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Measuring the Earth's Slowdown/Re: Planet X: EARTHQUAKE Increase

In article <[email protected]>, Charlane wrote:
>Here's a bigger laugh for you. Josx is now trying to "time" the earth's
>rotation as proof of it's slowing down. He has his little scope all
>set up on a tripod with chairs surrounding it to keep it from being
>moved to take meridian sightings. I can't wait to see or hear about
>his findings!

Hmmm... interesting that you have this information... heavy inspector
of my website (since it isn't directly linked to) ?

And a note: the earth is at farthest away at 4 of juli right?
I saw on the web, this means a difference from Greenwich local solar
time of 16 minutes, and on the oposite side of the year a difference
of 16 minutes to the other side of the average clock. I think this must
mean we have a shorter-than-average day now, 16.07 seconds shorter,
however I am measuring (prematurely, I know, but I didn't want to post
it yet!) now some 14.15 seconds slower than 24-hours, which is 30.22
seconds slower than should.

To everybody: I was not ready to release this, so don't blame me, these
are of yet completely uncertain numbers because I have only 2 relatively
stable data-points(!).

I am not even done checking the theory just above here... any errors?
