BarabooWI: Apr13 19:22 hrs.
Sunset at Azi 288° Alt 5°.
Skymap expects Azi 280° Alt
3°, North by 8°. Sun is over the
New Zealand. Lean of N Pole
toward Planet X by 8°.
Magnetic N Pole disappearing
from view.
SeattleWA: Apr17 19:49 hrs.
Sunset at Azi 280°. Skymap
expects Azi 284°, North by 4°.
Sun is over the Phillipines. Lean
of N Pole toward Planet X by
4. Magnetic N Pole hidden.
ElPasoTX: Apr24 19:15 hrs.
Sunset Azi 295°. Skymap
expects Azi 276°, 20° too far
North. Sun is over the
Tasmania. Lean of N Pole
toward Planet X by 20°.
Magnetic N Pole just hidden.
ElPasoTX: Apr25 Sunset. Azi
300 19:16 hrs. Skymap
expects 276°, 25° too far
North. Sun is over the
Tasmania. Lean of N Pole
toward Planet X by 25°.
Magnetic N Pole just hidden.
BarabooWI: Apr28 19:00 hrs.
Sunset Azi 270° Alt 20°.
Skymap expects Azi 282° Alt
12°, North by 12° and High
by 8°. Sun is over New
Zealand. Lean of N Pole
toward Planet X by 12°.
Magnetic N Pole disappearing
from view.
SeattleWA: May5 19:50 hrs.
Sunset at Azi 287°. Skymap
expects Azi 290°, North by 3°.
Sun is over the Phillipines. Lean
of N Pole toward Planet X by
4°. Sun is over the Phillipines.
Lean of N Pole toward Planet
X by 3°. Magnetic N Pole
| CentralTimeZone: Apr16
22:00 hrs. Big Dipper 30° too
far East. Sun is over Laos. Lean
of N Pole toward Planet X by
30°. Magnetic N Pole is hidden.
Strong lurch!
Pacific Time Zone: Apr 16
22:00 hrs. Big Dipper 20-30°
too far East. STA Message
Board. 'We've noticed the very
same thing from where we are
in Southern California. 20-30°
degrees off. It has never been
this bad. We have been told by
researchers we know that
Earth is no longer sitting at a
22-1/2° tilt in Space. It is now
more like 44° 50 minutes,
close to tipping (pole shift) at
45°.' Sun is over India. Lean of
N Pole toward Planet X by
30°. Magnetic N Pole is hidden.
Strong lurch!
El PasoTX: Apr25 After
Sundown. Orion Beetlejuice
was Azi 270° Alt 45° and the
hunter was leaning N with Rigel
also approximately Azi 270°.
Skymap expects Azi 225°!
North by 45°! Ursa Major was
in NE Quad with lip star Azi
10°, Alt 70° and handle pointing
East. Skymap expects lip star
Azi 33° Alt 44°, so too far
North by 24° and High by
30°. Sun is over the Philippines.
Lean of N Pole toward Planet
X by average of 35°. Magnetic
N Pole hidden. Strong lurch!
| MadridSpain: Apr23 7:40 hrs.
Sunrise. The Sun was at aprox.
75º. Skymap expects Sunrise
at 75°, correct. Sun is over
Iran. Lean of N Pole toward
Planet X by 0°. Magnetic N
Pole is fully hidden but S Pole
has just disappeared.
MadridSpain: Apr24 7:40 hrs.
Sunrise. The Sun was at aprox.
80º. Skymap expects Sunrise
at 75°, South by 5°. Sun is
over Iran. Lean of N Pole away
from Planet X by 5°. Magnetic
N Pole is fully hidden but S
Pole has just disappeared.
Bounce back.
MadridSpain: May7 7:25 hrs.
Sunrise. The Sun was at aprox.
85º. Skymap expects Sunrise
at 70°, South by 15°! Sun is
over Iran. Lean of N Pole away
from Planet X by 15°. Magnetic
N Pole is fully hidden but S
Pole has just disappeared.
Bounce back.
MadridSpain: May8 7:30 hrs.
Sunrise. The Sun was at aprox.
80º. Skymap expects Sunrise
at 70°, South by 10! Sun is
over Iran. Lean of N Pole away
from Planet X by 10°. Magnetic
N Pole is fully hidden but S
Pole has just disappeared.
Bounce back.
| BarabooWI: Apr21 5:15 hrs.
Big Dipper at 315° Alt 25°,
handle upper left. Per Skymap
this is correct. Sun is centered
over Italy. Lean of N Pole
toward Planet X by 0°.
Magnetic N Pole just coming
into view.
Chili: May 8 5:00 hrs. Scorpio
at 288° Alt 85°. Stellarium
expects 248° Alt 67°. North
by 40° and High by 18°. Sun is
centered over Turkey. Lurch of
N Pole toward Planet X by
40°. Magnetic N Pole still
hidden but about to come into
view. Strong lurch!