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Planet X vs the Sun (was Re: Aurora Warning: Possible Geomagnetic Storm at Middle Latitudes May 23-24)

I've been asked, by private email, to enter this debate with ZetaTalk
arguments.  This was under the thread: 
Re: Aurora Warning: Possible Geomagnetic Storm at Middle Latitudes May 23-24

    Along with TIMED, a fleet of observatories in space 
    and on the ground observed a powerful flare April 21 
    as part of the Max Millennium program. The program, 
    sponsored by NASA as part of the Reuven Ramaty 
    High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) 
    mission, focuses on solar active regions with the 
    potential to produce storm activity. Every 24 hours, 
    an e-mail message with the current target is sent to 
    participating observatories so that coordinated 
    observations can be made.
        Article <[email protected]>
        NASA et al

Whereupon Charles Cagle went wild.  

In Article <240520021621311113%[email protected]> Charles Cagle wrote
> A large percentage of the people who read this warning 
> will not live through the effects upon the biosphere 
> which a mode change of the Earth's field will bring about.

In Article <260520021515004601%[email protected]> Charles Cagle wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, Joe Mehaffey wrote:
>> But Mr. Cagle is speaking NOT of communications 
>> disruptions,  but of the possibility of a geomagnetic storm 
>> causing a magnetic pole reveral and killing us all.
> It's not going to kill us all.  But I believe that it will kill 
> from one third to two thirds of the people on the Earth
> and that's two to four billion people.

In Article <[email protected]> Johan wrote:
> Pardon me for coming in so late and not knowing, 
> but what are the effects?  How does dipole reversal 
> kill organisms?
>> Millions of people and thousands of species have 
>> been wiped out by the effects of dipole reversal events 
>> in the past.  

I'm responding with several postings, titled below, with quotes from all

[1] Solar Disinformation PLAN
[2] Solar Effect ACTUAL
[3] NOT Reversals but EXCURSION
[4] NO Solar Reversals in Evidence
[5] CRUST Movement Issue
[6] Continental RIP Issue
[7] Rotation STOPPAGE re Shift
[8] Why the Disinfo?