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Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative

Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy )
Subject: Re: IN SYMPATHY to the Hale-Bopp Cooperative
Date: 28 Mar 1997 14:37:33 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Lamont Granquist writes:
> Nancy's claim is based on the orbital elements of the
> Mar 13 1997 epoch changing between the 5/28/96 and
> 6/27/96 orbital predictions:
> 5/28: e 0.995038361
> 6/27: e 0.995072729
> The effect on the Mar 16th 1997 prediction is to move the
> 5/28: 1997 Mar 16 23 10 54.55 +43 29 05.4
> 6/27>
> Indeed this is a change of 2' in the prediction for Mar 16,
> compared to a stated 1-sigma uncertainty of 30" for this
> epoch in the 5/28/96 ephemeris, but: ...
> [email protected]

Thank you for confirming my observations, which I was LED to observe by the Zetas.

In article <[email protected]> Lamont Granquist writes:
> The shift between the two ephemerides might be due to
> experimental error, might be due to the comet outgassing,
> but certainly isn't due to some nefarious scheme by NASA
> [email protected]

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You are speculating about all the possibilities, but you KNOW it wasn't a scheme by NASA? How do you KNOW? Why don't you ask JPL why they had the orbit leap away from Jupiter? Are you saying they make errors? A leap 3 arc minutes AWAY from Jupiter, toward the outside of the orbit that had been plotted, would have WIDENED the eccentricity, not tightened it! This would not only be an experimental error, it would be a CONTRADICTION!

This was NOT a real comet being tracked at that time and place, but was a paper orbit in the sky attempting to line up with a comet the Hubble had discovered and the NEAT program tracked. Oops, the original calculations on its eccentricity were wrong, ergo the need to adjust the paper orbit for what was being called Hale-Bopp at that time, a track across the sky joining a nova and the comet you see now.
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In article <[email protected]> Lamont Granquist writes:
> Had we known *exactly* where HB was in all the observations
> up until 5/28/96 ...
> [email protected]

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Well they DID! They said so themselves! Per the 936 observations they had up through May 25, 1996 going into the May 28 Orbital Elements, and then again per 1008 observations up through June 23, 1996 going into the June 27 Orbital Elements! An increase of 72 observations for the month! Per David Tholen these observations are on record should folks wish to look them up. And plenty occurred during the time in question!

Had they thought anyone would be looking they wouldn't have DARED make this manipulation. However, we, the Zetas, were off the boards since the 1995 holiday season, and they felt safe! Little did they know that we had advised our emissary, Nancy, to attend to other matters and let some time pass, as a watched pot would not boil, as you say. We left, it boiled, but it wasn't unwatched!
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