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Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Hale-Bopp THEN and NOW (1-6)
Date: 13 Feb 1997 16:36:51 GMT
In article <[email protected]>
Paul Cambell writes:
> Nancy posted a series of predictions that astronomers made
> a while ago. I'm glad she did and I'm also glad that most of
> the predictions came true. Hale-Bopp is big and bright.
> "Paul Campbell" <[email protected]>
Pretty quiet and non-specific for YOU, Paul. Why are you mumbling into your palm? Since you didn't want to get specific, here's some specifics from a fellow Canada resident, posted on their web site in late 1996, and still there. See if you can address the specifics mentioned in this web posting from Canada. I'll post excerpts from that web site as a series so EACH point can be addressed by you as a standalone, giving it the attention it deserves.
ISSUE 6: Why would a comet PERTURB AWAY from Jupiter? Isn't this backwards?
What is the Truth?
The following hypothesis is based upon several months of pouring over numerous documents. Most were found on the WWW and available to all who have access to this medium. There are links within this document to find most of the information. Check it out for yourself.
HaleBopp's orbit (fig 5) is on nearly a ninety degree angle to the ecliptic of our solar system (the "ecliptic" is an imaginary plane that transects the average flat path of the planets). Its approach was from below the ecliptic just beyond Jupiter, then it will descend over the far side of the Sun. During the period of February 28 thru the first week of April, or approximately 40 days, HaleBopp passed about 30 million miles on the far side of Jupiter, crossing upward thru the ecliptic. 40 days because that is the relative time it took to pass through the IMF(Interplanetary Magnetic Field) as influenced by Jupiter's attraction/repulsion. This appears to have changed HaleBopp's tragectory and orientation dramatically.
The Zetas also led me to note this same aberation, which is detailed on my web site off the Hale-Bopp linking page at http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tword900.htm
where those who plotted the Hale-Bopp orbit had it PERTURBING AWAY from Jupiter! Isn't this backward! Detail below:
On May 28, '96 JPL posted new orbital elements for HB, which when placed into my Skymap program come up the a RA and Dec for that date of
May 28, '96 RA: 19h31m44s Dec: 15.9.20 S
Presumably HB was observed to be there, else why the need to correct NASA's Feb 22, '96 orbital elements. Then on June 27, '96 JPL came back and posted new orbital elements. Presumably they had observed HB changing position, and thus the need for new elements. When I place the June 27, '96 elements into my Skymap and compare the RA and Dec to where the observed position of HB on May 28, '96 would have placed it, I find the mythical HB moving firther away from Jupiter, at a time when it is passing Jupiter.
May 28, '96 RA: 19h0m10s Dec: 12.21.35 S
Jun 27, '96 RA: 19h0m9s Dec: 12.17.4 S
Do comets lurch away from their perturbing influences, the giant Jupiter? The Zetas wish to speak to this issue.
(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
This careless oversight on the part of the conspirators demonstrates with remarkable clarity what we have been
stating. Hale-Bopp is not a real object in the heavens, being tracked, it is an orbit painted across the sky with a
cheering section posting regularly on the message boards. It doesn't exist. When, ever, has a comet lurched away
from Jupiter when passing it, by several arc minutes? Was not the posting on May 28 a result of an actual
observation? Was not the posting on June 27 a result of an actual observation? If this is the case, as we are sure
the conspirators will claim, then how do they explain the comet being repulsed by Jupiter, twitching several arc
minutes away from this gravitational giant at the moment of passage?
This is proof that these orbits are not the result of a real object being tracked, but a fraud.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])