Re: Planet X: MAY Coordinates
What a stunningly informative and clear post this was! My thanks to the
poster. He raised an issue of the spectrum of light that might be
coming from Planet X. Per folklore and even physical evidence (graves
of giant "humans" on Earth) the critters on this planet include
hominoids about 1.5 times the size of humans. They form the basis of
the folklore on the Gods of Mt. Olympus, the German Visigoths, and the
like. When I first began doing ZetaTalk in 1995, and had posted that
Planet X was, per the Zetas, some 23 times the mass of earth and 4 times
the diameter, I heard from a fella who ran the math and reported to me
that surface gravity equations would put the pull on the surface about
1.6 times that of Earth. So this fits, and the Zetas had described the
gravity pull on this planet being about 1.5 times that of Earth. The
eyes of these giant hominoids functioned well on Earth, which might give
us a clue to the spectrum on their home planet. I'll post some existing
ZetaTalk on this matter below.
In Article <[email protected]> Kahuna wrote:
> Now why would there be confusion as to the apparent
> magnitude? Well remember, there are supposed to be
> critters living on this thingy, and these critters are
> somewhat like our critters. ... This means that the
> overall surface temperature cannot be much higher
> than something around 300K, which is decidedly cold
> for a black body radiation source. The black body
> spectrum is going to be deep in the infrared.
> Now also it is stated that this object glows sufficiently
> that the critters on this thingy can *see*. This means
> that there is a light source in the visible range, but it
> early cannot be black body, it must be some kind of
> Comex spectrum which is related to the causal
> mechanism. Since we are not sure just what causes this
> thing to glow in the visible light, we have no information.
Fires such as go on in the center of suns do not only
proceed full bore. Why would they? Do you not have
a fire within you that is maintained at a steady
temperature? Do you not find that the fire in your
fireplace can be slowed by adjusting the damper?
Humans do not understand what is occurring within
the Sun, a combustion of sorts that ignited because of
the pressure of elements following the big bang,
during the congealing period. The Sun was not born,
lit. It lit as compression continued to the point where
a product of subatomic particle collision did not
dissipate, but accumulated, and the degradation of
this substance is what you are viewing and feeling
in your sunlight. This is a simplistic explanation for a
complicated process. [Planet X] has a similar process
ongoing within its core, but being composed of heavier
substances than your Sun, this process is slowed. You
can equate this to mixing medicine into food, rather
than taking it directly. This is tolerated because the
incident or rate of medicine reacting with a taste bud
is reduced, or slowed.
On [Planet X], the heat released diffuses in all
directions, so the surface of the planet is warm but
not hot. Your feet would not blister, but they may feel
cool in places where the rock strata do not provide a
good passage for heat, should you visit that planet.
Light only escapes the core where what is essentially
volcanic activity under the water occurs. Of course,
this would occur if there was volcanic activity on the
land surface of the planet, but there is little land
surface, and this long ago hardened. Volcanic
activity would not be on the surface of the Earth,
either, should her proportion of water to land be
increased. Water is pooling in the low spots, and the
low spots have less hardened surface mantle as a
barrier. Thin places break, and give release to the
pressure from the churning molten core. The oceans
of [Planet X], therefore, have places where
diffused light is rising, and other places where the
oceans would appear to you much as your own do
here on Earth.
ZetaTalk, 12th Planet Glow
It is not by accident that the hominoid inhabitants of
[Planet X] look and dress like Greek Gods, the
Gods of Mount Olympus, as they are one and the same.
Mythological stories about thunderbolts being thrown
and travel through the clouds were based on the
technological feats of these visitors from [Planet X],
who had mastered the modern day equivalent of lasers
and transporting an individual via a rocket booster
strapped on the back. To the primitive humans, who
came barely to the waists of the strapping, handsome
giants, they were gods. The Greek Gods are reported
to be jealous and wrathful on the one hand, and
kindly and mentoring on the other - a bit like people.
Of course, they were no gods, any more than the
humans of today, but their very human exploits are
still reported with awe.
They do not sleep, because they do not have a rising
and setting sun. They have a dimmer day. The glow in
their atmosphere comes from rifts within their ocean.
They are inhabiting a brown dwarf that is in a slow
smolder. It happens also to be a water planet, so that
the places where the results of the chemical reaction
that produces their light come through are in the
deepest rifts closest to the molten core, and scattered
throughout their atmosphere. Therefore they have a
continuous light, equivalent perhaps to late in your
day or very early in the morning. They do have their
quiet times. Their agriculture is much less extensive
than the agriculture of Earth. They tend to gather
rather than grow. There are fewer of them per square
mile than your rich and fertile earth sustains.
ZetaTalk, 12th Planet