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Pole Shifts in the Sun 2

was Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis shift in Cayce quotes

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote:
> Nancy Lieder <[email protected]> writes:
>> What it boils down to is that this is a THEORY, backed 
>> up by descriptions of sunflare activity, which this theory 
>> ASSUMES is magnetic in cause.

Craig presented several sites in support of the current human theories
about magnetic reversals. The second site gave the current NASA
explaination, which sites observations, ideas, theories, and models. 

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote: 
> A graphical depiction of the solar magnetic field 
> shows how the measured polarity changes.  The 
> white and dark bands at the north and south rotational 
> poles (top & bottom) exchange places, representing
> the flip in the magnetic poles.

I went to this site and could find nothing more than observations. 
Models, ideas, believed, observations, no measurement of magnetic
field!  The word magnetic is thrown about, when it all traces back to
observations and theories and ideas, etc.  I quote:

    It is widely BELIEVED that the Sun's magnetic 
    field is generated by a magnetic dynamo within the 
    Sun. ... A successful MODEL for the solar dynamo 
    must explain several OBSERVATIONS: 
    1) the 11-year period of the sunspot cycle,
    2) the equator-ward drift of the active latitude ... 
    3) Hale's polarity law and the 22-year magnetic cycle, 
    4) Joy's law for the observed tilt of sunspot groups and, 
    5) the reversal of the polar magnetic fields near the 
       time of cycle maximum 

    Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents. 
    [Wrong! See ZetaTalk argument following.]
    Early MODELS of the Sun's magnetic dynamo worked 
    on the IDEA that the dynamo activity occurs throughout
    the entire convection zone. .... This led to the IDEA 
    that the Sun's magnetic field is being produced in the 
    interface layer between the radiative zone and the 
    convection zone.