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Could the Zeta's comment on the Large explosion at the US Army base in Baghdad. There seems to a big cover up by the Military and the Media of the exent of damage to the Base,and troops.
The Iraq War has been in the hands of man, from the start, and thus as
man has free will the course of this war has been impossible for us to
predict with certainty. Nevertheless, we have from the start predicted
that terrorist attacks
within the US would not succeed, that support for the war would erode utterly, that the war would drag out and not succeed. We predicted months ago that the likely
outcome in Iraq would be a secretive
withdrawal by the US Military and that Iraq would 'split into
factions', a fact no longer denied by senior Republic advisors, as recent
news reports confirm. Though this is in the hands of man, we predict that
Iraq will go the way it would have to begin with if the British had not
partitioned it to include warring factions in the past. It is no secret
that Britain structured Iraq so as to prevent it from becoming strong and
resistant to Western control, grouping the Sunni and Shia and Kurds
together in any impossible marriage. Afghanistan will return to Taliban
control, a trend already firmly in place, Bin Laden victorious.
The US Military is no longer
listening to Bush or Rumsfeld, ignoring their orders, but is loathe
to publicly defy Bush as then this must be explained to the public. Since
Bush is adamantly stating he will stay the course, where will this lead? A
secretive withdrawal from Iraq would be along the lines already used to
deny the rising number of troop deaths. No media coverage, and lies about
the placement of troops and the forts deserted to be occupied by the
enemy. This would be covered by claims that the Iraqi had taken over the
area, successfully, as police or guards or troops trained or whatever,
when in fact it was desertion by the US Military of their positions,
allowing whomever is shelling them to take territory. The US Military is
surrounded by hostile troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, as the natives do
not want them there, as legitimate polls and citizen support of violence
against the US has shown. As the Earth changes require US troops to be
returned home, where they will be desperately needed, this withdrawal from
Iraq will hasten, with only local news coverage on returning troops so the
trend is not highlighted in the major media, though the Internet will have
the true story.
We warned at the start of a non-specific incident that would be so horrific it would be as though 'the breath had been
taken out of the body', and that the Council of Worlds may have something
to do with this incident. The explosion at Falcon was certainly not
anticipated by the US Military, as they thought this depot guarded and the
surroundings swept clean of militia. If the main Iraq munitions depot,
considered ultra safe, can be turned into a holocaust, taking the US
Military so by surprise that they claim 'no injuries' when hundreds were
clearly fried instantly, has this taken their breath away? The Falcon
disaster certainly shows that no zones in Iraq are safe for the
US Military, including the Green Zone in Baghdad where the Bush
administration likes to ferry in for photo ops. If the Falcon depot, just
south of Baghdad, was not safe, is the Green Zone safe? Will a sudden
evacuation of the Green Zone occur, under rocket fire, with escaping
planes and choppers targeted and blown out of the skies while escape on
the ground is impossible? What is the current personnel count of those
hiding in the Green Zone, not daring to leave, while Cheney is making
outrageous claims that matters are improving in Iraq?
The maneuvers by the Bush administration to secure the oil fields of the
Middle East is a lost cause. The disasters in Iraq are precluding any
invasion of Iran or Venezuela by the US Military, who will be so annoyed
with Bush and his ambitions they will eventually not even give he or his
spokespersons an audience. Has the Council of Worlds had a hand in this?
Without question, but only in preventing the Bush administration
their victories. They prevented, as
we stated, any WMD being planted in Iraq. They prevented any
terrorist attacks within the continental US, as this would have fed into
the Bush propaganda machine and strengthened the lies he spews. They
prevented voter fraud in Iraq, certainly the Bush plan, so that the
outcome gave dominant support to the Shia majority in Iraq. By this they
facilitated the division of Iraq, as the new Congress gave the Kurds
autonomy in their area and a recent edict gave the Shia control in the
South of Iraq. The oil fields of the North and South are now in Kurdish
and Shia hands, leaving the furious Sunni sputtering.
Recent speculation on how to resolve the mess in Iraq has suggested that
Bush may have to bring back strongmen, forgoing Democracy, perhaps
bringing back the real Saddam Hussein who is certainly alive and
not in the docket for the faked court proceedings being televised. This of
course may be possible only within the tiny segment of Iraq controlled by
the Sunnis, loyal to Saddam, and would not give Bush the oil fields he
coveted. Has the breath been taken away yet, in the final gasp that will
spell admitted defeat for Bush in Iraq? Not yet, but the success at Falcon
has certainly shown what is coming. The evacuation in Viet Nam was done
while the US Military was in friendly territory, in South Viet
Nam. Here the US Military is in hostile territory where it may have to
evacuate suddenly, or where evacuation may not be possible at all! What
would the timing be of such an explosion of violence, so well placed that
guarded munitions depots are easy targets? The question should rather be
posed, what is to stop such an explosion of violence? This is
the question being asked in the tents of the militia who have for so long
been trying to rid Iraq of the US occupation.
- In short, they are not heeding the warnings of the Council, so stronger measures will shortly be taken. These measures will be as though the breath had been taken out of the body. All will hold their breath, confused, and this delay will be such that the earth changes already escalating will catch up with the power mongers.
- ZetaTalk: Not Succeed, written Mar 22, 2003
- There will be no terrorist attacks [in the US], nor will the war progress to the point where a regime change occurs. The US public is being told a quick war will result in success, but the utter opposite will be the case. Mechanical failure, human error compounding human error, and accidents that will silence the cry for support for war utterly.
- ZetaTalk: Not Succeed, written Mar 22, 2003
- Signs of the Times #541, Dec 14, 2003
- Saddam Captured Alive. Compare eyebrows, eye distance, nose shape and angle, lips and jaw. Don't you ever wonder what happened to all his doubles? [Note: too fat across bridge, forehead too low, cheeks not like a chipmunk, and black mole not on the original Saddam.]
- One should bear in mind that these affairs are in the hands of man, and a cornered animal will jump in many directions. Our analysis of the outcome does not include a war with Iran, nor an occupation of Saudi Arabia, but a gradual and secretive withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, which will split into factions as a result of their civil war.
- ZetaTalk: Iraq Civil War, written Feb 25, 2006