Re: Planet X: TIDAL WAVES Recorded
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> 1. whale bodies are too heavy to be lifted to the TOP of
> splash waves
> Are you suggesting that, once generated, a wave has a
> knowledge of how it was generated? If not, why are
> you calling it a "splash" wave?
If an undersea quake displacing a MASSIVE amount of water can only
produce a tsunami (splash wave) from 20 to 65 feet high, then a plunk in
the ocean would not displace water any differently. The line of water
pressure moves in all directions, as it does if a plate underwater drops
several feet, creating a new place for water to go, or subducts to
reduce the space where water exists. The Zetas have stated:
The Earth's record of gigantic tidal waves, which the
establishment is desperate to explain in other than pole
shift terms, is caused by the frequent pole shifts. This
is the case even in situations where a plate adjustment
affects hundreds of miles of ocean bottom, creating a
massive line of compressed water which promptly
moves in the only directions it can - to the right, left,
and up. In the depths of the ocean, this causes a tidal
wave of perhaps 20 feet in nearby shores. Where items
are dropped into the ocean, such as the honeycombed
ice of a former South Pole did during the Flood, the
displaced water cannot go down, so must go all four
directions. In instances such as this, the resulting wave
is in proportion to the object dropped. A continent sized
object caused the Flood, a meteor a mile in diameter
would hardly cause more than a high tide, despite
alarmist speculation.
ZetaTalk, Tidal Waves
A flood tide has a MASSIVE amount of water behind the pressure point, as
the whole ocean is on the move. Thus, during the pole shift, the fact
that the oceans tend to stay where they are while the Earth moves
underneath, the same phenomena you get if you move a soup bowl held in
your hands quickly out from under the soup, is very scary. In a
locations TOPIC of Troubled Times
(, a collection of Zeta advice
on the relative safety of various spots around the globe, the surprise
has been how water will behave - more of it, clashing, climbing, moving
faster and farther, etc. Some existing ZetaTalk on how a flood tide
with the force of an ocean on the move behind it would behave.
Those who have witnessed tidal bore roaring up a ravine
are astonished that water does not seem to respect the
relative sea level during those times. What makes the
water climb? Water pressure drives water to climb
above its level because at the point where the pressure
build, is takes the easiest path. When the force of pressure
is extreme, compressing the water a lower levels, the
path of lease resistance is taken. During a tidal wave,
this path is away from the bulk of water. A tidal
wave moves inland until one of two situations occurs:
1. the level to which it has climbed is higher than the
level elsewhere, and the wave recedes, or
2. the pressure behind the wave decreases.
Where tidal waves meet mountains, this can result in
tidal bore up ravines. Where tidal waves flow inland,
this results in a flood tide going hundreds of miles
inland. Where the tidal wave finds foot hills or barriers,
the force of the wave is broken such that it is slowed,
allowing a reduction in pressure behind the wave to
arrive before the wave moves far inland. But where
the tidal wave finds virtually no barriers, due to the
land being flat, it becomes water on the move, and this
very momentum carries it far inland, and above a
height that would otherwise be expected.
ZetaTalk, Climbing Water