25 Dec 1996 02:11:18 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Why do the planets continue to revolve?
25 Dec 1996 02:12:29 GMT
<[email protected]>
Eric Kline CANNOT DEFEND his Newton Argument - Response #
25 Dec 1996 02:13:20 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk
25 Dec 1996 02:14:20 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Eric Kline CANNOT DEFEND his Newton Argument -
Response # 2
25 Dec 1996 02:15:00 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Who (or what) are the "Zetas"?
25 Dec 1996 02:15:46 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: The "zeta" in ZetaTalk
25 Dec 1996 02:17:15 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Why do the planets continue to revolve?
25 Dec 1996 02:18:12 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Why do the planets continue to revolve?
25 Dec 1996 02:18:54 GMT
<[email protected]>
25 Dec 1996 02:20:01 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Eric Kline CANNOT DEFEND his Newton Argument - My
25 Dec 1996 18:47:41 GMT
<[email protected]>
PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - # 1
25 Dec 1996 18:48:55 GMT
<[email protected]>
PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - # 2
25 Dec 1996 21:27:18 GMT
<[email protected]>
Re: Who (or what) are the "Zetas"?
25 Dec 1996 21:26:02 GMT
<[email protected]>
PERTURBATIONS - the Zetas Explain - # 3