky went forth to spread this rumor.
(Owego) but "twice the size pf Jupiter" was correct, just not the nucleus of the comet
(NancyL) Ianz, does Jose Chung have any proof, or is he just stating an opinion, etc.
(Justm) how many years has NASA known about this?
(Owego) nucleus was only a few kilometers, average size
(NancyL) There are SO many false prophets, SO many who just want the state or are sent forth for disinformation.
(RegWa) I missed log and was guilty of spreding rummor
(StevenB) Hey Liquid, the STS is why the earth is being wiped out thats why we are against them.
(NancyL) Unless they have a prediction accuracy track record, no comment, thus.
(NancyL) Assume them to be hot air unless they predict, and are accurate, as ZetaTalk does both!
(NancyL) Obany, I don't see a need to switch the #troubled_times channel but I will go look for your last comment ...
(Obany) i was talking about this channel
(Ianz) Jose chung sites SOHO pictures, I think. Says some were posted, then withdrawn
(Steve2) Nancy is there any way a recent Hubble image of PX could ever "find its way" into the public arena?
(ShadySlim) It would be easier to join both if both are on same server
(NancyL) OK, folks, I will be attending in THIS #zetatalk channel for an hour, just to blab about, tomorrow (same time as usual #zetatalk chat) and Monday too!
(Dios) Cool
(NancyL) I may not be as attentive, but will be here!
(Torbj) did you look at the MPEG Nancy? http://w1.605.telia.com/~u60512538/sun20030219.mpeg
(NancyL) So, Obany, this will cover ME attending for the 3 day period.
(Dios) Nancy, I didn't think the Earth was being wiped out due to the STS element?
(Sanjuro) Ianz, its interesting to read but it barely touches on the real issues
(Obany) no need for you to join in etc..
(NancyL) Obany, can I ask, is it OK for me to leave? Does Ralf need those of us, the 10, to hang in anymore, today (am exhuasted)
(Dios) I thought it was being advanced to a higher density because of the STO content...
(Lightspee) Thanks Nancy!
(LiquidJe) in all fairness the STO lot are also responsble to the damage to this planet
(Obany) you can go now ... and no need for you to hang around ...
(Stoic) Heard Nancy live late last night
(MikeO) OK, so Nancy is back on Sunday at 2200 UTC (4 pm central US)?
(Obany) it's just that some of them just join in now and then for some chatter nothing more
(NancyL) Ianz, sounds like he's another Battros, but not certain. It MAY be that NASA actually posted false images! I actually don't know.
(Terminal^) A complete Log of todays session plus Nancys radio interview on Lou Gentile yesterday (in mp3 format) and more are all available from http://www.DarkInsight.com
(NancyL) Dios, no the STS are losing! :-)
(Torbj) do look at it if you have the time! http://w1.605.telia.com/~u60512538/sun20030219.mpeg
(Obany) no need for you to be there Nancy for what i know
(Obany) i agree, they are loosing it
(NancyL) OK, folks, I will be here same time (for the #zetatalk hour) tomorrow Sunday and also Monday, same time, just to gossip, etc. :-)
(Dios) So the STS are to be removed by destroying Earth?
(NancyL) Good night and thanks for attending and inspiring great ZetaTalk!
(NancyL) Thanks as always to Ralf and Obany and Jeremey and others who labor unthanked in the service to allow these chats!
(NancyL) I would send you all roses but am broke! As are most of us. So must just send my love and concern!
(NancyL) Good night!
Session Close: Sat Mar 01 17:15:39 2003