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Re: Nancy Leider, Anti-American, etc

In Article <[email protected]> Ian wrote:
> In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
>> It is disgusting that she uses this tragedy to take cheap
>> shots at our President and corporate America.
> The reality is always; repeat; always, more complex
> that what the public is led to believe, and may
> sometimes be just as bad as Ms. Lieder and others
> claim. It is not my task to evaluate if Ms. Lieder is
> right about another financial institution being behind
> the WTC attack. I can only say that I would not be
> surprised if such evidence were brought forward. Btw,
> did you hear that they have found Bin Laden accounts
> at a UK bank?

Hardly un-American.  The Zetas said that Bin Laden did it, and was in
bed for this particular attack with a rival bank (not American) of JP
Morgan.  They did say that this is pole shift fear related, in that the
establishment had a plan in place to keep the Stock Market artificially
roaring along, and this required occasional sacrifices on the part of
this or that bank, and now that times were getting tight the time had
come to take steps that hurt, and arguments had developed as to which
bank was to go first.  JP Morgan is an extremely strong US bank, a rock
that the US government uses, and the Bush administration (no Kyoto
agreement, go back on the Arms Agreement, walk out of the Racial
Conference the week prior to the attack in sympathy with Israel rather
than the Arabs) is obviously not given to compromise.

But beyond who is to blame, putting things into perspective, what
happened at the WTC, in all it's horror, in all the orphans created, in
all the pain and grief caused, is MINUSCULE compared to what will hit in
2003.  And your elite, worldwide, KNOWS about this and is not warning
you.  They are, rather, keeping themselves on easy street by maintaining
a cover-up about the inbound Planet X while keeping an inflated Stock
Market roaring along, even to the extent of a plan to throw the wages of
the working man and woman into this (a Bush administration Social
Security plan to support Wall Street).  The Zetas have predicted, in
their Market Crash ZetaTalk put forth in late 1999, that the market will
drop to a quarter of it's current state before 2003. And when the Zetas
say "put forth losers, so that the general public might win and thus
maintain their confidence to continue to play the game that the Stock
Markets represent." to prevent a panic, just look at what happened this
past Monday when the market fell over 400 points, then corrected and
rose to only a 100 point loss or so.  Who and what stepped in to cause
that correction?  They didn't buy sliding stock to turn the tide?

Below, what the Zetas actually said about the Attack on America.

    Yes and no, this is what it seems on the surface - an
    attack by Bin Laden on the corrupt capitalist country
    that has led so many attacks on Muslim countries. But
    this attack would not have occurred unless infighting
    among the financial giants of the world, the major
    banks, had not occurred. Infighting was the instigator,
    and the primary culprit, but this culprit will not be
    the scapegoat. In the infamous attack on America on
    September 11, 2001, several unlikely bedfellows
    crawled into bed with each other, each for their own
    ends. Thus, where on the surface it seems a repeat of
    the Bin Laden attack on the World Trade Center in
    New York City, failed in the past and tried before the
    world in the courts, this was only using as the bullet a
    Muslim group that would be immediately suspect and
    placate most inquiring minds. The gun was held,
    however, by a rival bank of JP Morgan, who was
    devastated in the attack.

    The Stock Markets and worth of so much paper the
    banks and wealthy rely upon for their status and
    control are being artificially maintained at this time,
    the longer to keep these elite on their high perch.
    We mentioned in November, 1999 that cooperation
    between the world's banking giants and governments
    was in place, toward this end. One means of this
    artificial support is to put forth losers, so that the
    general public might win and thus maintain their
    confidence to continue to play the game that the
    Stock Markets represent. Key players are to enter
    the field and take a loss, aborting panic, as this is
    considered a lesser problem than a full scale panic.
    Where this plan met with general approval, now
    that tight times and a worldwide recession has
    become a reality, there is argument among the
    players. You go first, no you go first, and these
    arguments have gotten heated. Many felt the time
    would never come, so agreement was only in
    principal, not from the heart. Thus those in the
    financial field with greater clout, threatened to
    force lesser participants to be the loser, and dark
    thoughts crossed many minds.

    During the day of the attack,`thgre were0tK{á)
,  "´jiï{ |èat stood out from the horror and stunned
    confusion that goes with any unexpected

    1. The first was the absence of the President
       from a role of confrontation and comfort.
       He was hiding, on the run, not seen as in
       command, and took hours to even muster
       a presence other than a statement or two
       repeating the obvious. It was clear to all
       that the Vice President, remaining in the
       White House, was running things. The
       lack of leadership was so apparent that this
       was mentioned repeatedly by the newscasters.

    2. The second was the repeated mention that
       such a well planned and executed attack
       had to have more than the usual terrorist
       support, had to be supported by or in
       countries unnamed. Muslim pilots were
       trained in major aircraft operations,
       undoubtedly in training simulation settings.
       Were they referring to Afghanistan,
       primitive and suffering from drought so
       severe the people are starving? They were
       referring to a sophisticated country, with
       the infrastructure capable of training
       Muslim pilots on the flight deck of these
       major commercial aircraft.

    3. The third was that the CIA had been
       clueless, a trend of late but so complete a
       blackout had occurred that it seemed
       beyond belief. Had this occurred in prior
       terrorist attacks? The terrorists were
       familiar enough with US airport security
       and the routines and roles of the staff to be
       able to successfully commandeer four planes,
       delivering the payload of three of them into
       the New York skyline and the Pentagon
       itself. Not only was the CIA in the dark, it
       seems the intel went in the other direction!

    The heads of the US government were too
    frightened, the attack too well planned and
    executed, for this to be just a terrorist attack. And
    JP Morgan affiliates resided on several floors of the
    World Trade Center and were a casualty of the
    sudden devastation - executives, records, and
    confidence of the market and public in dealing
    with them going out in a flash. The target was the
    banking systems holding the US and their elite and
    wealthy ABOVE those in Europe, in the arrogant
    manner Bush and his masters have employed of
    late. To understand the main target, and the
    support relationships causing a relative collapse
    among the wealthy and holdings of the US elite
    versus others, one needs to know the complex and
    mostly secret relationships between bonding banks,
    new issue of stock, loans between banks and
    governments, agreements with the Fed, and who
    holds what holdings privately or publicly! JP
    Morgan was the target, as a bank. The stock they
    were supporting, via their subsidiaries or associates,
    will suffer.
        ZetaTalk™, Attack on America