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Re: 10th Planet / Pioneer Probes / Dead Star Enyclopedia Diagram

In Article <[email protected]> Paul Schlyter wrote:
> In the inner solar system though, an Earth-sized planet at
> 1 AU on the opposite side of the Sun would cause quite noticeable
> perturbations on both Venus and Mars.

Not so, say the Zetas.

    Theories about the Earth's dark twin, which does exist,
    have been around for decades. They emerged because of
    the observed perturbations of the planets. This twin is
    close enough, within your Solar System, to be visible by
    the reflected rays from the Sun, if it were not hidden
    behind the Sun. That the dead twin matches pace with
    the Earth is not by coincidence. During the period when
    the Earth was knocked out of her initial orbit by a clash
    with one of [Planet X's] travelers, the Earth found an
    orbital niche around the Sun that was appropriate for
    her size and composition, a niche, not surprisingly, that
    the dead twin likewise fits. Why do these matched planets
    place themselves exactly opposite? Any less than this
    creates an imbalance in the many forces that control
    orbits, such that there is pressure and nudging and pulling
    and increased or decreased speed on one or the other until
    this is perfectly balanced.

    Put two ball bearings in a circular track and spin this,
    and you soon find that the balls are opposite each other.
    Just so do these two evenly matched planets find this
    position opposite each other. ...

    The Earth’s dead twin has likewise been omitted from
    astronomy lists due to the unease those who were in
    involved in [NASA secrets] have ... releasing any
    information at all about the Earth’s dead twin was
    doomed for the lifetime of the participants. In the same
    manner that the records on JFK’s assassination will be
    sealed for several more decades, these records were
    sealed, to protect the guilty during their lifetimes. Who
    is aware of the Earth’s dead twin? NASA and JPL and
    a handful of astronomers working at the major
    observatories. Just as the approach of [Planet X] is know
    to these individuals and kept from the public, information
    on the dead twin is a forbidden subject. This is termed a
    matter of national security, subject to imprisonment and
    other harsh punishment, and as those who enter into this
    realm soon discern, even an accidental death at the hands
    of those who fear the release of this information. Thus,
    the common man, without access to the information
    that NASA has but won’t allow the public access to, has
    no facts by which to arrive at the truth.
        ZetaTalk™, Dead Twin

In Article <[email protected]> Paul Schlyter wrote:
> as soon as it got more than about 0.5 degrees away from the
> position exactly opposite the Earth's, it would be quite easily
> visible during total solar eclipses.  Today, SOHO would have no
> trouble seeing it either.

And who tells us what SOHO sees?  Ah, there’s NASA et al again, the
keepers of the gate, who dole out Hubble images only to their buddies
who are Principal Investigators so the public can’t investigate. Well,
the public on occasion gets an image that has passed inspection, but
none of this broadcasting “as it happens”.