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Re: Planet X: TIDAL WAVES Recorded

In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> What is the basis of YOUR statement that an asteroid or
>> comet impact COULD put whales stranded on mountain
>> tops, several hundred miles inland?
> The same basis as yours:  wave production. ... you've posted
> yet another response and still haven't explained why one
> wave can do it but another wave can't depending on what
> produced the wave in the first place.

In Article <[email protected]> San wrote:
> Tholen.... you should contact a hydrologist and
> ask him if Nancy(Zetas) are right or wrong. ...
> This is simple fluid mechanics, sniffing out some
> engineering student or scientist that can answer such
> questions should be easy. You have a doctorate, right?
> ... What Nancy has written has more than enough
> information and statements reguarding the subject
> to allow anyone with some knowledge of fluid
> dynamics to easily prove or disprove the statements.

The Zetas have in sum stated:
1. whale bodies are too heavy to be lifted to the TOP of splash waves
2. splash waves do not travel hundreds of miles inland
3. evidence of damage from miles high splash waves does not exist
4. flood tides can carry whales within them
5. flood tides can flow around structures, leaving them intact
6. flood tides can strand an entact whale

To repost Article <[email protected]> ZetaTalk:

    Whales are occasionally found on beaches, where
    their dead bodies have washed up or they have
    arrived, self-propelled, with malfunctioning guidance
    systems due to either magnetic disturbances in the
    area or infections in their balancing senses.  What
    type of wave would be required to LIFT such a body,
    and carry it hundreds of miles inland, depositing it
    on a mountain top?  Beached whales are not carried
    ATOP a wave, as their bodies go no further than the
    tide.  They arrive WITHIN the tide, pushed along
    by their tails or floating atop the tide as a bloated
    dead body.  Even several power hoses, placed
    directly under a whale, would not keep it in the air,
    so how then would a single wave manage the pressure
    to carry a whale aloft?  Likewise, the distance from
    shore, recorded in concert with the discovery of these
    whale bones, would require such a wave to travel
    hundreds of miles from shore.

    A simple analysis of wave action, where a wave
    towers only for a moment as the depth of the wave
    shortens during its rolls up on shore, would give the
    dynamics of the size of a wave that would be required
    to carry a whale the distance required to account for
    their bones being found on mountain tops.  This
    wave would have to tower several MILES at the
    shore line, yet no such evidence of the damage that
    would be caused by such a crashing wave
    accompanies the whale bones.  Flood tides carry
    within them whatever is caught, but leave trees and
    structures intact as the steady flow inundates.

    THIS explains the whale bones, and fits with the
    other evidence abounding - magnetic shifts as in
    Sterns Mountain lava flows, dropped ocean level
    worldwide, flash frozen mastodon bodies in the polar
    circle with freshly eaten green grass in their stomachs,
    the massive explosion of Thera in the Mediteranean,
    underwater civilizations in Bermuda and forests off
    the East Coast of North America - all occurring about
    3,600 years ago or even multiples thereof.  These
    phenomena are commensurate with the passage of a
    magnetic planet, causing pole shifts on Earth.  THIS
    also explains current geological changes - magnetic
    diffusion, oceans heating from the bottom up, melting
    Artic and Antartic ice, reactivated and active volcanoe
    incidence, increased earthquake frequency and size,
    unexplained flashes and booms observed by people
    worldwide, and the common sightings of green
    meteors within the past few years. These phenomena
    are commensurate with an inbound magnetic planet
    and the space trash it wafts with it as it approaches.