Planet X: Jan 5th Image (was Re: ZetaTalk Bashing: Cuts Both Ways)
In Article: <[email protected]> Open Minded wrote:
>> If I interpret what the Zetas said, outside of this direct
>> transciption process, it is NANCYTALK. They told
>> me to plunk a circle and when I drew it where I sensed
>> they wanted it and they said 'good enough' to me.
>> (the 1/5 image was within, but not dead centered) it
>> was MY circle which they were telling me was close
>> enough.
> NO NO NO! Please stop. You have circled absolutely
> empty sky on one of my images and a star that has been
> imaged there for many decades on the other.
I'll recap the Jan 5th discussion in the next couple posts and then get
to WHERE, within the original red circle I drew, the Jan 5th image of
Planet X was captured. Open Minded is WRONG on both counts. He's also
contradicting his original statement and calling Bob May a liar. Like
the Dec 31, 1983 front page Washington Post article on the IRAS teams
discovery of Planet X, during a time of excitement before the need for a
coverup took the fore again. Folks speak openly, and then say "Opps,
what's that coverup line again? Hand me the megaphone and I'll blat it
out!" Maybe Open Minded got some heat. More on heat later.
The red circle drawn on a copy of Open Minded's Jan 5th image was first
presented to sci.astro on Jan 6th, in my first response to his posting.
In that posting, I present
- the image where I drew the circle
- inverted image showing the NEW blob
> My red circled SPOT:
> which by the way shows up on an inverted JPG image that
> a Troubled Times member made:
(Posting at
Both Bob May and Open Minded then found some "noise" inside the circle I
drew, which they both described as being Mag 20 or so:
> Bob May wrote:
>> Actually, Nancy did find a very faint piece of noise to
>> encircle although she didn't get it centered on. I used
>> Irfanview to invert and then gamma correct, brightness
>> and contrast enhance the image and found a splotch of
>> a slightly brighter image in the area of her circle.
> Open Minded wrote:
>> In fact there is something at that location on both the
>> PSS-1 and PSS-2 red images.
(Posting at
Then I posted an image analysis sent to me via private email, which make
the point that the NEW blob is far too strong for the Jan 5th image, in
that all other stars and object are fainter on the Jan 5th than on the
comparison Palomar, in accordance with exposure time.
> The Palomar 45 Minute CCD shows dim objects
> about twice as strong as the Zeta Coordinates 20
> Minute CCD, so one would assume that if SOMETHING
> were within the red circle it should be twice as strong
> in the Palomar as in the Zeta Coordinates CCD. But
> the opposite is the case.
> Nancy,
>> I took the original image, and made some simple
>> photoshop enhancements, that anybody can
>> replicate if they want to. All I did was change the:
>> 1) Brightness
>> 2) Contrast
>> 3) and Inverted colors
>> I showed each step, on each picture, and you are
>> dead on correct!
> Which I've on my web site at:
(Posting at