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Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk
Date: 24 Dec 1996 03:23:32 GMT

Jokes and insults from Jeff, who proved to be - someone nobody chose to quote or respond to - until now! Congradulations, Jeff, you finally got noticed!

[email protected], 6 postings altogether known to Dejanews, only since mid November.

1 to alt.stop.spamming re Sprint's lawyer
3 to sci.astro.planetarium responding on different subjects
2 to sci.astro, since 12/15, including the "zeta" in ZetaTalk reply

In article <[email protected]> Jeff writes
> BTW, Nancy's method of "communication" may be substancially
> faster. Thoughts (ie "Action Potentials" if I recall my freshman
> Biology) travel roughly 30 meters/second and only have to travel
> a maximum distance equal to the size of the brain, a few
> centimeters at most. Any self-contained two way communications
> could be quite rapid, measurable in milliseconds.
> [email protected]