Article: <[email protected]>
From: [email protected](Nancy)
Subject: Re: What the Zetas SAID re Hale-Bopp
Date: 9 Apr 1997 15:05:41 GMT
In article: <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>> On page 254 of The Quest for Comets, Levy writes
>> "According to Marsden approximately 98 percent of
>> comet discovery reports from unknown observers turn
>> out to be false alarms. Just because an object is fuzzy
>> does not mean it is a comet, and even if it is a comet,
>> it may be a known one. Galaxies, nebulae, and ghost
>> images of bright stars are often reported as new
>> comets."
>> [email protected]
> Experienced observers, such as Alan Hale who has
> observed hundreds of comets do not mistaken other
> phenomena for comets at the 98% level.
> [email protected] (Jim Scotti)
You're assuming that Alan Hale was sincere in reporting the nova as a comet, or that the IAU was sincere in labeling it one. You've got massive cover-ups that NASA coordinates, such as giving Hubble images that the tax payer pays for to a single individual whom they select and call a Principle Investigator. You've got staged NASA Moon landing shots made in a studio and given to the public to replace the real thing. You've got Mars probes that wink out just as they are about to show the public the face on Mars and other evidence that man is not alone in the Universe. And you're saying here that NASA et al can't lie?