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Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 29 Jan 1997 05:17:29 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Greg Neill writes:
> Nancy ([email protected]) wrote:
>> Light is not composed of a singular particle, but dozens of
>> particles, thereby accounting for much of what humans call
>> strange behavior of light.
> Well, Nance, you're getting close! Hurrah! A breakthough!
> [email protected] (Greg Neill)

In article <[email protected]> Greg Neill writes:
> Nancy ([email protected]) wrote:
>> Diffraction of light in water laden air following a rain storm
>> results in what humans call a rainbow, where the eye perceives
>> light particles sorted out by the degree, or angle, of diffraction
>> from one side of the rainbow to the other.
> Again, close enough. You're doing well!
> [email protected] (Greg Neill)

Hey Greg, it ain't little ol' ME with the high school diploma. All this is from the guys with the big brains, the Zetas.

In article <[email protected]> Greg Neill writes:
>> Auroras, colorful light displays of waving banners across
>> the northern or southern skies, are caused by the susceptibility
>> of the various particles to the gravitational pull from the Earth.
>> These light displays are VISIBLE to humans where the glare
>> of sunlight does not drown them out, as the eye registers the
>> overwhelming particle nature of the light flood, discarding
>> minor particles that might be present as so much noise.
> Oops, you've lost it. Gravity plays little or no role in auroral
> displays. If it were so, the auroral displays would be stronger
> closer to the surface of the Earth, and observable at all latitudes.
> Also note that auroras have been monitored from space by
> satellites, and they do stay close to the poles.
> [email protected] (Greg Neill)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
How nice that we can agree on some things, Greg. Now, about the disagreement, you're wrong and we're right. Let us explain.

Auroral displays are ONLY visible when the viewer is not receiving a view composed of light particles NOT susceptible to gravity bending. The closeness to the Earth has nothing to do with it. Its the composition of the light flooding toward the eye or recording lens, in the case of a satellite. If the eye or recording lens is getting a full flood of light FROM THAT DIRECTION that is composed of the normal complement of light from the Sun, then no aurora. If the eye or recording lens gets a full flood of light from ONE SIDE of the viewing scope, but from ANOTHER SIDE gets a limited flood, as only light bend into auroral displays, then THIS is what will be recorded at the time!

Thus a human in the far north or far south, gazing toward the pole, will see auroral displays THEN, but as they turn to look toward the equator will see the normal light complement. This is due NOT to the magnetic pole nature of the geographic poles, but to the way the Earth is tipped! The poles are DARKER for half the year, receiving less of the full complement of sunlight. THIS is when auroral displays are notices. Regarding satellites viewing auroral displays, as they are set to absorb the same light ranges the humans eye would record, they do so. If the camera is pointed toward a pole, which is in the dark and consequently revealing a light show that would NOT be revealed if drowned out by the full complement of particles present in sunlight, the camera will record the aurora just as the eye does.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

In article <[email protected]> Greg Neill writes:
>> The human eye receives in the dim light of dawn or dusk an
>> overwhelming flood of light composed of particular particles
>> which are more prone to bend toward the gravitational pull
>> of the Earth than other particles. Thus the sunset or dawn is
>> most brilliant at a point just before or after the full glare of
>> sunlight, when the particle flood is strong but is not mixed in
>> with competing light particles to the point of being drown out.
> Singular events such as volcanoes can drastically influence the
> particulate content on a global scale, and results in enhanced
> effects. Gravity does not bend the light sufficiently to produce
> the effects you're describing. If it did, we would be able to see
> the sun many, many degrees below the horizon. During solar
> eclipses, the Moon would behave as a lense and actually focus
> the Sun's light on an area of the Earth, rather than casting an
> umbral shadow.
> [email protected] (Greg Neill)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
You're misinterpreting matters here. After a volcanic eruption, when the particle content of the air is high, sunsets and dawns are more brilliant NOT due to the particles ENHANCING the light, but because they DEFLECT the normal sunlight components, thus allowing MORE of the component that constitute orange sunsets and dawn to flood through without contest. You're grasping part of what we're saying here, Greg, but not all. Whatever you, your human eye, "sees" is what the brain chooses to register. You "see" what is in the majority, the pattern that overwhelms, and during normal sunlight displays, THIS is what overwhelms!

During an eclipse, you register a shadow in the same manner you register shadow during a normal day, when a cloud passes overhead or you are standing under a tree. Shadow to you means that the sunlight is being blocked by a large object, but as there is still light in the shadow, obviously light creeps in from the sides. Things are no different for the area of land under an eclipse. Light creeps in, deflected from other places. Bending particles that would create an auroral effect or a brilliant orange sunset or dawn ARE NOT visible during your normal day, in shadow, being drowned out by the normal complement of sunlight particles. Thus, during an eclipse, they are also drowned out, as it's no different than a shadow!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])