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- July 1 SunRISE in Oklahoma : 17 minutes LATE
- Today the sunrise was stated to occur at 6:11AM and actual sunrise was 6:28AM.
- July 1 SunRISE in Ontario : 17 minutes EARLY
- From 8a.m to 10 a.m, its 3 minutes early
- July 1 NOON in Ontario : 0 minutes
- Date July 1, 2003 Canada Day; from 11a.m to 2p.m, reading is zero. During the last few days I couldn't get any good readings due to cloudy
- July 1 NOON in Virginia : 8 minutes LATE
- Is it possible that I have measured correctly and that the Sun reached its Noon position 8 minutes LATER than yesterday?At 1PM 6/30, I used a
ruler to draw on white paper lines of the lamp post shadow. I cut a hole in the paper so that it fits around the post and gives an accurate reading
of the shadows. I used the same battery clock. The Sun's shadow did not fit into the 6/30 shadow lines until 1:08PM on 7/1. 8 minutes LATER in
one day sounds like things are speeding up - if I am doing this correctly.
- July 1 SunSET in Ontario : 5 minutes LATE
- Date July 1, 2003 Canada Day; from 3 to 6 pm reading is 3 to 5 minutes late. During the last few days I could'nt get any good readings due to
cloudy condition.
- July 1 SunSET in Spain : 5 minutes LATE
- The [webcam] time frame from yesterday said sunset at 21:20 and today it says 21:24. Did any of you see the double sun image and 2 sunsets. I
have one sun going down at 20:48 and the other one at 21:25. Also they have changed the sunset time since yesterday from 21:20 to 21:24= 4
minutes. Something strange going on in Ibiza!
- July 1 SunSET in Unknown : 9 minutes LATE
- I have been charting the stars now for a few weeks to watch for possible rotation slow down. I do this using technical surveying equipment, a
transit to be exact. This particular device is accurate to a few seconds degrees of angle on June 25. I charted that the Earths rotation was right
on target spinning at correct velocity, 4 minutes slower than in the 1990s. Right now I am just comparing data from June 25-July 1. The Earth
has slowed nine minutes. This is no joke. It may have been a gradual slowdown between the two dates, or the slowdown could have occurred over
just one day. I am charting the star Algieba when it is in the northwest at 19degrees. Then I look at the computer and see what degree that the
program says it is at that very second. Tonight it said 17degrees and 19.45 minutes. That calculates out to be 100.55 minutes of angle off. Then I
chart how long it takes for the star to move that distance. Which calculates out to be 9 minutes.
- July 1 SunSET in Missouri : 12 minutes EARLY
- About 3 nights ago, the Sunsets stopped appearing to set so early! The earliest they ever got was 28 minutes. Tonight, June 30th, it was only 9 to
11 minutes early!