This is a quick Sum image I did.
The [Red] spot I circled appears
to be something new, not
showing up on DSS or NEAT at
all and showing up extremely
well on all frames. This spot
definitely stood out right away,
being close to the Dec 6
- Steve Havas
I see a huge smudge where the circled red
from me and your circled candidate was.
Just like Nancy said, huge. Huge, vast,
gigantic, massive, giant, mammoth,
colossal, titanic! That sure is a big smudge
on the film. That spot on the film is unlike
anything we've seen before.Certainly not
something on the DSS pics at that location.
I'm going to pixel analyse this. It's certainly
not single pixel noise. The White PX I
have circled stands out very well in the 11
frames, Avis recognized, and within the
coordinates circle you have made on DSS
Large.BMP, and in all likelyhood is Planet
- J William Dell
I looked at Steve's 7 BMP (reflecting is ongoing thought process re candidates)
and JWilliams, and have still concluded that the objects that I saw last night are
the red and white. Attached. Even before I saw Steve's BMP saying a couple of
his candidates were, per his conclusion, existing stars, I came to that conclusion
too. I have attached a DSS of this area, and circled my Red and White candidates.
I'm probably in conference with the Zetas re this.
- Nancy Lieder
- I've looked at and my resluts and comments are at :
- Pierre-Eric