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Re: Nancy and DejaNews

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: Nancy and DejaNews
Date: 26 Mar 1997 16:06:01 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Chris Franks writes:
>> I expect that NASA had their pick of comets in 1995 when
>> the nova Hale-Bopp came along. Huge size and
>> fragmenting out past Jupiter, OOPS can't find it in 1996,
>> but oh!, now it shows up, barely outgassing. You think
>> you're looking at the same thing?
>> [email protected]
> Nancy, this is probably the biggest comet in 200 years, so
> it is not one picked out of many.
> Chris Franks <[email protected]>

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
The comet that NASA and JPL lined up as the rationale for pointing to a nova in 1995 and screaming that it was a comet is only being claimed to be BIG because it must match the size claimed in 1995. In comparison to Hyakutake, which flamed across the sky in 1996, the 1997 showing of the comet the Hubble and NEAT programs located for the conspirators is a disappointment. This is explained away by DISTANCE, the claim that distance is making this manifestation of the Hale-Bopp saga small. Not so! The tale told by the angle of the two tails, the ion tail in particular as it points AWAY from the Sun, shows that this comet is NOT at the distance claimed by the conspirators. Hale-Bopp's small size, in comparison to Hyakutake last years, for instance, is explained away by DISTANCE.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])