Re: Charlane Exposed! [OT]
Sun, 01 Jul 2001 13:45:09 -0500, Article: <[email protected]>
In support of Josh, wherein he stated:
In Article <[email protected]> Josh wrote:
> You say you are looking at P-X with your own scope,
> and saying you cannot see it.
> Isn't this providing continued dishonest
> negative-sighting-reports of P-X ?
> The real answer is that you are not using an
> observatory-grade scope, on top of that Orion is
> badly visible, and P-X is said to gain brightness
> later.
David Tholen agrees!
In Article: <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Charlane writes:
>> I am setting my alarm tonight and pointing it in the direction of Orion.
> How does one point an alarm in the direction of Orion, and
> why would you do it at night? At night, Orion is currently
> below the horizon. Orion is up during the daytime, just south
> of the Sun.
In Article: <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Charlane writes:
>> I can only check the RAs and DECs with this 26mm Plossl,
>> try to spot an anomaly and go from there. Still looking.
> In daylight?
In Article <[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> That's that you wrote:
> "I am setting my alarm tonight and pointing it in the direction of Orion."
> --Charlane
> Are you not for real?
> And why did you avoid the matter of Orion being a daytime
> constellation right now?
In Article <J%[email protected]> David Tholen wrote:
> Charlane writes:
>> More typos.
> How can your attempts to look for Nancy's object be a typo?
> Orion is a daytime constellation right now.
If Charlene has a DoD contract, as she stated, in a scientific field
(computers and infrared), as she stated, this seems very odd behavior
indeed. Charlene, how COULD you have looked at the RA and Dec, as you
stated, at night, if they were BELOW the horizon?