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Re: Closed orbits/WAS Hi Nancy :-))

In Article <ImSN6.62$X%[email protected]> Mike Dworetsky wrote:
> All these objects have elliptical orbits that follow Kepler's
> laws of planetary motion and obey Newtonian gravitational
> physics.  The only debate is how they could have come by
> such unusually high eccentricities.  The orbits and motions
> are known; the only question is why one orbital parameter
> is different from what was expected in these cases.

The Zetas which to comment:

    Clearly, more than the regular flow of gravity particles
    from and back into a Sun is at play in planetary orbits,
    else all these orbits would be circular.  There are countless
    influences, but these influences can be summarized into
    their EFFECT, which accounts for an eliptical orbit.

   Secondary Gravity Influence
     Planets that orbit both binary suns do so in a figure 8,
     pulling toward the second binary at the juncture where
     the planet is positioned between the binaries, but
     propelled by momentum to continue its orbital curve
     while moving toward the second binary.  But planets
     caught between binary suns, but orbiting a single sun,
     pull wider toward the second binary in their orbit,
     creating an elipse that leans toward the second binary.

   Escape Attempt
     Just as two North Poles in a magnetic object will avoid
     each other, pushing the lighter object to align with the
     heavier object, OTHER repulsion forces can push an
     orbiting planet closer to its Sun than the flow of gravity
     particles would ordinarily allow, putting the planet in a
     squeeze between these repulsion forces.  The result is a
     rush to leave the squeeze, such that the planet accelerates
     at this point in its orbit, giving it momentum as it stretches
     into the long part of the elipse.

     Planets positioned such that they have several attractions
     can be slowed in their orbit due to dithering.  Such dither
     points are not even in the orbit, so create a speeding up as
     the planet approaches the dither point, and a slowing down
     as it leaves this point.  Rushing to an attraction causes the
     orbit to draw long at that point, a factor of momentum on
     the orbiting planet, which is an influence toward an eliptical
     orbit.  Where no apparent gravitational giant exists to explain
     the eliptical orbit, particle flows other than gravity are
     the dominant influence on the shape of the orbit.