Re: Has Ball Lightning been Explained?
Ace Schallger gave a detailed overview of ball lighting characteristics,
with references, which I quote briefly toward the end of this post. He
- association with lighting and tornadoes
- can hold as a ball and travel or explode
- can penetrate glass or metal
- can hum or be silent
- can be red like a ball of fire or black, suppressing light
- can be solid or whispy
- can have anti-gravity effect upon objects
Then poses the question:
In Article <100720011348451327%[email protected]> Ace Schallger wrote:
> So, what sort of phenomenon can account for all of
> these things or what underlying phenomenon can
> produce all of these effects? ...
The Zetas with to respond:
Man is aware of electricity primarily from his
experiences with lightning and the tiny lightning, arcs,
that occur from static electricity. Were it not that
lightning, in its many forms, PRESSED itself on
mankind, experiments with electricity would not have
proceded. Man wished to harness its light-giving
qualities, and the widely used light-bulb is the result.
But there are some 387 discrete sub-atomic particles
composing what man understands to be the flow of
electrons or a magnetic field. Each operates differently,
but most are not so obvious as the electron, the
stage-master throwing lightning bolts at the audience.
What are some of the other components of electricity
and magnetism, some of the other sub-atomic particles,
and how do they cause ball lightning?
Anti-Gravity Effect
As we have explained, there is a sub-atomic particle
responsible for the magnetic behavior of certain
metals like iron. This flows from and through those
atoms that have an uneven distribution of electrons
circling around the core, so the field developes around
a single atom but the flow of this particle causes them
all to line up in liquid iron so as a group they have a
field where the flow of particles leaves one end of the
field and warps around to the place where they are
LEAST, Nature abhoring a vacumn of any type. This
type of flow can raise high speed trains on a rail, as in
what is termed Magnetic Levitation, so it could certainly
float eggs or humans during the phenomenon known
as ball lightning. The question that begs to be answers
is - why do the magnetic particles hang around, and
not disburse, as they apparently do under other
circumstances. After all, electro-magnetic motors are
in common use and a single report of levitation has
yet to be recorded.
Ball Formation
Mankind is aware of the brief distances and intense
electron press required to support arcs such as arc
welding or carbon arc lamps. They are aware of the
distance that lightning, representing a buildup of
electrons in the atmosphere, can move. In general
this is at most for a distance ALONG the horizon
but most often simply downward to a discharge
point. In fact, this is only the visible lightning, and
arcs can and do occur over longer distances and will
less electron press than presumed, but this type of
activity is not showy and thus escapes mankind's
notice. But ball lighting hangs together, is NOT
moving, it would seem, from a high charge to a lesser
charge, the normal distribution of electrons that is
so familiar and runs all manner of handy appliances.
Consider that an electrically charged field may be
IMMENSE, covering the horizon that can be seem
from end to end, and rising for miles up into the sky.
Consider that within this charged field, there are
not simply electrons and the particle that creates the
phenomenon of magnetism, but all the other 387
particles that operate in a similar manner, each with
its own desire to equalize its distribution in the
vicinity. Ball formation occurs when the particles
that would disburse are FORCED to remain in the
vicinity by a GREATER pressure from other
particles surrounding them.
Light Suppression
Light bends, as anyone looking at their feet while
standing in water is acutely aware. Light particles
are quick, and are used by Nature as the basis of
sight because most of them escape and go in a
STRAIGHT LINE, but they are not so quick as to
escape influence. In Black Holes, so few escape
that the hole is identified by their absense.
Gravity is assumed to be the shackle holding them,
but in fact there is a phenomena of light that a
MASS of these particles in and of itself is the
draw that pulls nearby light particles into itself.
Then why does light seem to move in a straight
line, from heat and light and electricity generating
situations? They bolt, do they not? From stars and
explosions and fire, they are on the run, or so it
would seem. Light particles as many other particles
types form waves because of a constant
attraction/repulsion dance they assume with each
other. They run from and yet run toward each other,
always wanting homogenity of their quality but
never able to achieve this. The dance that particles
from in this effort is the wave identified as a light
wave. So why does light move long distances,
then, during this dance? Momentum from an
explosion of OTHER particles has put them on the
move. But in ball lightning, where an IMMENSE
area is affecting particle equalization, these other
particles cannot disburse, or explode, as they might
otherwise. It is a DELAYED explosion, so the
light being generated within the ball can do what
it normally does - clump!
In Article <100720011348451327%[email protected]> Ace Schallger wrote:
> We know that they most often occur in the near vicinity
> of lightning strokes or in the vicinity of strong electrical
> discharge activity whether of natural or man made origin.
> They have been observed to emerge from tornadoes and
> eyewitnesses of tornadoes have reported intense electrical
> activity associated with tornadoes. (See article by Vonnegut,
> B., and Moore, C. Bl; Journal of Meteorology, 14:284-285,
> 1957.) We know that BL can be intense, bright and can
> contain significant amounts of energy or they can be tenuous
> and wispy enough to see through yet retain enough energy
> to cause reddening of the skin after contact. We know that
> they frequently are loud or are humming, yet some are silent.
> They sometimes display magnetic properties. They can
> penetrate plate glass and sheet metal. They can explode
> violently, ...
> I have read of at least one occasion when a ball was black
> and I have read one report of a tornado (one which
> destroyed the first Mormon temple at Nauvoo, Illinois) in
> which the propagation of light was suppressed. ...
> there are hints of effects that resemble what might be
> termed some sort of a gravitational effect where people
> have been lifted up but not by the force of wind but rather
> by what they have discribed as an 'invisible force'. ...