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Re: Nancy Leider, Anti-American, etc

In Article <[email protected]> Jon Kvebaek wrote:
> But do you really think a lasting decline would benefit a
> conspiracy of bankers as described in Nancy's insane rants?
> We all lose - persons, companies (look at the insurance and airport
> industry) and banks.  Nancy's theories are too stupid.
> The only "conspiracy" I can see here is that of a small group of
> organisations/individuals, not a slew of European banks.  Only a
> right-wing american conspiracy kook could come up with such
> ideas. Like Nancy Lieder.

Interesting tidbit on the website, reporting from Iran,
on the Brits, albeit without names and sources.

    Some even are suggesting that the deadly suicide attacks
    on New York and Washington were crafted by the
    ever-cunning British. "The explosions in America cannot
    be analysed without taking a look at the behind-the-scenes
    hands of the British," one commentator was reported to
    have said last week. "The aim of these explosions was to
    pull America down from its unique superpower position
    and to rejuvenate Britain's past rule over the world," he said. "Iran's Media Denounce British Meddling"

What the Zetas said on Sept 13th, within days of the attack, and on the
tt-watch mailing list on the 14th, and on Echelon within a week after
the attack, was:

    The target was the banking systems holding the US and
    their elite and wealthy ABOVE those in Europe, in the
    arrogant manner Bush and his masters have employed
    of late. To understand the main target, and the support
    relationships causing a relative collapse among the
    wealthy and holdings of the US elite versus others, one
    needs to know the complex and mostly secret relationships
    between bonding banks, new issue of stock, loans between
    banks and governments, agreements with the Fed, and
    who holds what holdings privately or publicly!
        ZetaTalk™, Attack on America

By the 14th
    The Troubled Times tt-watch mailing list was begging to
    know WHICH bank, and I shared what the Zetas had been
    telling me, that it was an English bank.

              From:  Nancy Lieder <[email protected]>
              Date:  Fri Sep 14, 2001  10:55 am
              Subject:  Re: [tt-watch] So is Bank of America behind it?

              I'm told we should look to England.

    England no longer trusts the US, since the maneuver of
    wrenching the Presidential election from the rightful
    electee, Gore. Where this was deemed a partisan issue in
    the press, it was clear to those who knew otherwise that
    strong arm tactics were going to be allowed, done boldly
    and without shame or fear of repercussion. Anything
    goes. Corporate interests in the US would be pushed
    overriding all agreements with other countries or the law.
    This had been the Republican agenda in any case,
    increasingly, but now all the stops would be pulled.
    Arms agreements with Russia tossed into the wastebasket.
    Refusal to even consider Global Warming issues, the
    current explanation for the wild weather devastating the
    entire globe, in the Kyoto summit. America first, always,
    and to hell with anyone else. No ethics. No regret. And
    thus deep distrust of a former ally has developed in all
    countries still publicly calling the US a friend.
        ZetaTalk™, Echelon

And I suspect the Iranians are NOT reading ZetaTalk. So .. Zetas right