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Re: Tholen Caught DOCTORING Hale-Bopp Images!

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Tholen Caught DOCTORING Hale-Bopp Images!
Date: 3 Mar 1997 00:26:20 GMT

In article <[email protected]> David Tholen writes:
> All the thumbnails carry .jpg extensions, Nancy.
> [email protected]

This is correct - JPG. I went back to your web site last night to see what would download if I gave the browser all the time it wanted, and copied all the thumbnails and matching full blown images. Copying the thumbnails originally from my Netscape catche I was in my fatigue renaming them as GIF's, as the Hijack setting from prior use. My error on this point. Let me correct, I was NOT looking at a GIF. They're all JPG's. My error in terminology, but not an error in relaying the intent of the Zeta message.

What the Zetas were telling me last Thursday-Friday when I first started poking around at that Tholen-Sep1 '96 page at:

was that I would find something, a difference in brightness, that would be a discrepancy in the Hale-Bopp images at your site. The DIFFERENCE IN BRIGHTNESS was AGAINST THE BACKGROUND STARS. Going back and spending several hours on this Saturday night, to get the Zeta message correctly stated, this is what I found:

  1. There are 5 rows of thumbnails reflecting the FITS images reduced to JPG.
  2. All the rows have red, green, and blue thumbnails with matching JPGs.
  3. Row 1 is an extreme close-up of what is supposed to be Hale-Bopp, so one has a blitz of light as though looking into a Sun.
  4. Row 2 is also a close-up, but a bit stepped back. Same light blitz effect.
  5. The last three rows all show the same area of sky, but have different intensities of light coming from what is supposed to be the Hale-Bopp thing.
  6. Row 3 is bright, showing the Hale-Bopp thing to be quite a bit brighter than the stars around it.
  7. Row 4, having the same area as Row 3, is dimmer BUT THE SURROUNDING STARS ARE THE SAME INTENSITY
  8. Row 5 is dim, with the surrounding stars having almost the same intensity as Row 3 and 4, but the Hale-Bopp thing being almost invisible.

Now, my understanding is that in these images, Hale-Bopp is supposed to be only one of those bright objects in the center, and the other 2-3 things are background stars. However, during this intensifying of light from Row 5 to Row 3, THESE STARS INTENSIFY, WHERE THE BACKGROUND STARS DO NOT!

Please explain this, David.