Re: Planet X/12th Planet Coverup Mechanism
Article: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Planet X/12th Planet Coverup Mechanism
Date: 13 Apr 1998 14:44:42 GMT
In article <[email protected]> Mike Dworetsky writes:
>> And all this mathematical manipulation STILL does not
>> explain what was sighted by the IRAS team in 1983,
>> resulting in a front page Washington Post article, or all
>> the REASONS for the search in the first place.
> It seems that the object in question was eventually identified
> as a denser knot of "interstellar cirrus" in Taurus (not in
> Orion but a bit to the west) while the other objects the team
> were interested in were identified as infra-red-bright galaxies.
> The object was designated as 0412+085 in Houck J.R. et al,
> Astrophysical Journal Letters vol 278, p L63, 1984 and reported
> as infrared cirrus in Houck, J.R. et al, Astrophysical Journal
> Letters vol 290, p. L5, 1985. The other objects, as the article
> stresses, were identified as very faint galaxies.
And these faint infrared sources caused the perturbations which were
noted over centuries and not resolved by the weight of Pluto, and which
when put into a computer model came up with a Planet X estimated to be
2 to 5 times the mass of Earth? What have you presented here that was
not available to the searchers BEFORE they went on the search for
Planet X? They went on that search because the mathematical models
TOLD them that Planet X HAD TO BE THERE! If adding a fraction of a
percent to the weight of this or that outer planet made it go away,
don't you think they would have done that BEFORE assigning the IRAS
team to go look in 1983? Especially given the almost exponential
increase in deep earthquakes we're having today, the heating of the
oceans from the bottom up (which by the way cause El Nino), the
magnetic diffusion, the slowing rotation, etc. Are these all caused by
those distance galaxies emitting infrared?
US News World Report, Sept 10, 1984, a short article on page 74, with a
Planet X - Is It Really Out There?
Shrouded from the sun's light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of
Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be
Planet X - a 10th resident of the Earth's celestial neighborhood. Last
year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar
orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50
billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation.
"All I can say is that we don't know what it is yet," says Gerry
Neugesbeuer, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California
Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way
journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the
nameless body.
Some astronomers say the heat-emitting object is an unseen collapsed
star or possibly a "brown dwarf" - a protostar that never got hot
enough to become a star. However, a growing number of astronomers
insist that the object is a dark, gaseous mass that is slowly evolving
into a planet. For decades, astronomers have noted that orbits of two
huge, distant planets - Neptune and Uranus - deviated slightly from
what they should be according to the laws of physics. Gravitational
pull from Planet X would explain that deviation. Moreover, says
Neugebauer, "If we can show that our own solar system is still creating
planets, we'll know that it's happening around other stars, too."