Re: Planetary System Similar to Sol Discovered
In Article <[email protected]> Sheep Defender wrote:
>> What if they have detected us? Does that mean they
>> have to come here? Maybe interstellar travel will
>> always be difficult or impractical regradless of
>> technology level.
> I don't think I implied that they would "have to come
> here". But have you ever thought about the possibility
> that a 5 million year old tech/civ would spare a few
> relatively small mobile colonies for the general purpose
> of the very long term exploring for other types of higher
> life?
And Sheep Defender goes on to claim that man and intelligent life on
Earth is SO unique and that's why we've not been visited or taken over,
etc. Of course we're being visited, and the reason we're NOT taken
over, eaten for lunch, or whatever, is because there are rules. We're a
kindergarden, and the drug dealers have to stay outside the fence and
wait until we ask for a conference with them. The Mother Theresa's
likewise have to wait outside the fence and wait for a conference. This
is self study. We don't get rescued. We learn to DEAL with life, and
grow up. Since reincarnation exists, dying is not the end, etc. Some
existing ZetaTalk from the Rules section of ZetaTalk.
Humans, in general, do not understand how non-interference
works. On Earth this tends to be all or nothing. You tell your
children that sex is nonexistent and punish them for thinking
about it, and then one day they are married and can have at it -
all or nothing. In between is a swamp that everyone is
distressed about - teen age petting and extramarital affairs and
the curiosity of youngsters. Theorems are taught at school as
absolutes, even when they are being questioned at the highest
levels. Absolutes are so much more comfortable, and avoid all
that unpleasant discussion. In particular, they avoid that
uncomfortable feeling that one really does not understand how
things work. Non-interference does not constitute staying
utterly away from emerging entities on 3rd Density worlds or
avoiding certain subjects because they cannot be explained
fully. This is a human concept, based on the way humans try to
control their environment, but is not how the rest of the
Universe works.
Non-interference can best be explained if you keep in mind that
nothing can be done by an alien unless it is through a human -
nothing. In this they must wait until a human gives The Call,
signaling an interest in having a conference. Ambassadors from
the Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self orientation can only
confer with humans, what humans call close encounters or
contact. Ambassadors from the Service- to-Self may promise
delivery of goods, as where one sells their soul to the devil for
gain or where your government, early on, thought they would
get alien space ship technology from their early contact with
those in the Service-to-Self. This orientation is notorious for
not telling the truth, and no technology has been gained - none.
There were, however, some souls firmly recruited into the
Service-to-Self ranks, by these maneuvers, which were within
the rules guiding alien behavior on Earth.
We are not here to rescue you. You have free will as to your
associations. Those who call us, the Service- to-Others,
receive our help and guidance. Those who call others, the
Service-to-Self, by the same token receive the help and guidance
of those others. Our activities are dictated in great part by The
Call of your peoples, singularly or as a group. For the Zetas
in the Service-to-Others orientation, ourselves who are
speaking to you, we may go outside this guideline only in order
to ensure that the genetic material we require is available for
the hybrid program. We must, in cases where this is not by
invitation, consult the Council of Worlds. Extreme measures
are taken, including removing the entity from his or her genetic
environment temporarily.
ZetaTalk, Free Will