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Pole Shifts in the Sun 3

was Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis shift in Cayce quotes

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote:
> Nancy Lieder <[email protected]> writes:
>> What it boils down to is that this is a THEORY, backed 
>> up by descriptions of sunflare activity, which this theory 
>> ASSUMES is magnetic in cause.

Craig presented several sites in support of the current human theories
about magnetic reversals. The third presented Hales Polarity Law, again
observations, theories, etc.  

In Article  <[email protected]> Craig Markwardt wrote: 
> The polarities of sunspot pairs also reverses from one 
> solar cycle to the next.

I went to this site and could find nothing more than observations,
again, and speculation of what sunspots and plaques and the changing
surface of the Sun might mean.  A theory, generated to explain what was
observed, is later cited as "evidence" for some reason, and the word
"magnetic" is used all over the place, when when it is all only a theory
based on observations. I quote:

    Hale's sunspot polarity law ... This SLIDE SHOWS 
    two solar magnetograms taken in the descending
    phases of cycles 21 and 22. ... SUNSPOTS and 
    PLAGUES are ... LARGE REGIONS of a given 
    magnetic polarity. The WHITE LINES trace the 
    the first decade of the 20 century by G.H. Hale, and 
    is known as Hale's Polarity Law. ... Hale's Polarity 
    Law is EVIDENCE for large-scale order underlying 
    what would otherwise seem to be a purely stochastic 