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Re: Nancy/Zetas

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy/Zetas
Date: 19 Feb 1997 05:57:48 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>> (Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
>> Historical evidence that meteors vaporize just prior to impact?
>> What type of instability would be inherent in a meteor, yet
>> allow it to travel through space, experience extreme high
>> heat upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere, yet arrive intact
>> at the surface of the Earth where it would THEN explode?
> The descent of the meteor from space has it first start to see
> the atmosphere significantly up around 80-100 kilometers. It
> takes at most 10-20 seconds to drop into the bottom of the
> atmosphere and as it does, the erodynamic forces build up very
> quickly until the forces exceed the strength of the body and it
> literally is torn apart in a fraction of a second. As it is torn
> apart, each of the smaller pieces is now presented to the aerodynamic
> forces and a cascade affect happens which releases its kinetic
> energy into an explosion.
> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
All this is of course speculation, and not at all in line with what ACTUALLY occurs. You have tiny meteors, which you call shooting stars, which burn up entirely in the atmosphere. Your own space junk, falling to Earth, tells you that solid items descending from space do not tear apart into tiny bits! What nonsense! Do your shuttles tear apart? Do your falling satellites tear apart? And even if solid items DO break apart at the weak link, do they disintegrate into infinitesimal pieces? They RETAIN the structure of the pieces. Do meteors carry within them a self-destruct button, that when a tad of pressure is applied, all turns to dust in an explosive mixture? None of this has ANY basis in your experience, and you are REACHING!

In fact, the only reason our explanation of a large pool of methane gas being released is resisted is due to the implication. Methane gas would not develop in Siberia, where the flash frozen carcasses of the Mastodons were found with grass and buttercups in their bellies, unless this part of the world were at least temperate at some point in the recent past. This implies a moving crust during a pole shift, a highly frightening thought! Rather than contemplate the frightening, Jim and other human scientists cling to positively absurd explanations. Anything but face the horrific truth! Run and hide, Jim!
(End ZetaTalk[TM])