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Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk
Date: 24 Dec 1996 01:15:22 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Jeff writes
> BTW, Nancy's method of "communication" may be substancially
> faster. Thoughts (ie "Action Potentials" if I recall my freshman
> Biology) travel roughly 30 meters/second and only have to travel
> a maximum distance equal to the size of the brain, a few
> centimeters at most. Any self-contained two way communications
> could be quite rapid, measurable in milliseconds.
> [email protected]

Cute. However, I'm not talking to myself. To prove this to your satisfaction, Jeff, engage in the ongoing Newton is a God or Revolutions thread, both talking about the same topic, and see if you can meet the Zeta's logical arguments!

Bet you can't, and bet you won't, as you're not really up to anything but snide insults, are you.