Re: Planet X Animated GIF
In Article <[email protected]> Duncan wrote:
> I've put together an animated GIF file of NEAT
> SKyMorph images of the relevant area of sky,
The doctored ones, or undoctored? Dave Tholen and the other Neat NEAT
Trick folks have had some time to do their magic. Recall, on the
Planet X: Neat NEAT Trick
Planet X: Changing the Past?
threads last February, Steve Havas wrote:
When I was trying to bring up the NEAT images
from Dec. 16/2001 that IMO had on his site
... all three pictures come up with only a small
part viewable in the shape of a cross and says
there are serious astrometry errors with the
image. When I go to see the actual .fits file
most of the data appears to be missing.
Definitely someone has been in there I think
for it to look like that and it has to have been
recent otherwise IMO would not have been
able to post those image on his website...
Steve Havas
NEAT image at
In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lieder wrote:
> In Article <[email protected]> Nancy Lieder wrote:
>> Steve Havas ([email protected]) wrote:
>>>> A second set of infrared images of Planet X was taken
>>>> on Jan 19, 2002. The Haute-Provence Observatory ..
>>> I see Dave Tholen has not made any comments yet...
>>> Does this image speak for itself?
>> Dave is waiting for instructions from his handlers.
> And he apparently GOT them! I received a note from
> Steve Havas regarding a new NEAT image recently
> taken and trumped by Tholen debunking the Jan 19th
> imaging of Planet X, claiming that it also shows up a
> year earlier.
> Nancy, when I was finally able to bring up the .fits
> file of the NEAT image (2001-01-17) I was able to
> confirm that they do show an existing object exactly
> where the object is in the Jan 19/2002 image. The
> other object that was shown on the Jan 19, 2002
> image (below and left when inverted and rotated)
> is not present.
> Steve Havas