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Re: Planet X/12th Planet Retrograde Orbit

Article: <[email protected]> 
Subject: Re: Planet X/12th Planet Retrograde Orbit
Date: 10 Apr 1998 20:30:39 GMT

In article <[email protected]> Jim Scotti writes:
>>> John Ladasky wrote
>>> Aren't *you* stating that an object is entering the solar 
>>> system ... and is presently at a location that defies 
>>> assignment of its position by trigonometry?
>> Nancy wrote
>> I'm not sure I understand the statement about trigonometry
> Once again you fail to grasp the concept of parallax.  The 
> Earth moving around the sun induces a wobble in the location
> of your observed object - even if it is stationary!  We use that 
> wobble to measure the distance to the nearest stars and we 
> use that wobble to tell us how far away the asteroids and 
> comets are.  

Ah, thanks for the explanation.  But how is it that the RA and Dec
given "defied assignment of its position by trigonometry?"  Is he
saying that VARIOUS positions should be given, right off, so that the
wobble can be taken into account?  Don't you have to sight something
first, then track and moitor its motion, and THEN do the parallax? 
Once again you guys are twisting the rules you apply to yourself, so
that I'm expected to skip steps where YOU are not!  What did Marsden
just do with 1997 XF11?  Did he not ask for additional sightings,
checking, from anyone at all, to verify the path he had calculated? 
Did he not do so on internalional media?  It's OK for him to say he
wants data from others, but not for me or the Zetas to do likewise? 
We're supposed to have ALL possible sightings, with infinite accuracy,
up front?  

Why do you think the Zetas have stated, all along, to LOOK AROUND the
spot given.  It doesn't vary far, from now on over the next two years. 
Plenty of time to LOOK AROUND those RA and Dec guidelines, locate it,
track it, and run up you parallax.  The RA and Dec again, folks, which
you are to LOOK AROUND so as not to miss a wobbling Planet X/12th
Planet, along with the Zetas words, are:

(Begin ZetaTalk[TM])
Nancy's diagram curves the line between points and also has large dots
at the points, so the path can be slightly confused. In fact, the 12th
Planet  tends not to make all those pretty curves. Also, there are
variations here and there that would make the Path chart too
complicated, so that a steady progress or rate of travel does not
always occur. You can assume, in selecting a Right Ascension (RA) and
Declination (Dec) point, that no more than .2 RA degrees nor .45
declination degrees occurs at any time as a variance from this path.
This variance includes a slower rate along the path than would be
assumed and a path other than a smoothed or curved path between points.
The 12th Planet will appear to linger at the point where it turns to
assume a retrograde orbit, spending a two year period in this portion
of the path alone, anticipated to be at:
         RA 6.24 Dec 19.16 on December 1, 1997
         RA 6.32 Dec 21.57 on January 1, 1999
         RA 6.24 Dec 23.45 on January 1, 2000
(End ZetaTalk[TM])