Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis Shift in Cayce Quotes
In Article <[email protected]> I Dont wrote:
> In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>> In Article <[email protected]> David Knisely wrote:
>>> Hmmm... I think the question should be: Why, if the
>>> Earth is "aligning with a master, the Sun"... does a
>>> reversal of the Sun's magnetic field not cause the
>>> Earth to flip over?
>>> The sun's field doesn't have a direct impact on our field
>>> of the earth, ...
>> And this is why the two magnetic planets close to the
>> Sun, the Earth and Mercury, both have the SAME
>> POLARITY, the same direction, etc? Because they are
>> not listening to a master, are not in sync, etc?
> I guess you're arguing with Knisely here, but what about
> my question concerning the Earth not flipping over in
> response to the Sun's field reversal?
The Sun reversing is a THEORY, only, postulated to explain wandering
poles and apparent pole reversals on the Earth, as evidenced by the
magnetic alignment of the crust as frozen in hardened lava, etc. Some
existing ZetaTalk on that ..
The Earth's polarity, where the magnetic North Pole
points consistently in one direction as though focused
on a distant point in the Universe, does not change,
ever. This is an illusion, a hypothesis that humans
have concocted to explain what they find in the
Earth's crust. In this hypothesis, they are assuming
that the Earth's crust does not move about, but it does.
What humans are measuring is the confusion in the
crust, and not the direction of the magnetic North Pole.
Between pole shifts, however, there are slight
movements of the magnetic North Pole, especially
during the time just before and after a pole shift -
approximately a hundred years on either side. The
giant comet [Planet X] speaks to the Earth from afar.
Scientists who do not buy into the pole shift will
argue endlessly that it is the poles that move and
reverse ....
ZetaTalk, Pole Reversal
The wandering poles attest to prior pole shifts but
don't give a true picture, as many times poles situate
over oceans or land that subsequently submerges,
areas unexplored by modern man. Humans
measure the significance of pole shifts by their
variance from today's poles, where in fact the
measure should be from the pole's placement prior
to the shift. What is termed a wandering pole is
mankind's best efforts to trace the placement of the
poles, dating the record in hardened magma which
captures the moment's magnetic alignment. The
Ice Ages, occurring over northern Europe and
America, are also written records of when poles
were situated over those spots. Pole shifts can be as
slight as a few degrees or close to 180 degrees,
the most extreme case. ...
Dramatic reversals happen rarely, as [Planet X]
must virtually come between the Earth and the
Sun to have this much influence. This happens in
only 15% of the pole shifts, as where this
vulnerable position constitutes perhaps 30% of
the possible arc, the range of possibility is such
that the Earth may be on the opposite side of the
Sun just as often as not, cutting these odds in half.
When the Sun stands between the Earth and
[Planet X] there is, in essence, no pole shift but
simple tension and compression in the crust,
expressed as increased earthquakes and volcanism.
This safety zone constitutes another 40% of the
possible arc. The remaining 45% of the arc
experiences alignment shifts, rather than
opposition shifts. Thus, the wandering Poles
reflect 15% massive opposition movement, where
the North Pole is tipped backwards away from
[Planet X], balanced by 45% minor alignment
movement, where the North Pole is tipped forward
slightly to line up with the 12th Planet's magnetic
This finds the records of where the North and
South Poles have been, in the main, essentially
close to their position at present. Mankind is
missing at least half the record, those former
poles which are now under water, but the
pattern would not look much different with
these missing pieces added. Human written and
verbal history will not serve man well in
preparation for the forthcoming pole shift, as a
shift as devastating as this one will be has not
occurred even within the past 50,000 years. Even
The Flood was merely the result of two minor
shifts, back to back - one to displace the South
Pole so that partial melting and softening started,
and the second to break and drop the suspended
ice into the ocean.
ZetaTalk, Wandering Poles
Note: diagram on page