Re: Honest Question...Poleshift and the Pyramids...Pole/Axis Shift in Cayce Quotes
In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> Since the Zeta's are so into magnetic fields, I'm surprised
> that they don't know that Auroras are downward flowing
> electrons, accelerated by the electric fields in the Earth's
> magnetosphere hitting the upper atmosphere.
Another THEORY, Jim. Do you charge your battery by this? Something
other than a theory, please.
In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> It is not uncommon for Aurora alerts days in
> advance when solar flares are observed. There have been
> several this year, accurately predicting Aurora activity.
> The Zetas didn't know this?
Here we go again, with a theory based on a THEORY. What do solar flares
have to do with magnetism? Please see the Pole Shifts in the Sun
In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> Light can be bent however. Astronomers use a technique
> called Gravitational Lensing to view distant objects. In a
> way, the light from the universe is seen in a warped way,
> although not really confusing. Astronomers have learned
> to use this to their advantage. The Zetas didn't know this
> either?
Gee, I as a kid knew this when I looked at my feet in the water! This is
only the light rays that REACH the astronomer's however, who might also
be standing in the water and staring at their feet to see the light
bending effect. Is this supposed to prove something, Jim?
In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> And what glare is happening at the equator to cover the
> Auroras? Do the people who live along the equator know
> about this glare? Does this mean they have to wear
> sunglasses at night?
Tell you what, I'll shin a spotlight in your eyes and ask you to tell me
about a candle flickering in the corner. Maybe wearing sunglasses will
In Article <[email protected]> Jim wrote:
> Clear Skies
> Jim
Well, that won't help if you have a closed mind.
Clear Thinking,