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Re: Nancy Lieder Exposed!

Fridrik Skulason wrote:
> hmmm...
>   1) Nancy is a fraud, knowing quite well that there are no intelligent
>      aliens communicating with her - She is just making it all up, hoping
>      to benefir from it financially.
>   2) See above, except that the motivation is not financial, but rather
>      the attention this generates.
>   3) Nancy sincerely believs the voices in her head - she is a sick person
>      and we should feel sorry for her.
>   4) There really are alien voices in her head.  Nancy is unknowingly part
>      of an experiment, meant to determine whether humans are really
>      intelligent ;-)
>   5) See above, except this is the aliens' idea of a great joke ....
>      "Hey Zwrknkkwwl, lets' see what we can get the human to believe today!"
> other possible explanations, anyone?


Nancy is not an accidental choice, her lack of background in hard core
science is not a liability, but actually an asset.  This is true

1) the message is sufficiently controversial in and of itself, and it is
   also very threatening.  

2) The choice of messenger and her inability to master the nuances of
   heavy scientific material wraps it all in a stigma and aura of
   'deniability'.  Thus one is not forced to confront the issue, one is
   "allowed to".

3) Making it all a puzzle sorts out the curious from those steeped in
   dogma. If you are curious and open minded, you will "find it", if not,
   it is sufficiently ambiguous that it is "safe" to ignore everything
   until literally the last minute.

4) A highly respected and highly credible source for this information
   (such as for example, the late Carl Sagan) would either be laughed away
   as having suddenly gone insane or exterminated, either professionally or

5) Much of the information being presented is highly disturbing to many
   people's concept of the universe, the role and origin of man, and
   religious belief.  Heck, we have slavery still ongoing in Africa, the
   Taliban in Afghanistan just went nuts and destroyed large numbers of
   historical artifacts, the Jews and Palestinians are still fighting after
   5,000 years, this century has seen the extermination of hundreds of
   millions of humans for innumerable reasons, and on and on.

It is really not that long ago that the Catholic Church forced Galileo
to recant the obvious fact that the earth was not the center of the
whole friggin universe.  The reality is we, as a planet, have only
progressed slightly beyond that point.

Look around you, do you think the world is truly ready to have a
spaceship land on the White House lawn?  You are being challenged to
think for yourself, not have it handed to you on a silver platter.  The
material is intended to be somewhat mysterious so you have to research
it yourself, draw up your own comparisons, ask your own questions, and
handle the disruption to your world view yourself.  It is intended to be
incomplete and to nag at you.  When it all comes down, nobody is going
to be handing out MREs to 6,000,000,000 people.  You will HAVE NO CHOICE
but to be independent and think for yourself.  Or die.

Choosing someone like myself, who actually has a considerable background
in science and engineering would be a poor choice.  The reason is
simple: I would simply badger the heck out of them to increase my
understanding and satisfy my curiosity, and nothing would get
accomplished.  (It would be like a 5 year old with the constant "why?") 
Carl Sagan would have been too threatening.  This left Nancy.

Now before you go freaky on me, just as a "thought experiment" put
yourself in the position of an advanced alien race.  What would you do? 
What would be the consequences of those choices?  Would it unduly
disturb the functioning of the people on this planet?  What would you
have to change as a consequence?  I know it is hard, but stop a minute
and actually think about it.

> --
> Fridrik Skulason      Frisk Software International     phone: +354-5-617273
> Author of F-PROT      E-mail: [email protected]         fax:   +354-5-617274
The Small Kahuna