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Re: Planet X/12th Planet Retrograde Orbit

Article: <[email protected]> 
Subject: Re: Planet X/12th Planet Retrograde Orbit
Date: 9 Apr 1998 02:43:28 GMT

In article <[email protected]> John Ladasky writes:
> Aren't *you* stating that an object is entering the solar system
> ... and is presently at a location that defies assignment of its 
> position by trigonometry?

I'm not sure I understand the statement about trigonometry, I've got
all kinds of diagrams on the web at 
that could have trig applied to them, I imagine, and the Zetas even dre
w a triangle for you'all to work with in the Entry Angle topic at,
quote below, and some folks diagramed this verbal description at 
Are you playing straight man for the Zetas here, John?

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Thus, when it gets to its maximum speed, entering your Solar System, it
bends in toward your Sun, after having veered outward slightly, so that
the angle is approximately 32 degrees. This angle can vary slightly
depending on influences upon the 12th Planet in its long journey away
from your Sun. For this passage, the 12th Planet's first pass will be
at a time when the Earth is on the same side of the Sun as the 12th
Planet's point of passage, but toward the rear of the Sun. Thus the
12th Planet will come into the Earth's orbital plane not directly
between the Earth and the Sun, but forward, somewhat closer to the 12th
Planet's approach. When one is looking toward Orion, at this time, from
above the Earth's orbital plane, the perspective human astronomers
prefer, the Sun will be to the right. The Earth, Sun, and 12th Planet
will thus Form a Triangle in the Earth's orbital plane with a 23 degree
angle at the Earth, an 18 degree angle at the Sun, and a 139 degree
angle at the 12th Planet. It is at this point, essentially, that the
12th Planet is closest to the Earth, as with the angle of entry into
the Earth's orbital plane being 32 degrees at this point, the 12th
Planet essentially dives up through the Earth's orbital plane and
quickly passes on.
(End ZetaTalk[TM])