Re: The Genesis of Spin
In Article <[email protected]> Astrodomesam wrote:
> I am searching for current theories and opinions as to
> what physical mechanisms impart/cause the spin of
> planetary bodies on an axis, the motion of planetary
> bodies around the sun, the motion of galaxies
> revolving around their central cores.
Posing the question of why we have SPIN, at all, much less spin that
affects suns and planets (rotation), solar systems (ecliptic planes),
and glaxies that seem to be consistent far outside of a random pattern.
The answers to this man's questions have variously been:
2. ANGULAR MOTION: Spinning things shrink and can spin faster then so
the original direction can be accentuated. This begs the question of
WHY they can spin faster, or would want to. What would be causing the
increase in speed? This clearly relevant factor has been avoided.
In Article <[email protected]> Louis Newstrom wrote:
> Also, angular motion is conserved. Just as a spinning ice
> skater pulls her arms in to spin faster, a collapsing cloud
> which has only a slight (average) rotation will rotate faster
> and faster as it shrinks, eventually forming a body that is
> spinning much faster than the original cloud.
Existing ZetaTalk on who spin increase with a diminished center is
possible, and why the factor CAUSING spin in the first place must be
considered in this:
Spin is a phenomenon that occurs regularly in nature and
is frequently observed on Earth, from the large swirls that
hurricanes form to the small tornadoes in the middle of
water going down the drain. The fact that such a spin
moves in different directions when it is above or below the
equator gives evidence that spin is affected by factors
outside of itself. The phenomenon of spin is observable
when the object in motion is not constrained. Air and
water are fluid, but spinning tops or figure skaters on ice
also demonstrate the phenomena. The theoretical speed
of a spin is fastest toward the center of the spinning object,
a factor easily noted by comparing hurricane wind speeds
with those at the center of tornadoes. But why the
Spin on the surface of the Earth reflects what is occurring
in the core of the Earth. If the Earth were not rotating, its
core moving to escape or pull toward other matter in the
Solar System and beyond, then spin would be affected only
by the various attractions or repulsion the spinning object
itself has to its immediate neighborhood. All objects on the
face of the Earth have these same influences from the core
of the Earth, but this is not evident due to lack of fluidity
or lack of motion. Spin in an object develops slowly, and is
only evident to man when accumulated. Thus, water in a
water fall has spin, but the water at the bottom of the fall
cannot affect the water at the top, so the spin is not
compounded. Water in a drain compounds the spin at the
top by affecting the path of least resistance for the water at
the top of the drain, and thus the little tornadoes in draining
Spin occurs faster when the spinning object is narrow as
there are fewer factors to counter the spin. A large air mass
such as is moving during a hurricane is spread out over a
larger area of the core of the Earth, and thus the impetus to
move with the core is countered by the fact that one of the
outer edges, the one on the pole side, is lined up over core
parts that are moving slower than the other outer edge, the
one on the equator side. Thus small tops can spin faster for
the given impetus than large tops, and figure skaters find
they can spin faster by reducing their overall size by drawing
their arms in and hugging themselves.
ZetaTalk, Spin