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Re: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: GRAVITY - the Zetas Explain
Date: 29 Jan 1997 05:22:41 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Wayne Hally writes:
>> (Begin ZetaCrap[TM])
>> Light is not composed of a singular particle, but dozens of
>> particles, thereby accounting for much of what humans call
>> strange behavior of light.
> Absuolute balony. There is only one particle/wave, the photon.
> [email protected] (Wayne T. Hally)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one Wayne!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])

In article <[email protected]> Wayne Hally writes:
>> Rainbows are caused by the various particles responsible
>> for what humans call color, the color of an object being
>> determined by which particle
> (should be wavelenth of the wave)
>> is overwhelming present in the flood of particles striking the
>> eye.
> Wow Nancy, you've really unplugged your reality connection
> here. It's all frequency and wavelenght. It has been well
> documented that the particular light freqency (and therefore
> wavelength) is due to a discrete amount of energy being available
> for the photon creation.
> [email protected] (Wayne T. Hally)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Well Wayne, perhaps you'd like to explain WHAT it is that is wavelengthing about out there. WHAT has frequency? WHAT is moving up and down in a regular fashion? Something you haven't been able to register as yet, other than to record the motion, as the WHAT is too tiny. Nevertheless, just because you can't hold it in your hand and gaze at it, this doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Would you think ourselves logical if we referred to you as sweaty, stinky, and hulking but refused to say you were a THING? Nonsense, would say you, we have Waynesmell and Waynedrip and Wayneshadow, but everyone knows there isno Waynething!

Get real!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])