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Session Start: Sat May 25 16:55:32 2002
(Boris) DraganR: Zdravo ;-)
(Torbj) You are here for your own growhth and others
(N) Well, maybe they don't know not fore sure also ........
(Okidok) Hi Zetapal Nancy is no exeption
(N) About many topics
(NancyL) Gerard and I are announcing new rules, re booting disruptive people, tonight.
(Zetapal) We had to wait till 4 mos after baby was born to determine paternity by DNA test...
(DuncanC) Wage: I find it quite implausible that Greer is wittingly a disinfo agent
(Zetapal) Longest wait of my life...
(NancyL) I put these as a link from the IRC page, the Setting portion, but will repeat these new rules in brief now.
(DuncanC) Zetapal: damn
(Zetapal) I had to prepare for two possible outcomes without knowing which was true...
(DuncanC) Zetapal: I hear that
(NancyL) This new link, called Distruptive, states: "Disruptive audience members will be booted quickly for the hour, without explanation, for the sake of those attending who do wish a dialog with the Zetas. The Live ZetaTalk Sessions on IRC are to facilitate Q&A with the Zetas, not to provide a forum for those wanting to 1. convince others they should not attend, 2. do not think ZetaTalk has any worth or validity, 3. present alternative views endless and badgering the audience, 4. become the toughest guy in town by beating the big bad Zetas with adolescent challenges. Examples below:"
(NancyL) Example of 1. is "(LeRenard) You people, can't you see this poor lady needs professional assistance? This is a CULT. She cannot prove any of her statements. Why do you blindly believe her?" So if he thinks ZetaTalk is crazy, why is he here? Not to have a dialog, but to convince others NOT to attend.
(Zetapal) Turned out my hunch was right, the baby wasn't mine, it was a setup of sorts ...
(NancyL) Example of 2. is "(Andeomon) Give me some more useless information so I think its useful and forget about reality :)" So if he thinks ZetaTalk is useless, why is he here? Not to have a dialog, but to convince others NOT to attend.
(NancyL) Example of 3. is "(Ultima) How are the zetan bugs. (Ultima) Are they tricking u again. (Ultima) Death to zeta. (Ultima) Lord Ashtar can explain." So if he thinks Zetas are tricksters, why is he here? To have a dialog with tricksters? Not to have a dialog, but to win converts to the Ashtar Command.
(NancyL) Example of 4. is "(PottM) Speaking of evolution it is getting to the point where man will be able to mould himself in his own image of greatness why the need to be assimilated? (PottM) NancyL: You seem to think humans are quite useless and not capable of .." So if he thinks mankind should be left in charge of the Earth and all aliens should leave it alone, then why is he here? Not to have a dialog, but to argue that ZetaTalk should not exist.
(Redeye) Crazy bastards...
(NancyL) Any questions about the new rules?
(Liquid_jelly) I dont mind if this thing is a cult :)
(NancyL) In other words, there will be NO private chatting with the cops and getting back in with false promises.
(NancyL) There will be NO warnings, repeatedly, to remember this or that, before being booted.
(Spanky) Come during the week and LeRetard and PottHead are usually the only ones here
(NancyL) We are not denying anyone the right to hear what goes on in the chat, as they can read the log.
(Redeye) Sounds spot on to me
(DuncanC) Turn on moderated, and give +v with descretion
(DraganR) Agried
(NancyL) If they are in the chat to do nothing but insult and convince others NOT to be there or try to get on stage because no one ever pays attention to them, then they have no one but themselves to blame for being booted.
(NancyL) This is for Q&A with the Zetas, and no other such lecture forum would allow these A*% holes to be present the way we have.
(NancyL) Spandy, the #zetatalk is not live during the week, my understanding, only now.
(Spanky) I mean #troubled_times
(NancyL) DuncanC, yes, we tried different rules, different rooms, etc., but feel this allows the audience to post questions best, during followup.
(NancyL) OK, I'll go get the agenda now, for the early birds ...
(DuncanC) Ic
(Gerard) If folks behave, and stick to the rules .. there are no problems ..
(NancyL) 1. Does ZT state that the poleshift occurs before and at the time when Px is directly between the earth and the sun? Does ZT state that the poleshift occurs before OR at the time when Px is directly between the earth and the sun? ZT on Website: When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change.
(NancyL) P21 Pole Shift (1995 Text)
(NancyL) When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change. The Earth then has its greatest advocate for its previous alignment, the Sun and its magnetic alignment, negated. The Earth hears only the magnetic voice of the giant comet, so to speak, which stands between the Earth and its former magnetic commander, the Sun.
(NancyL) P20 Stop Rotation (IRC May 18 Addition)
(NancyL) When approaching the point of passage, the shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when ... Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it approach.
(NancyL) 2. On TT-watch post 7563, you stated that the Zetas claimed Chandra Levy was not dead, had amnesia and was in Mexico. Yet just the other day her body was supposedly found in a Washington jogging park. Can the Zetas explain the discrepency?
(NancyL) 3. Aborted/Orientation Percentages: Out of the 6 billion people currently on the planet, in rough estimate, what are the percentages for those in the service to others/service to self/spiritually undecided/aborted entity camps?
(NancyL) In the Density section, Photon Belt writeup, ZetaTalk states "The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-Self orientation, and 68% undecided." I think these percentages must apply to the sparked souls only, which are apx 1 billion out of the whole (see below), as this adds up to 100%.
(NancyL) In the Transformation section, Harvest writeup, ZetaTalk states "Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion."
(NancyL) 1. Do you think all the talk about Bush knowing about 911's possibility is part of this
(NancyL) We're at the hour now, right?
(Wage) Close enough
(Redeye) Yep
(Torbj) Jo
(Gerard) Almost ... about 3 minuts before the start
(NancyL) I'll begin. The 1st Q is something that was open at the end of the last chat.
(NancyL) 1. Does ZT state that the poleshift occurs before and at the time when Px is directly between the earth and the sun? Does ZT state that the poleshift occurs before OR at the time when Px is directly between the earth and the sun? ZT on Website: When the giant comet positions itself exactly between the Earth and its Sun, things change.
(NancyL) And I won't repost the two quotes, basically in 1995 they said EXACTLY between the Earth and Sun, and last IRC they said the shift starts just BEFORE it gets between the Earth and Sun.
(NancyL) For anyone who has not seen the diagram, out there since late 1995, Point of Passage link from the TOPIC at http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword032.htm, this shows the angle and distance from Earth and Sun at passage.
(NancyL) Px comes in at a 32 degree angle from the ecliptic, passes closer to the Earth than the Sun, and is not coming up exactly between the Earth and Sun but at an angle, never does position EXACTLY between the Earth and Sun.
(NancyL) Also, the Entry Angle writeup in Science section, also written in 1995, goes into great detail on the geometric relationship, which is where that graphic was drawn from, by Jack Price, in 1995.
(NancyL) Given that background, here's the Z's.
(Spanky) Why doesn't the gov't build giant electromagnets, move them and power them by nuclear ships, and use them to hold the poles in place using the same process of interruption that PX uses to keep the pole from jerking?
(NancyL) ZT: As Nancy has pointed out, the sticking point is the use of the word EXACTLY in the Pole Shift writeup, in 1995, when more detail given that same year explains the angle and position and distance such that EXACTLY between the Earth and Sun do not seem appropriate.
(AgentY) Wow... lotta ppl here??
(NancyL) ZT: The one writeup was an overview, focusing on what occurs ON EARTH during the shift, and why it happens (magnetic alignment) and the others were focusing on positions between the planets and Sun.
(NancyL) ZT: If one goes to the store, for groceries, and Mother says "Father will be right back, he went shopping", and then Father does not come back for an hour as he also gassed up the car and chatted with a neighbor, does this make Mother a liar?
(AgentY) Hitler info? Oh.wait till follow up? Ok.
(NancyL) ZT: Her point was, he will be BACK, SOON, and she felt no need to explain all possible diversions he might make.
(Torbj) Feel!
(NancyL) ZT: If Mother is approached by a cop, explaining that her husband is in danger of being shot as a kook with a gun has issued a death threat, her answer would NOT be in that context.
(NancyL) ZT: She would then state that he went shopping and give the address of the grocery. She would also list all possible side trips or activities he might make.
(NancyL) ZT: She would provide addresses, phone numbers, details on what he was wearing, the license plate number, and color of car.
(NancyL) ZT: Is there a difference in the CONTEXT, the FOCUS, in these two settings? Yes!
(NancyL) End ZT on this contradiction.
(NancyL) 2. On TT-watch post 7563, you stated that the Zetas claimed Chandra Levy was not dead, had amnesia and was in Mexico. Yet just the other day her body was supposedly found in a Washington jogging park. Can the Zetas explain the discrepency?
(NancyL) Before I give the floor to the Z's I will quote from some articles on this matter.
(NancyL) http://www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/05/24/cf.crossfire/index.html
(NancyL) Q: Any chance that perhaps the body was placed there after the search? Last night, we had a former homicide detective on who suggested that maybe the best place to hide a body is a place that had already been searched? Is there any evidence at the crime scene that perhaps the remains have been moved?
(NancyL) A: The body was not buried. It looks like it was lying on the floor of the forest there, and it was covered with what would accumulate over a year.
(NancyL) Q: the things you knew about Chandra Levy after she disappeared were these: the two salient facts that she frequently jogged in Rock Creek Park and that the last known act she committed -- the last thing she did that we knew about, I believe that you knew about -- was she looked up a map of Rock Creek Park on her computer. So, the park was the obvious place to search.
(NancyL) A: And the fact is the D.C. police did search it, as you know, with 50 police recruits over a period of days, then went back, searched again, went back, searched again. Can you be a lot more specific about how you didn't find this body and a dog walker did?
(NancyL) A: We actually spent some three weeks up there with recruits. ... But given the information we had from her computer, that was a natural place to look and we spent quite a bit of time. What we did was go to different groves and parking areas and paths, drawn concentric circles out of there and had our troops fan out from there to try to find it. ...
(NancyL) Q: Convince our unconvinced viewers here that it is possible for 50 recruits over three weeks to miss finding a body in a park in the middle of a city, a densely populated city.
(NancyL) http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/05/22/levy.body/index.html
(NancyL) The park is not far from where Levy lived, and she was known to jog there. Last summer, police conducted an extensive search of the park without finding Levy. The park cuts through some of the city's more upscale neighborhoods and includes jogging and bicycle paths. Police said Levy had looked at a Web site that included information about the Klingle Mansion, an 1823 farmhouse now used as park offices, the day she disappeared. Ramsey said it is too soon to know if Levy's body was there at the time, nor do investigators yet know whether she died at the scene or was killed elsewhere and placed in the park.
(Andeomon) Hi NancyL :)
(NancyL) That said, I'll give it to the Z's
(Bluefox) Whos chandra levy?
(NancyL) ZT: The missing person episode of the year, perhaps of the decade, was the Chandra Levy case.
(Bluefox) Peolpe go missing evryday whats so special about her?
(NancyL) ZT: On major media, night after night, in the scandal rags, on Oprah, and with a web site devoted to the search, active for the entire time she was missing until her body was found.
(AgentY) She was a Jewish politician.... that's the main reason.
(NancyL) ZT: This hit the international news also, as CNN and FOX and other media giants go global.
(Bluefox) Oh, sorry I'm not in usa, I dont read up on mainstream media lately
(NancyL) ZT: Did they not use dogs during the concentric circles they drew from her likely path outward, through the park?
(AgentY) Dumb cops already said, they did not search area where body was found
(AgentY) Too busy eating donuts and such things.
(NancyL) ZT: Was the body not ABOVE GROUND, where rotting would attract dogs and wildlife, if not call the body to the attention of passing joggers by the ROT?
(AgentY) I live in manhattan, every street corner smells like rot.
(AgentY) I assume DC is same.
(NancyL) ZT: Could the body not be seen after the leaves fell from the trees, by a small plane passing overhead, given the clothing supposedly nearby?
(Rcain2) Boy Scout Troop did a clean sweep of the area last month. Picked up every piece of trash and litter.
(NancyL) ZT: Bodies left above ground are torn apart and carried about by dogs or cats or other carnivors that live in city parks quite comfortably.
(NancyL) ZT: Coyotes, for instance, are urban residents.
(Nelliferr) Lol
(AgentY) Or homeless folk
(AgentY) Coyotes in DC ???
(CalneCrusader) We are all gonna die in 12 months so who cares about the death of 1 person?
(NancyL) ZT: An arm, a leg, a shoulder bone, found at a distance from the body.
(Morko) First you tell there is apocalypse coming and then you just speak about some missing politician... you seem to have strange priorities.
(NancyL) ZT: But NONE of this was the case, the skeletal remains intact!
(Rcain2) Please ask Zata about Sept. 22 2002
(Bluefox) We? speak for ur damn self! Cal
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, one could conclude that 1. the body did not ROT there, 2. the body was MOVED there.
(AgentY) ...Err yeah, what is the Chandra crap about anyways??
(NancyL) ZT: Who moved the body, and why?
(CalneCrusader) Who cares
(AgentY) Iceberg fell off antarctica
(Nelliferr) Zeta's said she had amnesia and was in Mexico :o)
(AgentY) Hehehe
(NancyL) ZT: Given the media exposure, and the sensitivity of the Congressman who clearly wished to return to Congress and be re-elected, this was an open invitation for blackmail and delivery.
is said and the question have to be related to the answer'
(CalneCrusader) People die every day - talk about planet X please instead
(NancyL) ZT: A blackmail attempt was made, denied, and delivery done to embarrass the Congressman.
(NancyL) ZT: Was she murdered to fulfill this threat? Yes, and well in advance of the finding of the bones.
(AgentY) I think this chick just had a heart attack/seizure, etc.
(NancyL) ZT: Look to the viciousness of the Mexican drug cartels, for the methods they would use.
(NancyL) ZT: Chandra was identifiable, her face everywhere in the papers and on the web.
(NancyL) ZT: The Congressman was likewise identifiable, his district and Washington DC address in the media constantly.
(AgentY) Z's = Channel goers??
(AgentY) Oh...
(Zanoni) Hello everyone; this is my first visit.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, this contraditions is NOT a contradiction, in that the statements given in the summer of 2001 were correct, but the situation in the hands of man, subject to change, which it did.
(NancyL) ZT: She was found on the streets in Mexico, dazed and confused, and thus taken and used for blackmail.
(Nelliferr) Lol
(NancyL) ZT: It was not deemed that contacting her parents would work, in that they feared a live body being able to identify those demaning money.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus she was quickly killed, and put out to rot in the sun.
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
(Hugo) I read somewhere that the discovery of Chandra's body was a trigger for mind controlled terrorists. What do the Zetas make of such an assertion?
(Kirk) Why was she in Mexico and amnesiac?
(DuncanC) NancyL: Thus, her body should show signs of UV damage?
(Nelliferr) My 10 year old son can lie better than this.
(DuncanC) NancyL: damage that would not exist were she in the shade of the park the whole time.
(CalneCrusader) Perhaps she choked on a tortilla.
(NancyL) DuncanC, she has no FLESH on the bones, and bones don't show such signs.
(DuncanC) Ah
(Wage) Does the appearance of her body coincide with plans to change the subject from embarassing questions of 'did bush know", etc?
(NancyL) Also, after the flesh rotting off, the bones were collected, I'm sure.
(NancyL) OK, going onto the 3rd Contradiciton.
(Nelliferr) So, will the Zetas tell us the date of the death?
(NancyL) 3. Aborted/Orientation Percentages: Out of the 6 billion people currently on the planet, in rough estimate, what are the percentages for those in the service to others/service to self/spiritually undecided/aborted entity camps?
(NancyL) In the Density section, Photon Belt writeup, ZetaTalk states "The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-Self orientation, and 68% undecided." I think these percentages must apply to the sparked souls only, which are apx 1 billion out of the whole (see below), as this adds up to 100%.
(NoN) Only a partial skeleton was discovered.
(NancyL) In the Transformation section, Harvest writeup, ZetaTalk states "Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion."
(Nelliferr) Well, we brushed that aside mighty quickly
(Kirk) Agreed
(NancyL) This is not so much a contradition as unclear as to what is being referenced.
(NancyL) I got some recent info on how many incarnated Star Children there are presently, about 23% of the 5 billion or so entities come to assist with the Transformation, which is 1 billion Star Kids incarnated. ZT may be saying here, 5 billion excluding Star Kids, but not clear if they are including un-sparked in the % above, which I doubt! They would not even be undecided yet! I suspect it is:
(NancyL) - 1 billion Star Kids
(NancyL) - 1 billion Sparked (25% STO, 7%STS, 68% Undecided)
(NancyL) - 4 billion Unsparked
(NancyL) That said, I'll give it to the Z's
(Bluefox) Guess what STG is?
(CalneCrusader) Golf?
(NancyL) ZT: Why did we stated, in the Photon Belt writeup, that there were close to 5 billion people, when the figure is closer to 6 billion?
(Zugzwang) What are sparked & unsparked souls?
(Torbj) The thing is... I don�t think the zetas have to prove their statement�s all the time... in this escallating time they will soon not be able to do nothing else than "prove" what the said earlier... please learne to listnen/feel to what�s comming in your way..
(Sirgrim) How many unsparked are there?
(NancyL) ZT: The billion excluded is those human bodies incarnated by OTHER than terran born souls, in other words, Star Children.
(AgentY) I'll be on #troubled_times talking about booze and that type of stuff.
(NancyL) ZT: And who were we addressing when we stated the percentages of STO, STS, and Undecided?
(NancyL) ZT: Clearly not human bodies who were only a POTENTIAL for a soul, not having sparked yet.
(NancyL) ZT: Could these humans be STO, a non-existent sould having made this decision?
(NancyL) ZT: Could they be undecided, if they were not yet aware of themselves to the extent of realizing there was a choice?
(NancyL) ZT: The percentages, reaching 100% in total, were addressing those approximate 1 billion humans incarnated with terran born souls, sparked in part lifetimes.
(JennaJ) Chandra Levy's purse, travel bags, apartment keys, etc. were still in her apartment after her dissapearance. What was she doing in Mexico? Zetas are becoming completely ridiculis!
(NancyL) ZT: Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed and wandering about, gap mouthed.
(NancyL) ZT: They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a place.
(Sirgrim) I think i'm one of them
(CalneCrusader) 4 out of 5 folks don't walk around dazed and open mouthed!
(Sirgrim) And don't care, still gonna do it my way
(Bluefox) Ok starboy
(NancyL) ZT: Unless some matter occurs to SPARK a soul, such as empathy for another in distress and a choice to sacrifice comfort of the self to assist the other, no sparking occurs.
(NancyL) ZT: A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, the percentages, how the Earth's human population breaks down, is correct as computed by Nancy.
(NancyL) ZT: 1 billion incarnated by terran born souls, which break down int 25% STO, 7% STS, and 68% undecided.
(NancyL) ZT: 1 billion or so incarnated by souls born elsewhere, assisting in the Transformation, in other words, Star Children.
(NancyL) ZT: And 4 billion fogged potentials, dazed and gap-mouthed, trying to sort out the world on their first tour.
(NancyL) End ZT followup?
(Beethoven) What are the percentages of sparked/unsparked in the USA? Is the percentage the same for all areas of the planet?
(CalneCrusader) I saw Attack of the Clones today - now I know I am a Jedi Star Child
(Spanky) Are most of the star children terran born entities that left in previous harvests?
(Torbj) There is only one aeria....
(Torbj) You...
(Bluefox) I almost felll asleep in that star wars movie
(NancyL) ZT to Beethoven: There is a greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high communication with other cultures.
(JoeyB) Nancy, Are STO allowed to incarnate as star children at this time?
(Mmt) And the Indigo Childs,
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls.
(Redeye) From what alien race are most of the star children entities from?
(DuncanC) NancyL: do you have any idea of what percentage of worlds people are reincarnated Native American souls? Did they all reincarnate on earth?
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, rural areas have a higher percentage of unsparked souls that urban areas.
(Mmt) Aren't the indigo children a new phenomenon?
(Hugo) When you say "born elsewhere" do you mean born beyond the limits imposed by the hierarchy?
(Zanoni) All this is arguing how many angels can stand on the head of a pin. IF PX is comming, how can we make the best use of our lives NOW?
(Karen) Would you say that mostly STS are being born now prior the PS?
(JoeyB) Meant to say, are STS allowed to incarnate as star children.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is deemed a high impact zone, given to high drama for choices.
(Karen) Because of restrictions afterwards
(NancyL) End ZT to Beethoven.
(Beethoven) Thanks... very interesting.
(CalneCrusader) I cant decide if I am an undecided or not :)
(NancyL) ZT to JoeyB: Both STO and STS are incarnating as Star Children.
(Sirgrim) I'm unsparked ;D
(DuncanC) I've sparked... a blunt ;)
(NancyL) ZT: The higher percentage here are STO, as they are comfortable with a mission of caring, and self sacrifice.
(Sirgrim) NancyL: I'm still cool with that, but don't see why I would be so special to be 'sparked'
(Gerard) Didnt zetatalk say that only STO are allowed to be born as starchildren ?
(Torbj) Starschild or not.... you are here to be "razzeled"....
(Bluefox) I remember the Karate Kid movie, master saying walk left side of road Ok, walk right side of raod Ok, walk in middle sooner or later crack
(Torbj) Yuo are not "protected" as starborn....
(NancyL) ZT: Incarnations by higher level STS are rare, as they are impatient with discomfort, cannot carry an undercover role well, and they are more likely to incarnate in an act of Possession than the long life of a Star Child.
(Zetapal) You're not special Sirgrim
(Sirgrim) I know
(NancyL) ZT: In a Possession, they drop into a body where the incarnating spirit has decided to leave, and would otherwise commit suicide.
(Bluefox) We are all special are we not Zetapal?
(NancyL) ZT: Should this setting be an opportunity for the STS, they will play it for all it is worth, then leave.
(NancyL) ZT: The ending is either that the original spirit returns, or the body becomes an open forum for another incarnation, abandoned.
(NancyL) End ZT to JoeyB.
(Spanky) Wouldnt these STS want more of these chances to "escape hell" ?
(NancyL) Calne, can't decide if you're undecided :-). Is this a pun?
(Gerard) I remember reading from zetatalk that there are also starchildren from 6th density an higher ... Are there more starchildren from 4th density or from 5th density?
(Redeye) Not if its worse than where they're from.
(Zetapal) If everyone is special, then no one is special
(CalneCrusader) Yes it was a wise crack Nancy
(NancyL) Gerard, this sounds like another contradition :-)
(DavidS) What is the main feelings of a star born soul? They feel strongly they do not belong to Earth?
(DavidS) Other feelings which are very strong?
(CalneCrusader) How do you know if you are a Star Child?
(Hugo) Rather that they BE-Long I would say :)
(NancyL) They in fact have stated, as I recall, that incarnations by highly STS are being allowed if they are ABOUT to make a choice, thus the very evil but very young children, violent against other children we see of late.
(Bluefox) Special in reference to realative emptiness
(NancyL) But my understanding that because we are transforming, almost exclusively STO are incarnating, yes.
(CalneCrusader) Nancy, how do u know if u r a star child?
(Hugo) You realize it!
(Spanky) Where did the earth entities taken on previous Harvests go?
(JennaJ) You show up in Mexico dazed and confused
(Zugzwang) Lol
(NancyL) Spanky, STS don't escape their hell (living with others of their kind) by incarnating during a Transformation, but because of a decision, getting themselves in hot water on the STS world where they live, I presume.
(Gerard) Okay I read it wrong
(Gerard) NancyL: I read it wrong
(Gerard) "Star Children are service minded higher entities that come from 4th, 5th, 6th, or even higher densities on rare occasions to do service"
(Torbj) The main feeling of not being a terran is.... not being a terran... simple... as a terran you never think this thought
(NancyL) THEN they get to incarnate, I presume, in an undecided environment, to prove their decision, I would presume.
(Redeye) What alien race is the primary source for Star Children at this time?
(NancyL) DavidS, that's what I've heard, from Star Children, yes. They feel "different".
(CalneCrusader) No you are mixing them up with homosexuals.
(NancyL) Calne, there is no rule of thumb to be identified, that one is or NOT a Star Child. They generally know, I gather.
(Gerard) Is the amount of 4th density StarChildren greater then that of 5th and 6th ... ?
(DavidS) To be honest I am not surprise if I am a soul not of this Earth.. I have sensed it very strongly since my childhood.
(Redeye) Gerard: good Q.
(NancyL) Spanky, these worlds differed, but THIS time undecideds are off to a water world, STO human can incarnated back on Earth but maybe NOT, depending, and STS will go, often in their current human form to hell-worlds, living with other STS.
(Redeye) I too
(Bluefox) I love water, but the thing is I cant swim well
(CalneCrusader) I can't swim though
(NancyL) ZT to Redeye: As Earth is hominoid inhabited, the obvious choice of a Star Child background would be hominoid.
(Redeye) Ha ha
(NancyL) ZT: However, the entire gamut of past life forms are found.
(Hugo) STO -feel gratitude; STS -feel ingratitude
(DuncanC) NancyL: Could you ask the Zetas if the Transformation relates to what Meher Baba (not Sai Baba), has said about his "universal work" for humanity?
(Morko) This is worse than Bible.
(NancyL) ZT: The reason is that it is the DETERMINATION of the entity, the skill set, the past roles they have played well, the strong desire to make a difference, that determines the choices of which volunteers to allow first incarnation opportunities.
(Zanoni) Seeing little of value in this discussion, I leave you, bored and ignored. I had hoped to learn something USEFUL!
(NancyL) ZT: Star Children are found in all walks, but most often where existing incarnations are undecided, or they can support the Transformation.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, they would be unlikely to go into a primitive village, inhabited mostly by unsparked souls.
(Sirgrim) How many star children are in this room?
(CalneCrusader) Can we talk about PX now?
(Gerard) Are the souls of those special children that are mentioned in the hybrid section of zettalk .. terran born? Or does this also differ?
(Zugzwang) So who holds the balance of power in the Council of Worlds?
(NancyL) ZT: Sparking is NOT caused by others, and thus their entire incarnation as a Star Child would be wasted.
(NancyL) ZT: But if in a combat zone, of sorts, combat of orientation decisions and opportunities, their presence would make a difference.
(NancyL) ZT: Supporting humans, terran born souls, in significant of high impact activities is regarded as a primary mission for Star Children.
(Mmt) Dr. Leir made a study about functional growth criteria of children and came to the conclusion, that the growth has accelerated
(Torbj) Just by being here.... you make a change1
(Wage) Mmt prob. from the growth hormones in the food we eat..
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, there are many about Nancy, and Troubled Times, and as staff in the corridors of power and politics around the world, and in the fields were assisting starvation or suffering are the focus.
(NancyL) End ZT to .. whomever.
(Redeye) Wow, I see
(JoeyB) Star Children are also subject to the rules of forgetfulness, true?
(Mmt) I meant the number of months when a child can walk ..
(NancyL) Gerard, the special children simply have a different DNA, semi-hybrid, and this has nothing to do with soul background.
(NancyL) Could be either!
(Redeye) Thanks
(DuncanC) Nancy: how soon after the PS willl hybrids arrive?
(Gerard) NancyL: Ok
(CalneCrusader) Nice question Dunc
(NancyL) ZT to Sirgrim, of the less than 100 in this chat room, fully 37% are Star Children, but most are unaware of this status.
(Hugo) JoeyB: subject to forgetfulness and impelled to wakefulness
(NancyL) End ZT to Sirgrim.
(Bluefox) So hows the weather in usa? its frezzing down here in Aus
(Torbj) Joeyb... yes.... you are forgetting who you are, as anyone.
(JoeyB) And the forgetfulness gets worse after 40 :)
(DuncanC) Bluefox: erratic. big swings.
(Redeye) Yowsers
(CalneCrusader) I am a Star Child, but I kid around a lot
(NancyL) ZT to DuncanC: The hybrids are already on Earth! Simply not in 3rd Density where you can see them.
(Sirgrim) Grimbot is definately STO
(NancyL) ZT: At the shift, or we should say shortly thereafter, their communities will move into 3rd Density and they will begin interacting.
(Redeye) Cool
(DuncanC) NancyL: I see.. could one sense these somehow?
(NancyL) ZT: We have stated that the time of catasrophy is a time when the human mind and spirit will be open to change.
(NancyL) ZT: What has NOT changed in their life?
(DuncanC) Yes...
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, depending upon location, depending upon readiness for such interchange, the hybrids will be neighbors directly AFTER the shift!
(NancyL) End ZT to DuncanC.
(DuncanC) This is what I've felt... I hope that it will be a Transformation, indeed.
(NancyL) I'm going to the last Q as time is short.
(NancyL) 1. Do you think all the talk about Bush knowing about 911's possibility is part of this
(NoN) Will we recognize hybrids for what they are immediately?
(CalneCrusader) Yes NoN they have 2 noses
(DuncanC) NoN: from what I've read, yes
(NancyL) ZT: The Bush Administration was being warned, WELL outside of the published FBI reports and privous knowledge about planned terrorist activities.
(NancyL) ZT: As we stated after the Attack on America, they were being warned by their allies in the UK and Europe that the arrogance they were showing, the disregard for other nations fortunes, would not be tolerated.
(NancyL) ZT: This is not so much a threat put into writing, as private chat and inuendoes.
(NancyL) ZT: Thus, they were hardly going to warn the public, as they were too focused on acting NORMAL.
(NancyL) ZT: The very LACK of warning, the decision to say NOTHING, indicates they were working under a coverup of the true agendas in operation.
(NancyL) ZT: As we stated when the entire state of Arizona, in 1997, viewed a mother ship in the skies. It was not the SIGHTING that was impressive, and proof of a coverup, it was the DELAY in reporting!
(NancyL) ZT: A 3 month delay occurred before several major media outlets reported it. Why the corrdinated delay?
(NancyL) ZT: This stood as proof of a coverup, and the coverup stood as proof of the alien presence.
(NancyL) ZT: In like manner, Bush Knew shows NOT that they were simply incompetent, but were so focused on hiding the threats they were receiving, determined to tough it out and not let the public know WHY allies would be upset with them, that they coverup up to closely!
(NancyL) End ZT Followup?
(Fonturo) Those Zetas sure do hate the Bush family
(CalneCrusader) Why have the US pulled out of the kyoto agreement
(DuncanC) NancyL: re: Government; Why was Alternative 2 implemented if they knew the extent of earthquakes?
(DuncanC) Calne: because they know shits gonna hit the fan
(Wage) So European financial interests were behind it? You'd mentioned other agendas also...
(NancyL) DuncanC, the Alternatives were incited by STS aliens in contact with MJ12 et al.
(JennaJ) CalneCrusader Do you know someone who can stop us?
(NancyL) The STS aliens wanted NOT to save them, but to create a sense of abandonment, anger, and the like.
(N) How was first contact arranged?
(NancyL) Anything that drives a soul more toward STS orientation.
(CalneCrusader) Can the zetas say something about the US pulling outta Kyoto?
(DuncanC) and STS are still around, active in abductions, etc?
(NancyL) Fonturo, the Zetas here are STO, the Bush family is anything BUT that.
(NancyL) They don't like the NAZI SS either, or child molesters in priestly garb, etc.
(Fonturo) I think your Zetas are the ones that are STS Nancy, you just don't know it yet
(Okidok) The problems with this is to fall in the conspiracy trap...
(Jerry) Is Kreskin correct in saying there will be a major UFO sighting in May or June?
(DuncanC) Jerry, good question
(Spanky) Wouldn't the birthing envoys know better than to put so many STS in the same nest (Bush family)
(NancyL) Cancne, they didn't pull out, they never AGREED. This was part of the arrogance that got them in trouble with the UK, ahead of 911.
(DuncanC) Spanky: sometimes you only need 1 to lead the herd... who doubts Geroge W is not sparked?
(Torbj) Being out of Koyoto "you can act as you will.... so you of course can do being "within" the Koyoto writings.
(JennaJ) "Bush family" is a generalization. You are making sweeping generalization of real people.
(DuncanC) Spanky: But George Sr. now that is another story, and Barbara, good grief! ;)
(JoeyB) Nancy: Are all the rumblings of future attacks an attempt at a different tact this time?
(NancyL) 1. US is the largest polluter, yet they exempted themselves. Now, if Global Warming is the reason for the current Earth changes, the excuse, then they are NOT going along with the public excuse!
(DuncanC) JoeyB: I bet those warnings are distractions, idle threats
(NancyL) 2. the US walked out of the Civil Rights conference, global, in South Africa, the week ahead of 911.
(Gerard) Over here you can read what the Zetas say about the Koyoto agreement http://www.zetatalk.com/transfor/t104.htm
(Torbj) Don't forget the moviestar that brought the star wars to real world scene
(NancyL) They walked out with Israel, as the conference was wanting to address how Israel treats the Palestinians.
(Fonturo) So much animosity towards the US government, the Zetas have to be STS
(JoeyB) DuncanC: Perhaps a combination of both?
(NancyL) When that happened, in South Africa, I felt it was a mistake.
(DuncanC) Fonturo: give me a break
(NancyL) SO arrogant, can do anything they want, never mind that Europe is right next door and hates the constant conflict.
(Fonturo) As if nothing of any good ever comes out of the US
(DuncanC) Fonturo: look into the actions and effects of US policy and intervention, CIA, etc
(Fonturo) And no other country has had undercover agencies Duncan?
(NancyL) Now US want to war with Iraq, as a distraction, and to hell with Europe which must deal with the pollution, the migration of people, etc.
(NoN) Font: Not from the US govt.
(NancyL) More Bush Administration arrogance, etc.
(DuncanC) Fonturo: None other that I know of has had the reach and extent of the CIA
(CalneCrusader) Migration is becoming a disaster here in the UK - we are building reception centers now (concentration camps)
(NancyL) Well, folks, I see our new rules in action.
(Hugo) In Australia we call them detention centers
(NancyL) Good for you, Gerard!
(NancyL) It's the hour, and I tire. Thank you all for coming and inspiring great ZetaTalk!
(Anonymous) Sorry folks, I got here late. Is the session over or just starting?
(DuncanC) Over, bro
(bobope) Thanks for answering the question of Chandra Levy!
(Fonturo) Another good week of laughs, thanks
(JennaJ) Fonturo kicked for defending U.S. Hmmm
(Torbj) Nancy... feel my hug?
(Spanky) Gotta feed the worms...?
(DuncanC) Jenna: please...
(NancyL) Excellent timing Anon :-).
(Fonturo) Thats the norm Jenna
(Kirk) Government not country or people
(NancyL) Torby, hug back bye bye!
Session Close: Sat May 25 18:12:41 2002