Re: OK Nancy, Where Is It?
The Small Kahuna ([email protected]) wrote:
> If one were to assume that the crust did in fact move,
> it is not too much of a stretch to imagine such an
> event making the maintenance of historical records
> somewhat difficult, so you have a self-erasing event.
Indeed, and the chaos that ensues was well recorded during the Exodus.
When this time comes in 2003, the Bush Administration and their rich
buddies (ala Enron) will be safely away in enclaves protected by the
beefed up military, who will be protecting them from the taxpayers, ala
the mob. Ever wonder why they were so DESPERATE to gain the White House
that they had to STOP THE COUNTING of ballots. This is a democracy?
Ages in Chaos, Prophecy, by Velikovsky
The history of Egypt reaches back to hoary antiquity;
the Jewish people (have ) a history that claims to
describe the very beginning of (their) nation's march
through the centuries. They bore the yoke of bondage
(in Egypt). Historians have agreed that (their)
Exodus took place during the period called .. the New
Kingdom of Egypt. ... The beginning of the New
Kingdom is established to have been about 1580 B.C.
Ages in Chaos, An Egyptian Eyewitness, by Velikovsky
The (Egyptian) papyrus containing the words of Ipuwer
... according to its first possessor, Anastasi, was found
in the neighborhood of the pyramids of Saqqara. In
1909 the text was published by Alan H. Gardiner. The
text points to the historical character of the situation.
Egypt was in distress; the social system had become
disorganized; violence filled the land. Invaders preyed
upon the defenseless population; the rich were stripped
of everything and slept in the open, and the poor took
their possessions. ... Compare some passages from the
Book of Exodus (with) the papyrus.
Papyrus 2:5-6 Plague is throughout the land. Blood is
2:10 The river is blood.
Exodus 7:21 There was blood throughout all the land of
7:20 All the waters that were in the river were
turned to blood.
Papyrus 2:10 Men shrink from tasting .. and thirst after
Exodus 7:24 And all the Egyptians digged round about
the river for water to drink; for they could
not drink of the water of the river.
Payrus 2:8 Forsooth, the land turns round as does a
potter's wheel.
2:11 The towns are destroyed.
7:4 The residence is destroyed in a minute.
Papyrus 2:10 Forsooth, gates, columns and walls are
consumed by fire.
Exodus 9:23 The fire ran along the ground. There was
hail, and fire mingled with the hail.
Papyrus 4:14 Trees are destroyed.
6:1 No fruit or herbs are found.
Exodus 9:25 And the hail smote every herb of the field,
and brake every tree of the field.
Papyrus 4:3 Forsooth, the children of princes are
dashed against the walls.
Exodus 12:27 (The Angel of the Lord) smote the
Papyrus 9:11 The land is not light.
Exodus 10:22 And there was a thick darkness in all the
land of Egypt.
There was no longer any royal power in Egypt. In the
following weeks the cities turned into scenes of looting.
Justice ceased to function. The catastrophe that
rendered Egypt defenseless was a signal to the tribes of
the Arabian desert. The Egyptians did not defend
Papyrus 6:9 Forsooth, the laws of the judgment-hall
are cast forth. Men walk upon them in the public
6:7 Forsooth, public offices are opened and their
census-lists are taken away.
10:3 The storehouse of the king is the common
property of everyone.
10:3-6 Lower Egypt weeps. The entire palace is
without its revenues. To it belong (by right)
wheat and barley, geese and fish.
14:11 There are none found to stand and protect