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Planet X: SLOWING Rotation 1

In Article <[email protected]> Dave Tholen wrote:
> Nancy Lieder writes:
>> 1. It seems the days/hours between Full Moons not only moves
>>    about within a year (I noticed a long swing between 10 and
>>    15 hours within a year) but over years also.  This is related
>>    to a longer or shorter perihelion for the Earth, I gather.
> The time of full Moon depends on when the Sun, Earth,
> and Moon all line up.  Due to Kepler's second law, both the
> Earth and the Moon will speed up and slow down during various
> part of their orbits because their orbits are not circular.  Thus the
> times between full Moons will vary depending on time of sidereal
> year (due to the Earth) and on time of sidereal month (due to the
> Moon).

Yes, and if the orbit were LONGER (days from one perihelion to another)
during that year, then the sum of the days between full moons or
equinoxes would likewise be LONGER, right?  I'm picturing a couple,
twirling on the dance floor.  If they are moving down the dance floor
away from me, it will take longer for the woman's face to appear full as
they are covering more distance while moving away. But if they are
twirling toward and past me, then her face would appear full at a
relatively faster rate.  Is this correct?  The full moon would take
LONGER during that part of the orbit when the Earth is pulling away from
the Sun in it's not-quite-circular orbit, right?