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[Note: for recent ZetaTalk on the 7 of 10 scenarios, Dark Twin and Venus looming, Wobble progress and related subjects check the Q&A chats.]
The Zetas talk about cataclysmic changes described in a Zeta Vision given to Nancy; that a Sudden Impact is predictable but there is Millennium Denial in spite of Millennium Fever that the government will not Sound the Alarm; that the Earth stands witness to Past Cataclysms and Wandering Poles; how the Prior Shift during the Jewish Exodus and Passover relate; how flash froze Mastodons and Asteroid Traffic are proof. Why books by authors Velikovsky and Sitchin and many Prophets and Differing Prophecies and Future Maps seem to contradict; how there were Lost Records and Calendars and Clocks adjusted. The Zetas state that Emotional Adjustments to the news inevitably occur; that Resistance exists so that a Subtle Message is often best; that there will be Crop Failure for years going into the shift with Crop Adjustments and Diet Adjustments; that Threats of War and a Financial Freeze is possible, and a Market Crash will occur with a varied Crash Impact likely. The Zetas explain why the Mayan Calendar or a planetary alignment on May 5, 2000 are not clues, and why Precision is difficult in determining the Pole Shift Timeline; how New Orleans, a Preview and Disaster Movies portent. The Zetas say that in spite of Manifest Clues there will be diversionary False Alarms; and hiding the truth behind Cataclysm Masks even though Proof Existed many years before with Heralding of an approach with harbingers such as Green Meteors, Space Trash, a New Moon, Permafrost Quakes, Moon Halos, Black Water, a Lowered Jet Stream, and signs such as Deformed Frogs and Big Birds and increasing incidence of Deep Quakes. The Zetas talk about whether Atlantis and the Land of Mu exist; whether The Flood occurred and why Noah anticipated this; how Moses was guided; whether Tales such as the Red Sea Parting and Jonah and the whale describe Pole Shifts; why there are Submerged Roads near Bermuda; what Ancient Maps reveal; and what the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti and Brainerd Lake have to do with Pole Shifts.
The Zetas talk about how the Comet's Tail first sweeps the Earth with Red Dust and Tail Debris, Warning the shift is near; then the approaching comet causes the Earth to Stop Rotation for a few days due a Magnetic Grip, causing a Long Day/Night, while Groaning in protest; then gigantic Lightning Bolts occur in the upper atmosphere, Violent Winds occur, and petrochemicals formed in the skies rain down in Firestorms; then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a Pole Shift with Continental Rip, Mountain Building in certain Mountain Ranges, and Sinking and Rising land; how Pre-Existing plate alignment dictates a Scripted Drama; how gigantic Tidal Waves and Climbing Water assault the coasts in a Flood Tide, though Water Movement began when rotation stopped, and an Ocean Vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a Sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines, and New Land near Antartica; but how the Other Planets will be little affected. The Zetas talk about how Rotation Returns within a day after the shift; how the Pole Shift will result in new poles and a new equator, a New Geography; how the Earth will undergo Climate Changes; how there will be a New Climate and fewer Deserts but the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves; how later there will be inundations from the oceans due to Melting Ice Caps with Rising Seas; how the Earth will experience a Rebirth as it has in the past; that the Seed of Rebirth are in the wilderness we are maintaining as refuges today though some species may become Endangered Species; that life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life and Inland Lakes will often prosper, and though a Nuclear Winter will not occur, but a Return to Normalcy may take several decades.
The Zetas talk about How to Prepare, what First Steps to take, what What Mindset to have for that Most Terrible Day and the Last Weeks Countdown and How to Identify the hour of the shift; what general Safety Measures can be taken but why the people of India should Prepare for Death; the severity of the Earthquakes and Volcanoes such as Yellowstone that will occur and how to Survive the Quakes and Rapid Shift and Rampaging Water and why a Shallow Trench works best; how long the Gloom and rise in Sea Level and Atmosphere Loss will last; how the Seasons Shift and when to Restart Gardens; what are Safe Places and Safe Structures; what dry lake beds like the Salt Flats offer; that not all water will be Safe Water; that where there is local danger from Nuclear Stockpiles that Pollutants will have dissipated; that we should prepare ahead of time to avoid a Last Minute Panic but the Level of Preparation and when to include Friends and Family will vary; that Countdown Signs will announce that the Hour of the Shift is at hand, and Certainty can be determined. The Zetas talk about what life on Earth will be like in the Aftertime; What will Survive and how the Pole Shift is a Great Equalizer; how Manna from Heaven may be found in some locales; that there will be Government Collapse, but that there will be Survivors including responsible folks who will act as a Mainstay for Others; that worldwide there will be Devastated Cities with even the Machine Age halted, but New Energy sources will be on the upswing and even the Internet will be functional; but that stocks and paper money will be Worthless Money.
The Zetas talk about whether it is myth or truth that the Pole Shift is caused by a planetary Vortex; whether the Earth will experience a Polar Heatwave or Shift Meltdown; whether intervention is possible or are the Cataclysms Inevitable and Wishful Thinking fruitless; if the Rebel Planet has always approached From Orion; if there are 12th Planet Moons; whether earthquakes and volcanic activity are caused by Electro-Magnetic Pulse, and whether an Asteroid Impact could account for the geological evidence. The Zetas explain how comet NEAT V1 and a 2MASS Denial and asteroid 1997 XF11 and 2002-NT7 were covert warnings, and Comet Lee a concession; how movies such as The Core are a message, and there may be a New Game Plan afoot.
Note: Where Planet X came into the inner solar system in early 2003, it has not yet passed, though has gone through gyrations while passing the Sun's S Pole and adjusting to the Sun's magnetic field. Some ZetaTalk is best understood in the context of the date written. These topics, below, are organized by date written and should be read in order for a historical perspective. The increase in Earth changes and electromagnetic interference and evidence of Planet X in the inner solar system is palpable. For the very latest ZetaTalk, however, jump to the bottom for news about the current year!
In 2002 this was a Comet Visible, especially by Fall 2002 in Amateur Scopes via Zeta Coordinates for early Sighting Success; that Visibility Factors applied and it was Not a Star and gave off Red Light which varied by viewing Latitude. The Zetas talk about how early Slowing Rotation was reflected in Trend Data but Not Obvious; how Countdown Minutes and Time Differences can create Slowing Confusion, but important Slowing Determination is still a simply process. In 2003 a Fire Dragon presenting Two Personas was seen from afar and by April 2003 with the Unaided Eye and had many Planet X Personas and a Second Sun when close; how there is a Periodic Passage or approach whose Time Frame is predictable; Why May 15 was chosen for the deliberate White Lie, asserting 2003 or a purported Late 2003 date and Straight Talk to confuse the Establishment; though Earth Changes are still the best guide for a Decision Time to avoid Travel Blocks; that despite Power Outages and Whomping Sounds the establishment is Suppressing the Word using Solar Flares as a Solar Opportunists behind a Solar Cover, though an Odd Atmosphere developed.
In 2004 the Winter Solstice showed slow progress, and a Long Wait made for a Long Year for many; how the Monster Cometh and the Dance Began but there will be No Surprise when the time arrives; how man will be warned by a Sunrise West and 3 Days of Darkness after Twirling into Darkness on a Potter's Wheel before the shift; how a Drunken Lurch and Earth Wobble with Weather Wobbles began, the Earth in an Unshakable Grip with plate Lockdown; how a Torque Effect and Magma Slam will resulted in Snap Crackle and Pop in Sumatra; why there were increased Small Plane Crashes and quakes in the Stretch Zone and confusion about the Solar Minimum. In 2005 Signs of Change were evident despite Where is Planet X questions; but the Threshold Crossed and the Trend Lines and Weather Extremes and Jet Stream Tornadoes and a Moon Dance were obvious; the Tail Returns and Earth on the Rack and Sun Scald and an eventual Lean to the Left are results while a Folding Pacific and Stretch Stench and Hell Unleashed due to the wobble; how much Proof Exists and where confusion about the Sequence of Events exists, there will be a Clear Message on the time frame. The Zetas talk about whether Hale-Bopp was the millennium comet or the Shramek Object real and Psi-Tech Pathogens false alarms.
In 2006 a Siberian Freeze and Tail Wafting occurred, the Dragon's Claw on the Earth becoming Exponential with Quickening Quakes and a pending N American Rip, while Planet X was Dead on and Deadly causing a Water Tree. In 2007 and Earth Farts and Minneapolis Bridge showed the stress, as did a Christmas Hammer with Planet X Right while the Horizon Project and Peru Meteor Sickness emerged. In 2008 Blackberry Outages and Reno Swarms occurred and Alexandria Cables and Dubai Cables ripped while Mercury's Shroud emerged. In 2009 Air France 447 occurred and the Second Sun Returns combined with a Severe Wobble and Magnetic Twist and a Brazil Blackout and Neon Swirls, while SOHO Says So. In 2010 Radar Circles and a NASA Cover-up and Moons Astray have NASA frantic, but NASA's Movies continue; High Drama promised with Blue Clues and the 7 of 10 Sequence pending. In 2011 Pisgah Panic and Trumpets and Howls showed plate movement stress, Wobble Sloshing during the Last Weeks detailed, as predicted Venus and Dark Twin Looming.