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Following a family - dad, mom, couple young kids - as they struggle with a disaster and no help from the government because it was too wide
spread, would be a venue the public could follow. No need to explain what the disaster was, ala the movie Postman where it was never explained
why civilization collapsed. Earthquake is implied because the houses and cars are tossed about, roadways ripped up. The points on what a family
should plan for are made by what the family struggles with, but at certain points the screen has bullet points reviewing what has been learned and
what a family should do to prepare, as least mentally, is shown, voice over of the host.
First order of the day is taking stock. The family stands dazed looking around, in a drizzling rain. The water is coming out of the broken pipes as
mud and the pressure drops to nothing right off. No electricity. Phone and cell phone are not working, the towers down. House is knocked off its
foundation by an extreme quake, and looking around the neighborhood everyone else is in the same boat. Can't sleep in the bedrooms as they are
open to the air, and the mattresses are already getting wet. What to do!
[A] Rig a temporary tent with a tarp and some rope from the garage, putting tarp over a car, opening the doors of the car for sleeping or sitting
areas. Tie tarp to the bumpers and to nearby tree branch of fallen tree. Dad asks the kids to pull some mattresses and pillows and blankets from
the open bedrooms under the tarp, laying plastic sheeting on the ground first. When all settled, Mom says 'at least we're out of the rain'.
[screen displays plastic items such as sheeting, tarps, paracord, 5 gallon pails, and their many uses - bullet points with voice over]
30. Rope and String. MINIMUM: Stock up on lots of various kinds of rope and thread, including marine rope which is waterproof and paracord,
common items at stores.
32. Plastic Supplies. MINIMUM: Plastic sheeting uses include shelter, a rain-proof roof, water gathering, and greenhouse construction. 5 gallon
buckets are an inexpensive common item in stores. Always handy for storage and transporting things. Keeps food stuffs dry, the vermin and mold
out, liquids from spilling. Tarps are a relatively inexpensive item. They can make a rain proof roof somewhere in the junk from a collapsed or blown
apart home, or can make an emergency tent to keep the family out of the rain.
[B] Mon and dad and kids are all huddled under the tarp. Girl says 'mom, I gotta go!' Mom sighs, and points to a sheet hung up between trees at
the periphery, saying 'over there'. The girl says 'but the toilet paper is all gone!'
[screen display about outhouses, which can be moved about in the garden for automatic fertilizer, and toilet paper options including using what is at
hand such as dried grass or washcloth and soap. Be clean!]
50. Toilets. MINIMUM: the old fashioned outhouse will return. Composting toilets make soil, but must be vented to get rid of the methane.
51. Toilet Paper. MINIMUM: soap and water and a wash rag when toilet paper runs out. Natural products such as Corn Cobs, Leaves, Moss,
Moss Diapers, Pine.
[C] Dad is determined to start a fire, has charcoal from a bag from the garage, and lighter fluid. Dad finds his matches wet, but sees a neighbor
kneeling over something and voom, a fire starts up. Dad hails the neighbor to come over and help, to show him how. The neighbor is using the
Halcon Fire Wizard method. The neighbor suggests keeping some dry kindling around, saying the lighter fluid will only last so long.
[screen displays list including Halcon web site and other means of starting fires, like flint $5 purchase in stores, best kindling - bullet points with
voice over]
3. Fire Starting: MINIMUM: Flint for fire starting. Simple hardware store purchase. Matches and lighters will only last so long. $8.50 ebook and
free tips at http://www.wwmag.net/handrill.htm and http://thehanddrill.com/halconstove.htm
[D] Kids have dug out soda bottles and food from the tipped over refrig, but this is going fast. No shopping as the bridge is down, per reports
from neighbors. Dad dips a glass into a pool of water in the rain, holds it up to the light, and the glass is not clear. Camera pans to where gasoline is
leaking into the pool too. Yuck. Dad goes over to the fire, where Mom has a pot boiling, making soup. He lifts the lid off the soup pot and holds it
sideways, noting the condensing steam dripping off the lid. Humm.
[screen bullets boiling to kill parasites, distilling to remove heavy metals. Filtering to clear, drop of chlorine bleach. Show pot-on-pot technique to
gain gallons from simple household pots.]
1. Drinking Water. MINIMUM: Boil drinking water. Boiling for 5 minutes kills microbes and parasites but will not get rid of heavy metals. A drop
of chlorine bleach also kills microbes and parasites. Let the chlorinated water air for an hour or more to get rid of the chlorine.
2. Distill Drinking Water. MINIMUM: Does what boiling does and also eliminates heavy metals like lead. Condensation of steam concept.
[E] Dad and the neighbors are running their car or truck headlights at night, so they can see each other. One by one the batteries wear out! They sit
in the dark. Couple guys say to each other 'is there no way to charge these
things'? One guy says he saw a rig once, using bikes and the permanent magnet in an electric drill to incite a current. They turn to one neighbor and
say 'you're an electrician, will that work?' After a nod, they all jump up and go for parts, bringing them back and assembling a bike gen. The
electrician has opened the electric drill and is explaining the concept to another as he rigs it up. Car batteries (12V) are lined up. A series of light
bulbs from the wrecks of houses are wired up in series, but show search that most are broken. The electrician says they last longer if the voltage is
low, can even last 100 years. They step back to see the entire rig. One say to teenage boys standing nearby, 'OK kids, lets give it a try'. Boys
peddaling away while the light bulbs glow, and Mom settles in front of the light to mend clothes, another to read to small children. Dad lighting a
cigarette and smiling at the other men, smug.
[screen display of steps to rig this, what's required, including a permanent magnet from a drill or car part.]
[screen display of crank products like radio, flashlight]
[screen display of comparison on how long a bulb will last if on low voltage, 100 years vs months]
15. Bike Gen. MINIMUM: Old bikes, tires worn out, can be used to generate electricity.
16. Crank Electricity. MINIMUM: purchase these items, as they are affordable. Crank or swing to charge flashlights, crank to charge short wave
radio units the military uses, crank to charge portable radios.
17. Light Bulbs. MINIMUM: Protect them from breakage during the shift. Tungsten filament light bulbs in series at very low voltage/wattage will
last a long time. Give statistics, months vs 100 years, etc. Also, durable light bulbs that resist impact
http://www.me-dtc.com/product_line/incandescent_page_mouseover.htm are available and should be purchased. These resist voltage surge also.
[F] Kids are digging out the last of the peanut butter, eating this off their fingers. The parents and neighbors can be seen clustered over a few cans
and a box or two of food, remaining. One of the men mentions that when he served in the Pacific, the islanders ate bugs, fried them up, and
considered them a good meal. Parents make this a game for the kids, who can find the most grubs, catch the most grasshoppers, and the like. Bugs
are put into a hot pan over the fire and Mom stirs quickly, dumping the lot onto a plate. Dad heaves a sign and grabs and eats one, surprised it
does not taste bad. Everyone follows suit. One child brings up a handfull of earthworms, which have come to the surface because of the rain. He
says 'what about these?'
[screen display of types of bugs eaten by various cultures, listed. Earthworm qualities in protein and oil, can be raised in compost, red wrigglers can
be purchased off the Internet]
43. Bugfood. MINIMUM: Cultures around the world eat bugs and grubs, as they are high in protein and fat. Fried or roasted, usually. They are
often considered gourmet.
44. Earthworm Food. MINIMUM: Earthworms are 82% protein and have Omega3 oils, as ocean going fish do. Good for the heart. They eat
vegetable trash and make soil as a byproduct. Can be raised indoors in compost bins.
[G] Mom is doling out the last of the vitamins from the vitamin bottle, is looking concerned. She says to dad, 'Now what? No orange juice. We're
all going to get sick!' Dad is twirling a sprig of a weed between his fingers, running it under his nose, and takes a bite.
[screen display listing common weeds and their vitamin content, A and C. Mention stocking up on vitamins, especially C, a good idea.]
21. Vitamin Sources: MINIMUM: Get lots of Vitamin in pill form, a common item in stores. Vitamin C, especially. List common and relatively
unknown sources in nature, such as Scurvy Grass, Sheep Sorel, Pine needle tips, Plantain, Squash for Vitamin C and A, fish for Vitamin D.
45. Weeds as Food. MINIMUM: Wild edibles are much under-rated. High in vitamins too.
[H] Kid walks up to dad, proud, holding up a clutch of rabbits. Dad, unshaven and looking depressed, is astonished, asks how he caught and
killed them. Kid has a slingshot shoved, handle down, into his hip pocket. He explains to his dad that he used an inner tube from one of the tires
discarded to make the bike gen. Dad has been working on a bow and arrows, laid out in front of him. He is carving on a piece of tree limb, trying
to shape it, has strips of natural fiber, and has been sharpening sticks. He picks one of the sticks up and says to the kid 'get me a bird next time, I
need some feathers'.
[screen display of slingshot assembly, bow and arrow assembly, finding fiber for string or rope in nature.]
23. Sling Shot. MINIMUM: Slings are very effective and children can catch small game this way.
24. Bow and Arrow. MINIMUM: Bow and arrow can be made from natural materials.
31. Making Rope in Nature: MINIMUM: Mention that rope can be made from fibrous material in the Aftertime
[I] Excited group of adults around clutch of boys displaying fish in a net. The net is lace from a wedding dress, white. One boy says 'don't tell mom
where I got this!'. They explain their technique, putting the net in a narrow part of the river where the fish could not swim back out. Dad says 'this
won't last, but I have some screen that will work.'
[screen display of fishing and trapping techniques]
22. Fishing. MINIMUM: fish hooks and line and rods and nets, cheap items to buy.
25. Traps: MINIMUM: Explain some trapping methods.
[J] Mom is by a pan of warm water, a washcloth in her hand, rubbing the last of a sliver of soap on it. She turns it over in her hand, looking at the
sliver. Then she is seen talking to a neighbor woman, at her campfire. She says 'didn't you say you had a book that explained how to make soap?'.
The neighbor woman takes a worm paperback book out from under her pilllow and flips through it, saying 'this was one of the books I could
salvage. Good thing too. The rest were wet and ended up moldering away.'
[screen display listing book preservation techniques.
[screen display of top recommended books, as 'examples', from herbal meds to windmill building to seed saving to ditch medicine to wild edibles
to bow and arrow construction]
37. Book Preservation. MINIMUM: keep dry during the shift and afterwards from rain and mold. Shrink wrap or seal in plastic if possible for the
shift. Laminate key instruction guides such as First-Aid steps. Purchase water-proof notebooks.
36. Books. MINIMUM: Buy what you can afford on how-to books on such things as windmill and shelter construction and guides such as wild
[K] Mom is seen putting ashes into a piece of gutter with a cloth filter at the drain end. She pours hot water over the ashes, collecting the water
draining out in a pot, then moves the pot over the stove and adds animal fat collected in a can, from frying bacon. Her neighbor woman is there,
and mom says 'good thing I didn't throw this out, now we need this fat'. They sit at the fire and stir. Mom says 'first thing I'm going to do when I get
some strong soap is wash our clothes, they just reek!'.
[screen display of soap making technique.]
33. Soap Making: MINIMUM: Buy a good stock of soap, Fels Naptha to wash away poison ivy to the mild kind for baby. Mention that soap can
be made using water drained through wood ashes then boiled with animal fat. Ashes and water makes a crude basic lye solution. Mixed with
animal fat can be used to make soap. Soap is alkaline water garnered from water drained through wood ashes. Boil the alkaline water with animal
fat until thick, then pour into a pan. After it hardens, brush off the white power on the top as this is very alkaline. Don't touch this powder. Cut the
pan into bars, wrap and store!
[L] Hanging laundry up on a line, pinning the items, mom says to her friend 'this works great, but the dishes have a film on them. I sure miss that
dishwater rinse that made them squeeky clean.' The friend says she discovered some juice in one of the refrigerators, they finally got the door pried
open, and it had turned to vinegar. Works great as a final rinse on the dishes.
[screen display of vinegar making steps, also, that mold for rising bread is naturally in the air too.]
34. Vinegar Making. MINIMUM: Vinegar is produced naturally from spore in the air. Vinegar has many uses, beyond a food stuff. Is a good
cleaning compound.
[M] Dad and a couple other men are hunched over a roaring fire, banked on three sides by stones that almost cover the top. They have some
pieces of metal stuck into the fire, and barbecue tongs used gingerly to move the metal pieces around as they are red hot at the ends. Dad takes a
piece out, holding it with hot gloves, and hammers it. Dad says 'I've seen this in the movies often enough. If we don't get some machetes we'll never
clear that brush for a garden.' A dismantled car is seen at the side, the leaf spring removed and at the side of the fire.
[screen display of smithing techniques.]
4. Black Smith: MINIMUM: Back yard forge can soften metal to shape into knives or hooks, etc. VIDEO: show backyard forge with roaring fire
and bellows, melting a piece of metal.
[N] Some of the men and women, and a couple teenagers, are slinging machetes to clear brush that has grown up on the lawns near the topped
homes. A pick is being used to uproot small trees, afterwards, the brush being piled at the side, and a spade being used to turn the soil. One of the
men pauses to rest on the handle of his spade, saying to the man next to him 'Good thing Minny gardens and saves seed, else we'd be chewing
weeds forever.' Minny is seen in the background, planting and staking out rows for seed, with the help of others eager to help. She can be heard
saying things like 'beans need the soil to be warm, so we'll wait on those. But peas and spinach will do well now.'
[screen display on gardening tools to have at hand and simple gardening techniques.]
[screen display of seed saving techniques, viability charts, where to buy.]
19. Saving Seed: MINIMUM: If you don't have it in hand at the shift, where will you get them? Start today! Every a trip to the grocery store can
garner seed to be saved. A squash or pumpkin, tomato seed to molder in a dish, peppers to ripen in the sun so the seeds mature, carrots and
onions can be planted and will go to seed, potatoes and garlic can be planted and will propagate, Indian Corn used in decorations is viable seed.
Tomatoes and bean plants self pollinate. Tomato seed needs to mold in a dish or will not germinate. Onions and cabbage and carrots need two
years, are biennial, so keep in root cellar in cold climates. Corn is wind pollinated. More than bees pollinate, as all insects flying or crawling do so.
20. Gardening. MINIMUM: simple gardening tools such as spade and hoe and poles. Describe simple gardening techniques such as cold frame for
tender seedlings and mulching and fertilizing the soil and fencing against wildlife.
[O] One of the men is tinkering with the torn apart car parts, turning the alternator back and forth in his hand, has the radiator fan and fan belt
nearby. He is musing as he does so, talking to the other men about putting up a windmill to pull water from the stream to irrigate the garden. He
mentions that while they are at it, they should also figure out a way to charge the batteries and light the lights other than pumping on a bike, saying
'its getting tiring'.
[screen display describing how to make a windmill, critical parts needed and sources for these in cars or workshops.]
[screen display showing water wheels, similar but turning point is water, not wind.]
[screen display on battery bank considerations, having dry batteries on hand, battery monitoring.]
7. Wind/Water Mills. MINIMUM: the grid will be down, oil and gas and coal unlikely. Wind and water will be available to all. Can be made from
scrap parts. Base components: blades or sheets for wind or cups for water; permanent magnet wrapped in wires as in electric drills or cars to incite
electric current; battery bank to capture and modulate output.
8. Wind/Water Mechanical Assist. MINIMUM: windmills can be used for simple mechanical life of water from a well. Ram pumps work to push
water into a storage tank, uphill, using the mechanics of flowing water in a stream. No electronics involved.
9. Cars as Parts. Minimum: List of the parts and how they can be used.
12. Battery Banks: MINIMUM: Battery series needed to store electricity from wind/water mill and allow down time. Batteries from a car or truck
in a series for a windmill. Golf cart batteries are deep cycle, fewer required. Dry batteries can be purchased and stored.
[P] Water pouring into garden trench, backing up to take in windmill blades cut from housing studs, mechanical pump. Backing up further, another
windmill, focus on the turning parts which include generator to incite electricity and battery bank. Men are now building housing for these parts, to
keep them dry in the rain, talking excitedly. One is waving his hand toward the camp, saying 'we need to be 50 feet or closer for DC. Wish we had
a converter for AC. Do you suppose I could get my radio working again?'
[screen display DC and AC differences, function of converters. Surge control, key elements of an electrical system.]
10. Electrical System: MINIMUM: Camping and boating equipment are 12V, as are cars and trucks, and use DC. Windmills 50 feet from 12V
batteries can keep them charged, via DC. Home appliances will be useless. Chores should be done by hand. Make music and stories as TV and
video games and CD's a thing of the past.
[Q] The men have several radios on a wooden table, the windmills and battery bank boxes seen behind them. They have an electric plug from one
of the wrecked houses secured on the table, a current converter beside it, and are trying out appliances. Some run, erratically, until the voltage
regulartor is adjusted. Comments are made that radio contact is most important, and electricity should not be wasted on this other stuff. A blender
and hair dryer are put aside, the radios brought forward. Most do not work, and the men are taking them apart to try to repair, have one working.
One man says 'short wave should be tried first, it's the emergency system.'
[screen display on importance of short wave, emergency frequencies, ionosphere bounce.]
[screen display on how to pack electronics to survive anticipated quakes.]
11. Packing Electronics. MINIMUM. Anticipate a lot of jostling during earthquakes. Pack light bulbs and electronics with this in mind. Computers,
should be disassembled and wraped in anti-static wrap or aluminum foil. It will be important to keep the insides of electronics as dust and moisture
free as possible. Humidity will cause corrosion. Dust buildup can cause shorts (especially when combined with humidity).
41. Short Wave. MINIMUM: Is the emergency operating frequency, around the worlds. Used by emergency management personnel when other
radio goes out. Be aware that short wave can operate by bouncing off the ionosphere, or Moon bounce, not necessarily needing towers.
[R] Dad is leading a young bull, rope around it's neck, into the camp. They have made contact with neighbors, and learned what bridges are intact
and what route to take. Dad is holding up a compass and grins at the rest, saying 'found them! But I took bearings along the way. They were as
happy to see me as I was to see them.' There are two cages on either side of the bull, with chickens in them, squaking, and a couple goats bringing
up the rear behind the young bull.
[screen display on bearings issues, compass, how to take bearings and realize N/S from moss on trees, etc.]
[ screen display on domestic animals, chickens free range, goats eat anything, etc.]
42. Compass/Bearings. MINIMUM: Compasses will be erratic after the pole shift, with a new magnetic North. Nevertheless, have a compass or
several handy as a guide when traveling. The many ways to keep your bearings with or without a compass.
46. Domestic Animals. MINIMUM: Chickens eat bugs and give you eggs and chicken soup and only ask for a safe place to roost. Goats eat
anything and give you milk, and will follow you anywhere. Sheep are docile and give you wool and milk for cheese also. Rabbits can be kept in a
hutch, eat vegetable trash, and rabbit soup is great for young children.
[S] The young bull is to be butchered, for meat the group has long been without. The men have the bull staked in a clearing away from the camp.
One has a gun, but the others tell him to save his ammo for the wild dogs that have been coming around threatening to take the chickens. They plan
to use a knife, slid under the throat to bleed the bull. One mentions they need to tan the hide, not waste it, and must use the brain of the bull during
the process.
[screen display on butchering techniques.]
[screen display on tanning methods, braining.]
26. Butchering. MINIMUM: Touch on the basics of how to begin will make it easier for those without experience. How and where to make the
initial cuts on fish, chickens, rabbits, snakes, squirrels and deer may be good examples. Removing the guts first to prevent contamination of the
meat on the carcass. Some tips on skinning so the hide can later be tanned.
27. Tanning Hides. MINIMUM: The brains of the animal are used for tanning the hide. Sinew should be saved. It can be used as thread and
cordage to tie arrow heads to arrows, stones to handles etc and it has built in glue.
35. Guns. MIMIMUM. Dog packs and rats invading the survival camp may be a reality, as well as unwelcome visitors. Statistics, most shootings
are by a family member, and this danger exists as insanity and rage will increase as a result of the pole shift. Keep guns safe.
[T] The hide has been stretched out and scraped, and is being taken down to soak in the braining solution. Mom is mending a very worn shirt at
the side, wondering where they will get a needle that will go through the hide. She looks at her scant sewing box, saying 'thank goodness I had
these, I should have had more in hand, they're priceless.' The group is discussing clothing needs, one holding up a shoe worn so the sole hangs
loose, another bringing up a child that has outgrown his jacket. One woman says 'Jane has a spinning wheel and loom for her hobby, I wonder if
these can be put into use?'
[screen display of clothing and supplies to have on hand, wool vs cotton, needles and thread, treadle sewing machine.]
[screen display listing methods of making clothings, knitting, spin and weave, sandels from old tires.]
5. Clothing. MINIMUM: wool keeps the body warm even when wet, unlike cotton. Good boots and socks prime importance if will be walking, as
if the feet go, you are not moving at all. Army surplus stores highly recommended!
6. Clothing Replacement and Repair: MINIMUM: needle and scissors and thread. Priceless for repair of clothing. Have lots of needles and thread,
a cheap purchase. In nature, horse tail hair as thread, or animal sinew, using fish bones as sewing needles.
[U] A wagon piled high with furniture and dishes tied together into a stack is being hauled to the nearby farm, for barter. Nearby a man is tinkering
with the engine of a VW, engine at the rear, with an aparatus nearby. He says 'if I get this wood gas generator working, we won't have to haul it by
hand anymore'.
[screen display of transportation possibilities, bikes, wagons, etc.]
[screen display about wood gas generation, image of internals showing how the gas is captured and compressed for the car motor.]
39. Transportation. MINIMUM: Keep you bike in good repair. Sturdy wagons will come in handy when having to migrate or transport the injured
or very young or old.
40. Wood Gas. MINIMUM: Be aware that wood gas was used during WWII in Europe and Australia, to offset gas shortages. Existing cars can
be outfitted to use. Download and print off the specs from the Troubled Times website.
[V] The team that had set off with a wagon full of furniture and dishes returns, but one of the men it limping. He's cut his leg open, and they have
bound it but it still needs stitches. All eyes turn to an older woman, who sighs and says, 'lets get out the last of that alcohol and the first aid kit. I'll
do the stitching if none of you'all have the stomach for it. Bring me some of that fresh comfrey leaf too!'
[screen display of first aid kit components.]
[screen display of herbal meds, most respected and used, their uses.]
52. First Aid. MINIMUM. Get a kit. Learn CPR. Take a class, often offered for free. Books to be purchased cover many subjects, are designed
for troops in the trenches, where severe injuries are experienced but no doctor is available.
53. Herbal Meds. MINIMUM. Get a book, so as to be aware of what herbs grow wild in your area and their application. Time honored before
modern phrama available.
[W] Injured man is sitting, let up, with the old woman checking the wound. She says 'yup, closing up nicely' and walks off. He is working with
some hand tools and wood from the broken houses, shaping furniture from a pattern, drawing onto the broken boards. Another comes up to help
him, sawing with a hand saw along the lines drawn. Numerous hand tools are laid out on the bench beside them. The one sawing takes a break and
says 'what are you going to use for glue?
[screen display of hand tools and their uses. Include nails and screws and nuts and bolts, having a supply, and sharpeners]
[screen display of home made glue techniques and ingredients.]
38. Hand Tools. MINIMUM: Purchase or secure at yard sales as many as affordable. Old barns and garages may have cross-cut saws and hand
drills no longer available.
29. Homemade Glue and Cement: MINIMUM: as with soap, there are recipes. Natural Glue can be made from Milk, Blood, Fish Skin, Hides,
Sinew, Resins, but these are not necessarily Water Proof.
[X] One of the men is seated, his legs spawled on either side of the battery bank. He has a meter in his hand. He says to another coming up behind
him 'they're shot, worn out, and I've tried every trick to keep them going.' The other says 'we need parts, and everybody else in these parts is
looking for the same thing.' The first says 'you know that ball park in town, it's built over an old land fill. Bet there's metal galore in there! And while
you're at it, get some old battery cores. We're running out of light bulbs some day, and I want to try carbon arc for a few hours each night. Keep
those wild dogs at bay and can't hurt the garden either, it's like sunlight.
[screen display on battery maintenance tips.]
[screen display on batteries from scratch, ingredients, battery basis on how they work.]
[screen display on carbon arc, how it works, battery cores from new and old batteries.]
13. Battery Maintenance: MINIMUM: Mention that batteries can be maintained and refurbished for longer life. How to flush, reverse charge, or
whatever. Parts that can be reused with new acid, parts that must be discarded when battery dead. New battery construction. Basics, like fill,
poles and types of metals to use.
14. Batteries from Scratch. MINIMUM: mention this is possible, and the likely components. NOTE: Primitive batteries of very low power can be
made from almost any liquid that is basic, acid, or salt solution and two dissimilar metals as electrodes. Common battery materials like lead for
electrodes and sulfuric acid for the electrolyte will produce much more power over the long run.
18. Carbon Arc. MINIMUM: arc explanation and using old battery cores as rods. Batteries today with cores, what to buy and not discard.
Requires strong electrical push, but is daylight, must wear sunglasses.
28. Land Fills for Material: MINIMUM: Be aware that refined metals, old battery carbon arc cores, permanent magnets, lead plates, and other
useful items are buried in land fills. After many years, toxins drain away, garbage rots, and the older land fills will be safe to dig around in.
[Y] The camp at night is shown, some new construction evident, reusing wood recovered from the trashed houses, but mostly the camp is living in
thrown together tents and in their cars. At dusk, the garden area is suddenly brightly lit with a hissing noise, as one of the men looks up at the tree
tops and says 'good breeze tonight, we should be able to keep this going for a few hours.' They gather at the periphery, shielded by some of the
tents, old maps spread out on the ground between then as they sit on stools or broken chairs. Gossiping about what they have heard from the
neighboring sites. One says, pointing to the map 'they were living in shipping containers, made pretty neat homes but they tend to rust after awhile.'
Another says, pointing also to the map 'over here, houseboats, and they move where the fish are too!'.
[screen display on housing suggestions, from junk or what is at hand.]
47. Shipping Containers. MINIMUM: Sturdy enough to resist quakes and won't blow away. Can hold supplies before the shift. Can become a
home afterwards. Can purchase for about $2,000, moved to site.
48. Houseboats. MINIMUM: Houseboats can move along the waters edge as the waters rise, moving inland with the new coast. Used extensively
in Asia or along coastlines worldwide.
49. Earthen Houses. MINIMUM: Adobe, rammed Earth, cob housing all use dirt as the main ingredient. Best for dry climates else need to be
water proofed on exterior.
[Z] Camp is shown at supper time, fresh veg from the garden, corn on the cob, salad, roasted chicken. Some home made clothes in evidence, a
knitted sweather, crude, rough pants hand sewn but sturdy, sandels from car tires, and lights. The kids are putting on a play they have compiled
themselves, costumes from whatever at hand, singing songs during the play. Lots of laughter and adults grinning. They made it!