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Pole Shifts in the Sun 1

was Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis shift in Cayce quotes

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote:
> Nancy Lieder <[email protected]> writes:
>>> This is a known fact.
>> I went to this site and followed the links, searching for 
>> the method by which NASA et all are claiming that the 
>> Sun's magnetic field reverses every so often.  What it 
>> boils down to is that this is a THEORY, backed up by 
>> descriptions of sunflare activity, which this theory 
>> ASSUMES is magnetic in cause.  A theory, only. No 
>> one has taken a compass there, for instance.  

Craig then presented several sites in support of the current human
theories about magnetic reversals. I need several postings to respond to
these, and will take them one at a time. The first site presented the
Zeeman Effect.  

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote: 
> Here is how the solar magnetic field is measured, 
> expressed in more technical terms.  The Zeeman effect 
> is detected and very well calibrated on earth.

I went to this site and found a comparison of the behavior of the atom
to what is being observed on the surface of the Sun.  Somehow, we make
that leap.  Again, assumed, observed, a theory, etc., and the leap.  I

    The Zeeman Effect ... The atomic energy levels, the 
    transitions between these levels, and the associated 
    spectral lines discussed to this point have implicitly 
    ASSUMED that there are no magnetic fields 
    influencing the atom.  ... The pattern and amount of 
    splitting are a signature that a magnetic field is present, 
    and of its strength.  ... the Zeeman effect can be 
    INTERPRETED in terms of the precession of the 
    orbital angular momentum vector in the magnetic 
    field, SIMILAR to the precession of the axis of a 
    spinning top in a gravitational field. ... As a 
    consequence, when looking directly down on a sunspot 
    (which have strong magnetic fields) typically only two
    of the three transitions shown above CAN BE SEEN 
    and the line is OBSERVED to split into two rather 
    than three lines (the missing transition could be 
    observed from a different angle where its light would 
    not be suppressed by the polarization effect, but it is 
    very weak when observed from directly overhead).