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- things which must shortly come to pass;
- And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
- And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
- And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
- And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters, and they became blood.
- Bible, Book of Revelations
A second countdown sign is a fine red dust, unmistakable as it cannot be confused with any other natural occurrence. Ponds and rivers turn red, the blood color mentioned in the Bible's book of Revelations, with this iron ore dust giving the water a brackish taste. This countdown sign comes almost in step with the rapid slowing in rotation, as the 12th Planet must be between the Earth and the Sun for the trash in its tail to be sweeping the Earth. Again, this occurs a day or so before rotation stops.
- ZetaTalk: Countdown Signs
Note, this is not the heavy red dust coming in step with hail and other tail trash just hours before the shift, also mentioned in ZetaTalk as a countdown to the hour
of the shift. What is being discussed here is a fine red dust, which can be missed.
As of June 11 2003, this was
noticed as a Red Moon. Tonight, June 11 2003, there
appears to be a small halo around
the moon. The wierd thing is that
it is of an orange-red hue. ... The
moon in Florida last night, June
14 2003 was very bright, and a
luminating red, pinkish halo
around the entire circumference of
Moon. ... Full moon last night,
June 14 2003, in the Midwest USA
had pale reddish cast to it, not at
moonrise but high in night sky. ...
Large red halo around Moon last
night, June 14 2003. Have seen it
now for 3 nights in a row. ...
Yesterday, June 14 2003, in
Sweden at midnight, the full-moon
was completely orange. ... We live
on the south coast of England and
at 11 PM on June 14 2003 we
were very surprised to see the
moon, which was full, looking
orange with a darker band of
orange around its circumference.
... [July 7 2003] Starting to seen
red colors around the moon in
Thailand took with digital camera
zoom 16x.
| As of June 15 2003, a Red Dust
was lightly dusting. Last night, June 15 2003I ran my
hand across the hood of the car.
There was a fine black, pinkish
dust covering my hands and my
feet were also covered with this
dust as I had gone out barefoot. ...
I drive a white car, and by the
time I arrived in Seattle, June 16
2003, it had a light pinkish/reddish
dusting on it. When I washed my
car later, it was like rinsing off
Koolaid. It actually stained the
paint. ... I have been noticing a lot
of red dust lately in my hometown
(Nashville, TN). It's been in many
different areas. Just yesterday,
June 17 2003, we collected
samples that were coating tree
leaves. ... The roadways in British
Columbia [June 30 2003] have a
fine reddish dirt on the gravel
sides and there is no red dirt in
this region ...The red dust is
coming in thick here on the West
Coast of Florida. Tonight [July 3
2003] the dust is even thicker then
last night and is beginning to settle
on the cars here. ... In Arizona
[July 8 2003] I noticed a pinkish
film on my grey car. I took a plain
white paper towel and swiped it
over the hood and found a pink
residue on the paper towel! ... For
at least two weeks now [July 13
2003] my pool and bird bath are
covered with the red dust. ... My
birdbath in the AM [July 13
2003], the water is red.The birds
won't drink it till I change it. No it
is not rust. ... I live in Michigan
and we have seen this same
reddish brown dust both in the air
and on the ground for many days
now [July 19 2003]. Prominent
enough in the air and clouds to
leave a film on carhoods and patio
furniture. ... I now live in Florida
[July 19 2003] and we are seeing
this stuff all over the place here on
the west coast. ... [Aug 7 2003]
Red streaks over Vancouver.
Global Television out of
Vancouver is talking at great
length about it! Their Environment
meteorologist cannot figure it out.
... Notes from a flat roof buiding
at around 3000 ft. above sea level,
on top of a mountain in the
Apalachians. After a rain [Sep 9
2003] we have small pudles of
water here and there. After the
past, say three rains, I`ve noticed
dust accumulating in these
puddles. When the puddles dry, the
dust is getting thicker each time.
When the dust first comes down ,
it looks redish, then turns more
yellow. After the dust drys , it
looks like rust. Just started doing
this in the past 1 and 1/2 weeks,
maybe two. No industry for
hundreds of miles, nothing that
could make this dust. In all my life
, I have never seen this before, 58
years. The air here is very clean,
known for its health beneits. ...
There was a lot of red dust last
evening partly over the whole sky
[Oct 1 2003]. Looked like an
image of rolling hair. These clouds
were brown-reddish and clearly
differed from those common
plumpy, blue-grey clouds which
also were in the sky last evening.
They also moved faster than the
common. Around the Sun and far
out, it was self-illuminated
reddish. Never seen anything like
it! ... A few nights ago [Oct 24
2003] in Eugene, OR, the moon
was red. I have never seen
anything like that before. Also, the
sunsets and clouds are
increasingly red, and there has
been a fine red/brown powder on
my roommate's car. ... Overnight,
in San Diego [Nov 23 2003] I
found that a layer of fine pink dust
had covered my vehicle. Within
three hours, more of this fine dust
has covered my truck. ... Where
Did Red Dust Come From? [Dec
16 2003] from Texas to Michigan
Illinois: it looked more like the
oxidation that settles on iron after
you get it wet. Arkansas: deep red
dust (from rain) everywhere. It is
hard to wash off. Texas: I am
unsure what it is for certain but it
is not soil. Michigan: It rained red
from Kalamazoo to Muskegon. ...
In Eugene Oregon tonight [Jan 20
2004] it looks like clouds of red
dust raining down from puffy
white clouds and there is a very
strange electric/metallic smell to
the air. ... Two days ago [Feb 22
2004] in South Poland the TV
reported the snow was ore
coloured, everywhere. ... On TV in
Russia [Feb 24 2004] in Moscow
the snow with a pink shade has
fallen. ... [Sep 1 2004] orange
dust coated Detroit. ... The
rocking chair in my patio [May 6,
2005] in Italy took the rain and
filtered the dust, a very fine dust,
similar to iron oxide dust. I recently noticed [July 12, 2007]
red dust as a leftover from years
on a never used plastic chair on
my balcony in Germany. That
chair was standing outdoors but
under a roof. I put some of the red
dust on a piece of paper and
checked it out with a strong
magnet. The dust turned out to be
magnetic. It is iron oxide. | As of June 16 2003, a Red Sky
was visible worldwide. The sunset tonight, June 16 2003,
in Montreal looked strange too,
much redder than I´ve seen. It was
red, red red. ... I live in L.A. and,
June 24 2003, the clouds have a
very reddish tint to them. Very
unusual, and you never see sunsets
like this in L.A. ... At about
midnight, June 24 2003, over here
in Scotland, the clouds seemed to
appear to have a reddish-pinkish
colour. I haven't seen this before.
... A group of us have been
observing, in Melbourne Australia
over the last week [Jun 28 2003],
a thick cloud, a red color. It was
more noticeable about 3-4 hours
before sunrise in the cloud
towards the eastern horizon. ...
Last night on June 28 2003 at
about 10:00PM, here in Glasgow,
Scotland the sky was red! ... Also
noted here in Maryland [June 30
2003]: blood red suns, orange
halo around moon, intense red
clouds. ... The east sky looks red
like a sunrise [June 30 2003]
while the Sun is setting in the west
at the same time. My location is
altitude 7,000 feet in the
Sacramento Mtns, of southern
New Mexico. ... Sunset tonight
[June 30 2003] in central Oregon
was unlike anything I've ever seen.
The clouds closest to the sun
appeared rust colored. There was
also a large red halo around the
sun. ... ... Every cloud in the sky is
red [July 3 2003] here in Florida
just after sunset. ... I live in
Milano, Italy. 4 days ago [July 10
2003], after sunset, every cloud in
the sky was red or purple. ... Over
here in Glasgow, Scotland [July
14 2003] the the reddish horizon
but is extending far and high into
the sky. ... The red dust has
returned to the west coast of
Florida [July 14 2003] and as
thick as ever. ... The sky here in
Poland is red, for the whole
horizon. ... Yet another
astonishingly and incredibly blood
red sunset in Vancouver [July 26
2003]. For the past week. Friday,
the sky and the ocean looked like
it was on fire. ... Here in Italy
[July 27 2003], during a storm
after sunset, the sky was covered
by awful red clouds. ... I noticed a
brownish-red dust cloud covering
the entire sky all day. [Aug 6
2003] I have never seen the red
skies like we had today. ... The sky
here in the UK, right now [Aug 6
2003] in the middle of night, is
completly red, a dark orange red.
... The sky is brownish red and
hazy [Aug 7 2003] on the West
Coast ... Yes, there is a slight
brownish haze in the sky [Aug 7
2003] in Central Illinois. ... Odd
brownish-red haze over
Vancouver [Aug 7 2003] as well.
... Michigan sunset last night [Aug
7 2003] was a very bright redish
brown. ... I live in Central Utah
[Aug 11 2003], no polution. The
sky looked murkey and had a
redish brown tint. ... I was on the
West Coast yesterday and saw it
there as well. I am in Oklahoma
now [Aug 11 2003] and the
sunrise was very red and the sky is
still hazy. ... In Dallas I see the
same thing, a very red and hazy
sky. It has been this way for 3 days
now. The local news [Aug 11
2003] is not saying anything about
it but it is obvious to see. ... The
sky has the same red hazey look in
Denver. I have noticed this for the
last few days [Aug 11 2003]. The
sunsets are very red too. ... Here in
Edmonton [Aug 11 2003] the sky
has a red haze to the west. ... in
Colorado [Aug 19 2003] the skies
have turned a blood red. ... Is see
the haze on the West Coast now
[Aug 19 2003]. There are no wild
fires anywhere near here. This is
not a typical haze that you see
with polution. I have never seen
anything like it before. ... Today
[Aug 19 2003] in Minnesota I saw
the ninth blood red sunset in a
row. Two days ago a very red
sunrise as well. Not normal. ... Not
even when Mount St Helens blew
did I see such blood red skies [Aug
19 2003]. They are not just red
they are blood now. Iron dust? ... I
live in the borough of the Bronx.
As I look to the western sky [Sep 6
2003] I am in awe that the sky is
so freeky Red. The color of rust!
The sky has been getting stranger,
first pink then purple to red. ...
These clouds [Oct 10 2003] are a
deep, vibrant purply-red, where
the surrounding sky is not. Go
away from the sun, a few cloud
layers up, and it's not like that. ...
This morning [Oct 15 2003] CNN
showed the Atlanta, Georgia, sky
from their sky cam at about 6:35
AM before sunrise, and the sky
was wall-to-wall red. A little later,
the Weather Channel showed the
sky over New York City before
sunrise, and the sky was red there
also. ... I live in upstate NY.
Tonight [Oct 30 2003] at approx.
7:30 PM my son noticed a bright
red cloud in the clear, dark sky in
the North. Over the next hour it
appeared to drift and dissipate to
the East and then South. ...
Tonight [Nov 30 2003] the sky is
blood red here in the Bronx, NY.
When the sunlight hits the clouds
the red color becomes more vivid.
... About 20 minutes before sunrise
in Missouri [Jan 1 2004] I observe
a massive blood red sky. ... The
clouds have streaks of red lines in
them in Copenhagen [Jan 2 2004]
and even the smoke from factory
is blood red. ... The skies during
sunrise and sunset in Louisiana
[Jan 3 2004] are now showing an
extremely red cloud of dust
hovering over the horizon and
extending out both to the left and
right of the horizon for many miles
... In El Paso at late afternoon
[Mar 31 2004] red dust was
trailing down from overhead
clouds ... It was very red in the
entire eastern horizon before the
sunrise [Mar 2 2004] in Missouri
... Red skys in Peru [Apr 2 2004]
and I am talking undoubtedly
obviously red most of the night ...
There is an ever so imperceptible
red tint [Apr 8 2004], to the air,
and sometimes red rainbow flairs
by the sun ...In the Midwest [Jun 2
2004], it´s wierd, has a reddish
hint very late at night. ... Central
Maryland [Jun 2 2004], had the
reddest sunrise this AM I can
remember. ... We had the most
brilliant red (almost neon) sunset
that we have ever seen [Aug 17
2004] here in Arizona. ... In the
Vancouver area, I could not help
but notice that at around 9 pm
[July 12, 2007] the sky had a rosy
hue, but only in the eastern sky!
[Feb 12, 2008] This photo was
taken at sunset. It was amazing to
see the red trails. | As of June 23 2003, dramatic Red Sky was
captured in photos from Florida. ![]() and as a red glow on the SE horizon well before dawn from New Zealand, June 24 2003. ![]() and in a Key West webcam on June 30 2003. ![]() and in Tampa on July 3 2003 ![]() and in an Oregon webcam July 10 2003. ![]() and at sunset in Italy July 23 2003. ![]() and in a sunset in China Aug 6 2003. ![]() and in a sunset in Germany Sep 24 2003 ![]() and in a sunset in Kobe, Japan Oct 1 2003 ![]() and in a South African sunset [Oct 21 2003] ![]() and in an Israel sunset [Oct 31 2003] ![]() and in a New York State sunset [Nov 9 2003] ![]() and in a Maryland sunset [Jun 2 2004] ![]() and in Vancouver [Aug 31 2004] ![]() and in New Zealand [Apr 5, 2005] ![]() and in Ohio [Dec 22, 2005] ![]()
The point of red dust in the atmosphere having been made, few updates to this page will be made. As with Weather and Quake updates after the year 2000, and the Sci-Astro Debates after April, 2003, and the Photos section after May, 2004, nothing has changed, but the point has been made.